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Experiences with

Cuprum metallicum

Homeopathic treatment of aphids and black spot on roses

For the last two years I have used no chemicals in my garden and treated all pests and fungal infections with homeopathic remedies. My impression in the second year is that the plants are generally stronger and more healthy so they do not immediately fall prey to aphids and caterpillars. The roses only needed a single treatment in spring, following which the aphids were gone for the whole year. The same was true for black spot.

To reduce the effort required to treat the plants throughout summer, I filled large (approx 500 ml) screw-top jars with water and 10 pellets of each remedy. I stored the jars in a cool, shady place. Then I stirred the mixture vigorously when required, and poured one third into a watering can (7 litres) or a large sprayer, once more stirring it vigorously, and then using it immediately. The plants were either watered or sprayed until they were dripping wet, with the remainder added to the root area.

Last year I treated the roses for green aphids using Cimicifuga 30C, as recommended by Christiane Maute. But this was not especially successful. When the black spot reappeared, I applied Rhus tox 30C (Christiane Maute says this is especially good for roses), which worked well. The new shoots were healthy, unlike the previous new growth. Since the summer was quite humid, I had to repeat the treatment after a while. This year I treated all green aphid infestations with Cuprum 30C (for insect infestation and pests in general), which quickly proved successful. All plants, whether rose, hibiscus or currants, were treated for green aphid infestation with Cuprum and for black aphid infestation with Camphora 30C.

I did not differentiate by plant but by pest. Note that my plants were given fresh earth and compost in spring, and the roses received slow-acting fertilizer. They are not weak and are watered sufficiently. This influences the remedy choice. When black spot appeared anyway, I used Rhus tox again (just once). I did nothing more after the treatment in spring. The roses remained free of aphids and the black spot only appeared on one or two leaves, which I plucked off.

Another thing I noticed was that, when the hot period was followed by cooler weather with rain, the roses revived, with new shoots and buds appearing. I have never had such beautiful roses in autumn. But the very hot weather is less likely to have encouraged fungal growth on the roses, as occurred in the wet summer of 2014.

Doris Mössinger, Stuttgart, Germany 2015
Pictures taken on 29th September 2015

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