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Interhomeopathy - Natrium carbonicum in Warts
2007 March

Natrium carbonicum in Warts

by Leo van Gelder
Girl 16 years old.

Main complaint:
Warts on both hands all over, on fingers, some of them close to the nails.
This has been for the last 3 years and no external treatment has made any difference.

Other complaints were:
- cramps during menses.
- weak wrist left over after a trauma with gymnastics
- tension headaches from the beginning of high school.

Her parents divorced when she was one year old, after her mother raised her by herself. She is an only child.
- as a small child she could not stand hard noises.
- she could have temper tantrums, dropped herself on the floor.

She seems a very balanced person.
She is popular at school, wise for her age, likes to discuss things.
She is very social.
She is selected for gymnastics competition, but did not want to spend all her time at that.
She is ambitious, but it should be fun to do. Strategic thinker, wants to do it by herself.
Criticism is hard for her to handle.

She says she has contact with her father.
She does not like to share feelings that easily with her mother, who cannot put an arm around her. She was angry about the divorce.

After a few remedies that did not work, I talked to the mother about the role of the father in her daughter's life.
She said that he has been physically and emotionally absent for her daughter, although she does visit him sometimes.

You could translate this into:
No Father meaning:
No, absent, alone = Natrium
and Father= Carbonicum.

So I prescribed Natrium Carbonicum, after which the warts disappeared within a week.

She did not turn up anymore for a follow-up, but since I meet her mother in the street from time to time, I know that she is doing fine.

Leo van Gelder,
Homeopathic physician

Categories: Remedies
Keywords: warts, natrium carbonicum


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