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February 2014

Leaf curl healers: Thuja and Natrum sulphuricum

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by S.L.

The peach tree had been planted on a southern slope in March 2010 in the garden and delighted us at the first harvest with ten juicy peaches. In 2011, shortly after the leaves came out, they already showed the typical red-brownish wrinkled of the curl leaf illness; about two-thirds of all the leaves were infested. Once these have been removed, there was no new growth and that year, we had no harvest at all. In spring 2012, the curl lead had spread to almost all of the trees. I decided to try a homeopathic treatment. Christiane Maute proposes in her book two remedies for this problem: Natrum sulphuricum and Thuja. Since we live in a very sunny area with not too long rainy periods, the choice fell on Natrum sulphuricum C30, which was administered in the irrigation water. Again, we removed all infested leaves and treated the trees again two weeks later with Natrum sulphuricum C30. Two weeks later, there was a new growth of healthy leaves and this year, we could again harvest juicy peaches.


I watered a peach tree badly affected by curly leaf disease for 4/5 weeks with Thuja 6D. About every three to four days, I made a solution of one capful (approximately 1 ml) diluted in 1 litre of water, and applied it directly and carefully around the trunk of the tree. I also gradually removed the affected leaves.
Since about one week, all new, fresh leaves are healthy and the peach is now growing normally again. The tree looks good and appears to have recovered well.
Sachsenheim, Germany, 2013

Photos: Author

Categories: Cases
Keywords: Leaf curl, peach tree
Remedies: Natrum sulphuricum, Thuja

This article was originally published in www.interhomeopathy.org

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