Homeopathy and natural medicine
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Buch: 224 pages, pb
publication: 2008
product no.: 04836
weight: 345g
ISBN: 978-3-939931-59-1 9783939931591
The Homeopathic Way of Healing
13 Amazing Stories
19.60 US$
5.30 US$
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  • available immediately, ready to ship within 2-3 working days
Buch: 224 pages, pb
publication: 2008
product no.: 04836
weight: 345g
ISBN: 978-3-939931-59-1 9783939931591

An enchanting introduction to homeopathy as it has never been made before, offering thirteen selected cases from world-renowned homeopathic physicians, such as Rajan Sankaran and Jan Scholten, which were independently verified. The authors were so dedicated to this task that they travelled around the world in order not to have to rely solely on the therapists’ accounts. They visited all of the cured patients in their homes and let them speak in their own surroundings. This lends an authenticity that has hitherto not existed in homeopathic literature.

The authors: A sensitive homeopathic physician and his wife, a journalist, with astonishing skill. They took it upon themselves to record especially interesting, exciting or touching life stories of patients who all share something in common; they were healed by homeopathy and experienced what this wonderful approach to medicine can bring about - to become “whole again”.
What may appear to be simply a stroke of luck in an individual case does indeed prove itself as a method that can be learned. It can thus be understood by the reader how each therapist found the necessary remedy. We become acquainted with people such as the Indian executive, who was partially paralyzed by a herniated disc and was soon able to walk again after a dose of his remedy; Maria, who was born with a handicap but able to perform well in school with the help of homeopathy; a woman from the Netherlands, whose remedy helped her to feel her body again after 30 years of numbness, resulting from a severe burning incident.

Yes, sometimes the entire lives of these patients have dramatically changed through homeopathic treatment.
The book depicts the entire scope of modern homeopathy and is thus of great current interest. The experienced therapist will also become acquainted with new remedy pictures. A highly interesting work, which is sure to win new friends of homeopathy and which, we hope, will find a wide following! This book has become specially popular in homeopathic waiting rooms. The convincing stories have the power to turn people to homeopathy.

“One of the most beautiful - maybe the most beautiful book about homeopathy.”
Veronica Carstens
(doctor and wife of the former President of Germany Karl Carstens)


Extract from the chapter „Savita‘s Smile“:
„The three meters to the toilet cost him his last ounce of strength. Bracing himself against the wall and on furniture, he pushed himself centimeter by centimeter forwards on his numb legs. He needed twenty minutes before he could fall back on his bed, exhausted. Downstairs in the kitchen, Savita listened to the sound of his feet dragging...

Savita told him what she had decided. He consented immediately. Four people carried him to the clinic of Dr. Shah and set him on a chair with sturdy armrests so he wouldn’t fall sideways. It was a tremendous effort for Ravi to get through the two-hour homeopathic anamnesis, but the doctor finally told his fully exhausted patient: „I think I can help you.“

... One week after beginning the homeopathic treatment, Ravi feels fresher, gets up in the mornings. The headaches have subsided. For the first time in months – Savita can hardly believe it – he would like pizza for dinner.
Dr. Shah halves the dosage of the medications which suppress Ravi’s immune reaction.
Two weeks later, he takes part in family life again, talks, watches television, goes out of the house, even drives the car. The first time in a year

...But only when we see a change in the central disturbance, is it possible to reckon with a lasting recovery. Therefore Dr. Shah was not really satisfied with the course of the treatment until he observed how Ravi became more self-confident and independent, allowing him to achieve a new sense of freedom in his life. After this clear change in his inner attitude and his outlook on life, it is no surprise that Ravi has been healthy now for seven years and has not suffered any relapse of this dreadful autoimmune disease."

