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Interhomeopathy - Panorama: seminars and books
April 2015

Panorama: seminars and books

by Editor


The Source in Homeopathy by Irene Schlingensiepen-Brysch

The knowledge of the most effective remedy is to be found in the subconscious of every human being. The adept homeopath can facilitate the individual’s access to this hidden knowledge.
Dr Schlingensiepen has laid the foundation for this innovative approach through years of carefully documented case-taking and systematic investigation of the follow-ups.
Using 24 remedy pictures of cosmic origin – such as Sol, Helium, Positronium, Meteorite, Brass, Volcano, precious stones, and Geyser – she shows how we can accompany our patients on the journey into their unconscious and help them to name the source of their remedy. This may even be a remedy that is so far unknown to homeopathy, yet which is nevertheless capable of bringing about profound healing, even in serious illness.

“Irene Schlingensiepen-Brysch is a scientist who has managed to retain her scientific approach as a homeopath, in order to search out the unwritten laws of a successful prescription. In Irene the right hemisphere is connected to the left, analysis encounters synthesis, east meets west.”
Harry van der Zee

“Irene Schlingensiepen-Brysch carefully, unwaveringly, and persistently follows the stream of words and gestures coming from her patients, upstream to the healing source. The way is radically new ... A source of
inspiration and an example of homeopathy practised with integrity and to a high scientific standard.”
Uta Santos-König

“I recommend this book to all homeopaths. It can trigger a very deep understanding of the effectiveness of remedies, their essences, and sources.”
Jan Scholten

“I enjoyed this more than any other homeopathic book in three years. It is a timely gem clearly written with beautiful narrative displaying intelligence and clarity of understanding.
On a daring journey this book seeks the source. For those of you that not yet convinced of the benefits of the sensation method this will be particularly illuminating. However for those already well versed in homeopathy's recent evolution, Irene has some useful additional tips of her own.
There follows some fascinating cases elegantly taken containing details and analyses that I had not heard before – e.g. the differential diagnosis of hydrogen, helium and positronium.
…. Buy the book. Take the leap!!”
Geoff Johnson, Review for the Society of Homeopaths

Homeopathy for Diseases by Peter Chapell and Harry van der Zee


This book is about advances within homeopathic medicine that on the one hand build on two centuries of homeopathic philosophy and practice and on the other hand incorporate modern views and techniques to further improve the success of homeopathy.

The collective nature of suffering on the planet demands that homeopathy looks at the larger picture. This means in practice that the classical individual approach alone is often insufficient. To render consistent and lasting results, collective derangements of the vital force need also to be recognised and addressed.

The authors are long-term classical homeopaths who have been working with the modern epidemic diseases, especially those found in Africa. They have taken the normal homeopathic approach to epidemic diseases – genus epidemicus – and, using a new approach to making remedies, refined it to one remedy for each disease. This means that, at the level of epidemic diseases, prescriptions will always be accurate as the correct diagnosis indicates the curative remedy. This is a major step forward and makes homeopathy eminently practical in the treatment of serious epidemic diseases.

The authors realized that the as-if-one-person principle also applies to mass traumas that occur on all continents, such as genocide, rape, war, accidents and natural catastrophes. People respond similarly to profound and  verwhelming traumas, the effects of which can last for decades and generations, yet these can be resolved rapidly and deeply using trauma remedies specific to the cause. In thousands of cases this genus traumaticus approach proved to be highly effective. The last century saw some of the greatest natural and man-made traumatic events in the history of the human race: such traumas are our inheritance. It becomes ever clearer that many current diseases and dysfunctions originate in these traumas.

In line with the observations of the founder of homeopathy, Samuel Hahnemann, epidemic diseases become one of the major founding forces of chronic diseases. The modem field of epigenetics explains how this works. Realizing this, the authors applied the genus epidemicus principle to chronic diseases such as diabetes and epilepsy: this book documents the results for a wide range of chronic diseases. Case studies from around the world demonstrate that disease-specific remedies, combined with individualized prescribing, can greatly improve the results in treating chronic diseases.

