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Interhomeopathy - Fourth Chakra Potency
2008 January

Fourth Chakra Potency

by Margriet Plouvier Suijs MD
Fourth Chakra
K potency 1MK, LM potency LM 18

The Sanskritname for this chakra is Anahata, translated as "undefeated " or "disentangle". This is the heartchakra and the Buddhist symbol of the chakra is de Vajra or Dorje the double lemniscate ( ∞ ): the heart literally is a lemniscate because it links the circulation of the body and the lungs. The lemniscate is to be recognized in the way we write an eight (8) and in the mathematical sign that indicates "infinitely". One of the numerological meanings of 8 is healing: bring body and spirit in balance. Out of our heart we say: "I love you" and we feel equal with someone else. To arrange this we need to master our instinctive responses. The words Chaim Rosenthal uses for remedies made out of tissues from the “Human Kingdom” are morality and control and he declares that understanding and sympathy belong to them. The appropriate miasm is "cancer". Toussaint describes in "Ziekte als lot en kans" how people dying from cancer are emaciated before they die. He shows that the hunger, which is appropriate to cancer, is the hunger for love and about this issue of balance between to give and to receive is important. About the remedy picture of Carcinosinum, Tinus Smits describes people who continuously tend to give and take care of others, doing the best they can and more: people who give surplus and lose the awareness of their own need. The other extreme: continuously taking, is appropriate for people who show the picture of Acidum Fluoricum: a cancer remedy as well.
Sexuality appropriate to this chakra is based on love and equality of both partners.
Mammals living in tribes are primates. Like us they breastfeed their young ones from the heartchakra. The message linked to the milk is: "you are like I am". Monkeys give and take as well: Waals describes in "Van nature goed" how a disabled female monkey is fed by members of the tribe and they give her the best they have so she is looking well fed. Another situation which he describes is that of a young monkey of 4 years old which injured him considerably: his mother gave him the attention that the young needed from her and her baby had to wait for some time.
It is clear that living in a tribe is linked to many rules to keep structure. These undecided rules belong to the culture and we teach our children to live according to them in the period following the stubborn phase. To play games together is a good practice. This is the period of kindergarten: "if I am placed in a position where I don’t know the rules I feel like a kid".

Surroundings factors

You and I.
Situations where sympathy or antipathy are part of the game.
Situations asking for a balance in to give and receive.
Situation asking for suppression of violent emotions.
Teachers at school.

Physical factors

The heartbeat giving the awareness of sympathy.
The voice we use to express our feelings of sympathy and antipathy.
Organ of sense: hearing.
Life period: 3 till 7 years.

Patient is a man of 48 years old. His complaint is a burning pain in the stomach extending to the chest. The pain is alleviated by pressure and it is better if bent forward. He can only eat little by little. During the pain he is irritated and angry. He is a rather temperamental person. Whether he is scared, angry or he becomes sad everything comes out violently.
He is still angry about what happened to him two years before when he had been taken to the hospital. He had to be operated on because of a tumour in the thyroid gland. The doctors assistant discovered it. In the hospital he complained about pain in the chest extending to the left arm. His father had heart complaints, his brother died because of a heart infarction causing a heart block and he knew a lot of people with heart complaints. He reported his pain and his anxiety to the assistant in the hospital, but his complaint was not taken seriously. Whilst in the hospital he had a heart attack, an infarct in the back wall. He was enraged and still he is bitter towards that doctor, nevertheless the doctors who take care of him after the attack admit their mistake.

I gave him Colocynthis 200K and soon after that a 1 MK dose and he was relieved from stomach pain. His temper was much better as well. Now he has a change about his pain and I give him Kalium Sulfuricum LM 6. In the course of some months it becomes clear that he is not able to get rid of the bitter experience in the hospital. He gets one dose Nitricum Acidum 1 MK. Then for short-term his bitterness worsens and then disappears. His complaints improve as well.
Another complaint was of being hurried all the time: everything he starts to do with pleasure has to be finished as soon as possible and the pleasure disappears. He likes to be outside. He works as a gardener and no one should keep him inside. With Kalium Nitricum 200K taken from time to time he is OK for 2 years.
After those two years he visits me again with complaints which are appropriate to Colocynthis: His mother in law, a woman he likes very much, had an accident and is paralyzed on one side. She has lain very critically ill, but she recovered nicely. His father in law does not dare to let her be at home and now she is in a clinic. He is very upset about it and he is angry towards his father in law. Another thing is; his mother broke her wrist and had to be taken to hospital as well. They moved her several times. Afterward for some time she stayed in a department for elderly people. There as well she had to be removed. After all of this his mother was lost to dementia.
He was given Colocynthis in 1 MK and recovers.

In this case the Colocynthis in 200K does not prove to be sufficient and the 1 MK has to follow to solve the picture. Afterward the Nitricum Acidum in 1 MK helped well and permanently to free him of his bitterness and complaints.
The situation which led to the complaints of this patient was the fact that in the hospital the doctor did not listen to him seriously. They were not equal as human beings. He had to suppress his anger because he needed the care of the doctors.

Margriet Plouvier Suijs MD
Bart Timmersstraat 5
5401 BX Uden, the Netherlands
Email: M.Plouvier@hetnet.nl

Keywords: Chakra, Colocynthis


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