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Unusual remedies in the treatment of Cancer - 1 DVD

Dr. Sunirmal Sarkar

publication: 2014
product no.: 17120
weight: 85g

1 Video - DVD Length approx. 1,5 h
The DVD can be played in two languages, English or German

Unusual remedies in the treatment of Cancer - 1 DVD

Dr. Sunirmal Sarkar

"Homeopathy from Childhood to Old Age Congress 2014” at March 15, in Bad Krozingen Germany
30.90 US$
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publication: 2014
product no.: 17120
weight: 85g

1 Video - DVD Length approx. 1,5 h
The DVD can be played in two languages, English or German

The homeopathic treatment of severely ill patients requires considerable experience. Every day in his practice,
Sunirmal Sarkar treats patients who have lost hope in conventional medicine. The Indian doctor describes how he helps such patients with homeopathic remedies that either palliate or in many cases even heal.

Frequently called a “walking materia medica”, he is known not just for his case histories, which are impressively documented with laboratory test results, but also for his choice of minor remedies such as Curcuma for a case of pancreatic cancer. The cases dealt with here are above all oncological and demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of each patient with, for example, a previous history of frequent tonsillitis recognized as a major causative factor.
The cases include: thyroid cancer – Tarentula cubensis; pancreatic cancer – Turmeric (Curcuma longa) 30c, Carcinosinum, Scirrhinum; pancreatic cancer – Aesculus; pancreatic cancer with liver metastases – Arsenicum album; advanced gallbladder tumour – Ammonium muriaticum.; endometriosis with malignancy – Apis; ovarian cancer – Cisplatin (potentized cytostatic drug), Ignatia; lung cancer – Dulcamara – as well as Cholesterinum, Fell tauri for gallstones and Streptococcinum for Sydenham‘s chorea. When it has been possible to get to the root of the
problem (here the chorea), the symptoms can finally heal.

In another section, Sarkar looks at the homeopathic application of cytotoxic substances. Brief video clips document the successful use of these remedies. He subsequently explains their individual mode of action – Methotraxate, Paclitaxol, Cisplatin, Cyclophosphamide, Doxorubicin , Bleomycin, Flutamide, 5-Fluorouracil, Vincristine.

Even though in many countries we will not see such advanced cases of cancer in our practices, this presentation is an impressive example of the extraordinary power of homeopathy to effect cures where conventional medicine
has given up. The virtuoso style with which the cases are handled, especially the description of how to use potentized cytostatic drugs, makes this talk particularly valuable for daily practice.

You can also purchase the complete DVD set of the “Homeopathy – from Childhood to Old Age Congress 2014”


30.90 US$
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The homeopathic treatment of severely ill patients requires considerable experience. Every day in his practice,
Sunirmal Sarkar treats patients who have lost hope in conventional medicine. The Indian doctor describes how he helps such patients with homeopathic remedies that either palliate or in many cases even heal.

Frequently called a “walking materia medica”, he is known not just for his case histories, which are impressively documented with laboratory test results, but also for his choice of minor remedies such as Curcuma for a case of pancreatic cancer. The cases dealt with here are above all oncological and demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of each patient with, for example, a previous history of frequent tonsillitis recognized as a major causative factor.
The cases include: thyroid cancer – Tarentula cubensis; pancreatic cancer – Turmeric (Curcuma longa) 30c, Carcinosinum, Scirrhinum; pancreatic cancer – Aesculus; pancreatic cancer with liver metastases – Arsenicum album; advanced gallbladder tumour – Ammonium muriaticum.; endometriosis with malignancy – Apis; ovarian cancer – Cisplatin (potentized cytostatic drug), Ignatia; lung cancer – Dulcamara – as well as Cholesterinum, Fell tauri for gallstones and Streptococcinum for Sydenham‘s chorea. When it has been possible to get to the root of the
problem (here the chorea), the symptoms can finally heal.

In another section, Sarkar looks at the homeopathic application of cytotoxic substances. Brief video clips document the successful use of these remedies. He subsequently explains their individual mode of action – Methotraxate, Paclitaxol, Cisplatin, Cyclophosphamide, Doxorubicin , Bleomycin, Flutamide, 5-Fluorouracil, Vincristine.

Even though in many countries we will not see such advanced cases of cancer in our practices, this presentation is an impressive example of the extraordinary power of homeopathy to effect cures where conventional medicine
has given up. The virtuoso style with which the cases are handled, especially the description of how to use potentized cytostatic drugs, makes this talk particularly valuable for daily practice.

You can also purchase the complete DVD set of the “Homeopathy – from Childhood to Old Age Congress 2014”


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30.90 US$
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