19.60 US$
5.30 US$
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  • available immediately, ready to ship within 2-3 working days

An enchanting introduction to homeopathy as it has never been made before, offering thirteen selected cases from world-renowned homeopathic physicians, such as Rajan Sankaran and Jan Scholten, which were independently verified. The authors were so dedicated to this task that they travelled around the world in order not to have to rely solely on the therapists’ accounts. They visited all of the cured patients in their homes and let them speak in their own surroundings. This lends an authenticity that has hitherto not existed in homeopathic literature.

The authors: A sensitive homeopathic physician and his wife, a journalist, with astonishing skill. They took it upon themselves to record especially interesting, exciting or touching life stories of patients who all share something in common; they were healed by homeopathy and experienced what this wonderful approach to medicine can bring about - to become “whole again”.
What may appear to be simply a stroke of luck in an individual case does indeed prove itself as a method that can be learned. It can thus be understood by the reader how each therapist found the necessary remedy. We become acquainted with people such as the Indian executive, who was partially paralyzed by a herniated disc and was soon able to walk again after a dose of his remedy; Maria, who was born with a handicap but able to perform well in school with the help of homeopathy; a woman from the Netherlands, whose remedy helped her to feel her body again after 30 years of numbness, resulting from a severe burning incident.

Yes, sometimes the entire lives of these patients have dramatically changed through homeopathic treatment.
The book depicts the entire scope of modern homeopathy and is thus of great current interest. The experienced therapist will also become acquainted with new remedy pictures. A highly interesting work, which is sure to win new friends of homeopathy and which, we hope, will find a wide following! This book has become specially popular in homeopathic waiting rooms. The convincing stories have the power to turn people to homeopathy.

“One of the most beautiful - maybe the most beautiful book about homeopathy.”
Veronica Carstens
(doctor and wife of the former President of Germany Karl Carstens)


Extract from the chapter „Savita‘s Smile“:
„The three meters to the toilet cost him his last ounce of strength. Bracing himself against the wall and on furniture, he pushed himself centimeter by centimeter forwards on his numb legs. He needed twenty minutes before he could fall back on his bed, exhausted. Downstairs in the kitchen, Savita listened to the sound of his feet dragging...

Savita told him what she had decided. He consented immediately. Four people carried him to the clinic of Dr. Shah and set him on a chair with sturdy armrests so he wouldn’t fall sideways. It was a tremendous effort for Ravi to get through the two-hour homeopathic anamnesis, but the doctor finally told his fully exhausted patient: „I think I can help you.“

... One week after beginning the homeopathic treatment, Ravi feels fresher, gets up in the mornings. The headaches have subsided. For the first time in months – Savita can hardly believe it – he would like pizza for dinner.
Dr. Shah halves the dosage of the medications which suppress Ravi’s immune reaction.
Two weeks later, he takes part in family life again, talks, watches television, goes out of the house, even drives the car. The first time in a year

...But only when we see a change in the central disturbance, is it possible to reckon with a lasting recovery. Therefore Dr. Shah was not really satisfied with the course of the treatment until he observed how Ravi became more self-confident and independent, allowing him to achieve a new sense of freedom in his life. After this clear change in his inner attitude and his outlook on life, it is no surprise that Ravi has been healthy now for seven years and has not suffered any relapse of this dreadful autoimmune disease."

19.60 US$
5.30 US$
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  • available immediately, ready to ship within 2-3 working days

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4 years ago
I love this book!
Great book, I am sure I will read it over and over again. The stories are so touching, the methods used so well described, real treasure. It is enriching to see how different world-renowned homeopaths work. And I love the commentary of each case by authors. This book is a miracle just like the cured cases described in it. read more ...
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Karl-Gustav Helmersson (Heilpraktiker, Sweden)
verified purchase
7 years ago
Whole Again. C Gebhardt and J Hansel
A wonderful read!
The stories are amazing. I think this little book is well suited both for professionals and those who may be wondering if homeopathy has anything to offer them?
I sincerely thank the authors for the love and care they put into this book.
read more ...
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