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Interhomeopathy - Editorial: fruits of our learning
June 2014

Editorial: fruits of our learning

by Urvi Chauhan

It is my pleasure to present this issue for Interhomeopathy, in this mid-year period. As in my other issues, the cases presented are from the dynamic and promising ‘young blood’ of homeopathy. 

This year, the land of Gujarat in India has become popular, thanks to all the roars and noises created by Mr. Narendra Modi and his political party; coincidently, Gujarat takes the central stage in this issue as well, as  two of our four presenting homeopaths come from Gujarat. However, instead of flavoring the spirit of divide and rule, like some political parties, the spirit of this issue brings forth the aroma of unity encompassing diversity, showing homeopaths from various roots and beliefs.

First, we have a young lady, Greeva Mankad (from Gujarat) presenting the case of a woman who suffered from rheumatoid arthritis and bleeding hemorroids – her patience  in allowing the patient to unfold her history finally opened the gate for a beautiful healing journey, which you will witness as you travel the case.

Next, we have Anand Joshi (again from Gujarat) who treats a young girl with various phobias - the way he follows his case with understanding brings forth his skill both as an efficient homeopath and as a teacher who knows the language of simplicity in teaching his subject.

Then, we have Rajan Dubey with his two cases of dry gangrene and Wallenberg’s syndrome; if we have someone arguing that homeopathy is just a placebo science, they had better check both these cases with all the evidence intact to get their answers. Rajan Dubey and his team practice in Mumbai and have records of various such cases being treated successfully with their skillful homeopathy.

And lastly, we have Shardul Joshi from Maharashtra (India) who succeeds in bringing back a smile on the face of a teenage boy who suffered from nocturnal enuresis. Shardul Joshi is a pediatric MD who has studied at a reputed institute;  he treats various pediatric cases with great success.

Following my friend Deborah Collins’ suggestion to present cases from my clinic as well as from Dinesh Chauhan, I have added two more cases from our clinics which taught us a lot.

I hope that all the cases presented here will offer fruitful learning to our readers – then our mission shall be accomplished!

Categories: Editorials
Keywords: editorial


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