The theory and practice explained in this book combine the advantages of homeopathy (safe, no sideeffects, low cost, no therapy resistance) with those of allopathy (diagnosis) and thus bridge the gap between the current western medical paradigm and the homeopathic paradigm.

Colors in Homeopathy by Ulrich Welte



Color preference expresses a person's prevailing emotional state and the condition of their vital force. It is a reliable general symptom that is easy to determine and does not require any interpretation. Color preference helps to precisely determine the best remedy and can be used as an additional symptom regardless of the homeopathic approach being used.

The relationship between colors and remedies was discovered during decades of clinical research, starting 30 years ago with Dr Hugbald Müller from Cologne, continued primarily in the Kandern practice, and now being further developed on a worldwide basis. The color preference of well over 10,000 patients has been systematically checked for many years. Only the cases of those patients who were healed or who showed significant improvement were then evaluated. It became clear that the patients who were cured by a specific remedy had the same color preference. The color symptom was therefore not simply theoretically assigned to a remedy but this connection emerged naturally.

The sixth edition has been greatly extended. It includes for the first time the relationship between color groups and remedy families. For example, turquoise contains the Natrium and Lithium compounds, the Anacardiaceae, and the snake remedies. This broader perspective allows more scope for remedy selection. One or two color preferences have been assigned to over 1100 remedies. Color preference can therefore be used as a key building block in remedy selection, a method that proved helpful for over 50% of cases in a clinical trial. In addition, the remedies of the color rubrics are arranged according to Jan Scholten's series for the first time: the plant remedies contain the codes from Scholten's new botanical system. It is therefore the first repertory that contains this system of classification.




New Spectrum issue

Spectrum of Homeopathy: Problem Children?

Children cause problems when they don't meet expectations – in terms of their genes, their development and their behaviour. The topic “Problem Children?” of the spring 2015 edition of SPECTRUM is therefore ambivalent, hence the question mark. After all, the problem often lies with the excessive expectations of parents, teachers and a society with innovative information technologies that can overburden even the most developmentally normal children. ADHD and DMDD are diagnoses that may be associated with exaggerated expectations as much as with the sensory overload found in the modern world. With the choice of the cheeky girl for the cover picture of “Problem Children?” we were playing up the amusing nature of the photo: things aren't so bad after all! But that was before the latest fashionable diagnoses from the American Psychiatric Association (APA): “disruptive mood dysregulation Disorder” (DMDD) as well as severe and recurrent verbal and/or behavioral fits of rage.

With her case of a highly gifted and extremely angry Lanthanide girl, Resie Moonen raises the issue of whether such diagnoses can be justified. Further contributions from Paresh Varsani, Dinesh Chauhan, Wyka Feige and others show how frequently parents these days seek homeopathic help for their children due to fits of anger and aggression. Treatment is always individualized and the remedies come from all the natural kingdoms. Michal Yakir uses her plant table, for example, to find the most suitable remedy for a girl who is constantly irritable.

Alongside behavioral problems, school performance is also a major issue. The paediatrician Heiner Frei presents cases of “academic failure” due to a wide range of causes including learning disorders, poor concentration, lack of motivation, anxiety and hyperactivity.

Physical and mental development disorders have always been of concern to paediatricians. Bettina Baltacis reports in a competent and affectionate style on her work in the multidisciplinary team of the first Austrian Down's syndrome clinic. Sunil Anand describes the possible influence of multiple vaccinations on childhood development and the value of vaccine nosodes. Friedrich P. Graf describes the particular dangers of aluminium as a vaccine adjuvant.
Andreas Richter examines the common and often highly fraught relationship between adoptive parents and their children. Without intervention and treatment, bonding disorders can often lead to traumatic family dramas.

The extract from this issue of SPECTRUM comes from Anna Koller-Wilmkings with her fascinating account of her paediatric practice, presenting the entire spectrum of the theme of this issue – from developmental and behavioural disorders through psychiatric problems to severe physical pathologies, from well-known to minor remedies, and from classical repertorisation to the sensation method.

All the authors of this issue of SPECTRUM demonstrate the beneficial effects of homeopathic help for children, not just for classical disorders but also for the pathological excesses of our modern world.

Categories: Reviews
Keywords: Panorama


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