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Interhomeopathy - Gelsemium, Encephalitis cured with
2006 October

Gelsemium, Encephalitis cured with

by K.V. Natarajan
1991-92: One of the dreaded Encephalitis
My daughter, aged 26 years, married for 2 years with a child. Normally she will get affected if she were to be under the sun for some length of time. She has a slight uremic tendency. She settled at Hyderabad after her marriage for 2 months during the summer. Hence she managed without much trouble. I was in Madras.
On Dec. 8th 1991 I received a phone call that my daughter was admitted into a big hospital at Hyderabad, unconscious. Quickly followed the message that she was in a coma and survival was remote. Doctors had all tests done; CT scan, MRI scan etc., and concluded that it was a case of Encephalitis (brain fever.) I was totally new to this stage and initially could not attempt to do anything. Since the Doctors had abandoned all hopes and were counting down I had to do something. For her mental condition and the happenings before her falling unconscious, as narrated by my son-in-law, I got GELSEMIUM as the tallying remedy. I immediately exclaimed to my son-in-law, “Raji comes back in full!” even before sending the remedy to hospital I was that confident of the power of the remedy. She was nose feeding with a holder at the throat to avoid saliva reaching the wrong path. Hence there was no possibility of my remedy reaching the stomach. However, our remedy works on the tongue better. The tiny remedy could be placed on the tongue without the knowledge of hospital people. In about 10 hrs my second daughter phoned from the hospital that her sister could recognize her. I shed tears thanking all, God, Homeopathy and its founder.

Admitted in NIMS Hyderabad on: 8-12- 1991.
Regained conscience on 13-12-1991.
Brought to Madras partially cured on 22-12-1991.
Discharged from hospital at Madras 31-12-1991.
Could go up the stairs on 15-01-1992.
Computer training driving two-wheeler 23-01-1992 to 10-3-1992.
Returned to Hyderabad on 23-03 1992.
The dates are given in detail to bring notice to how quick, perfect and easy the cure has been. The virus concerned had not been identified, yet the Homeopathic remedy, worked steadily. GELSEMIUM 200 was repeated about 3 times in a week when she regained conscience in her inner organs. To describe the daily programs as the astonishment of the group of doctors on her recovery (though they doubted its stability initially) will swell this article greatly. Nobody in the hospital knew about my giving the remedy and I have not revealed it till this day. However, an encephalitis case was cured in 22 days. After 15 days in Hyderabad hospital, even while she did not have sensibility in her extremities, she was taken to Madras for further hospitalization for a week. She became so perfectly cured that in another 45 days she finished computer training in 3 languages and went back to Hyderabad as a better Raji mentally and physically, to take up the job of a lecturer in a college.

A neighbour lady with severe pain in her sacrum. She cannot sit on the floor and must sit only on a chair as well as wearing a tight hip belt. The pain was increasing slowly for 10 years and even with painkillers she does not get any relief. On enquiry it was found that she was orthodox, religious and she was doing all household work herself. Being a little taller than an average lady, she had to lean much during sweeping. A dose of Bellis P. did the wonder and in a week’s time she is much better without much pain.

An old lady suffered from constipation. She passes stool only by standing and that too with great difficulty, even if the stool was soft. She was being treated for piles suggesting an operation. She hesitated due to her old age. She came to me in desperate condition. My enquiries revealed that it was the falling of her anus due to heavy household strains, travels, having a big family and children in different places. A dose of RUTA 200 made her all right only to be repeated once when she undertook a long travel.

“Homoeopathy is only one, That is the gospel of Organon.”
K.V.Natarajan Homoeopath since 1963, Natarajan.kv@gmail.com, India

Categories: Remedies
Keywords: Encephalitis, Gelsemium, Bellis perennis, Ruta


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Dr. Vaibhav Waratkar
Posts: 10
chronic balanitis
Reply #1 on : Sat February 28, 2015, 12:51:01
Hello sir,
I have read the article of you about meraculaous result of homeopathy in encephalitis....
i need yur help... I am a pediatrician and have very strong faith in homeopathy.I am suffering from chronic balanitis since last 9 months.. I have shown many times to skin specialist...but treatment causes temporary cure....is ther any homeopathic remedy that may cure my balanitis...
mostly candidial...
i am non dibetic
waiting for yur reply