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Homeopathy for Schizophrenia - Introduction to Homeopathic Treatment - 2 DVDs

Mahesh Gandhi

publication: 2013
product no.: 13946
weight: 100g

Seminar on video: 2 DVDs, ca. 2 hours total length

Homeopathy for Schizophrenia - Introduction to Homeopathic Treatment - 2 DVDs

Mahesh Gandhi

Mental Health Seminar of March 23, 2012 - Presentation by Dr. Mahesh Gandhi
48.90 US$
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publication: 2013
product no.: 13946
weight: 100g

Seminar on video: 2 DVDs, ca. 2 hours total length

Schizophrenia is a mental disorder which profoundly affects the sufferer’s personality. Dr. Mahesh Gandhi opens up new ways of understanding, classifying and treating this complex disease.

Mahesh Gandhi gives a detailed explanation of a case in which he prescribed Lac equinum (horse milk). He uses this case to illustrate Freud’s structural model of the psyche and explain the psychodynamics of schizophrenia.
In doing so, he picks up on points which are critical for the homeopathic treatment of this disorder, e.g. the relevance of the mood symptoms. Other cases of Leprominium, Hydrogenium and Rosa californica follow.

Important questions are explored such as:
- What factors can trigger schizophrenia?
- What role is played by miasms?
- Which remedies from humans, animals, the periodic table or certain plant families can be helpful?

He also talks about his personal categorisation of schizophrenia, the result of his clinical experience. Dr. M. Gandhi is a psychiatrist and draws on the immeasurable wealth of experience he has gained over years in practice. He is a member of the Bombay group around Dr. Sankaran and much in demand as a lecturer all over the world because of his extensive homeopathic knowledge. Hardly any other homeopath has such a deep understanding of the connections between homeopathy and mental disorders and can explain them so vividly.

DVD 1:
- Case Study: Lac equinum
- Freudian Concept (id, ego and super-ego), Schizophrenia, Psychosis and Source

DVD 2:
- Remedy Profile Lac equinum
- Schizophrenia: Definition, Causes, Classification
- Case Study: Leprominium
- Case Study: Hydrogenium
- Case Study: Rosa californica

You can also purchase the complete DVD set of the Mental Health Congress.

48.90 US$
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Schizophrenia is a mental disorder which profoundly affects the sufferer’s personality. Dr. Mahesh Gandhi opens up new ways of understanding, classifying and treating this complex disease.

Mahesh Gandhi gives a detailed explanation of a case in which he prescribed Lac equinum (horse milk). He uses this case to illustrate Freud’s structural model of the psyche and explain the psychodynamics of schizophrenia.
In doing so, he picks up on points which are critical for the homeopathic treatment of this disorder, e.g. the relevance of the mood symptoms. Other cases of Leprominium, Hydrogenium and Rosa californica follow.

Important questions are explored such as:
- What factors can trigger schizophrenia?
- What role is played by miasms?
- Which remedies from humans, animals, the periodic table or certain plant families can be helpful?

He also talks about his personal categorisation of schizophrenia, the result of his clinical experience. Dr. M. Gandhi is a psychiatrist and draws on the immeasurable wealth of experience he has gained over years in practice. He is a member of the Bombay group around Dr. Sankaran and much in demand as a lecturer all over the world because of his extensive homeopathic knowledge. Hardly any other homeopath has such a deep understanding of the connections between homeopathy and mental disorders and can explain them so vividly.

DVD 1:
- Case Study: Lac equinum
- Freudian Concept (id, ego and super-ego), Schizophrenia, Psychosis and Source

DVD 2:
- Remedy Profile Lac equinum
- Schizophrenia: Definition, Causes, Classification
- Case Study: Leprominium
- Case Study: Hydrogenium
- Case Study: Rosa californica

You can also purchase the complete DVD set of the Mental Health Congress.

This product is not available at the moment.
48.90 US$
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