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Interhomeopathy - Panorama: seminars and books
October 2015

Panorama: seminars and books

by Editor




Twelve Jewels by Peter Tumminello





A beautiful and very personable book, presenting experiences, information, case notes and illustrations of twelve precious and semi-precious gemstones: Amethyst, Black Opal, Diamond, Gold Topaz, Emerald, Lapis Lazulii, Morion, Pearl, Quartz crystal, Rhodonite, Ruby, and Sapphire.

"This book is an important extension of the homeopathic materia medica; it brings a deepening of our knowledge of remedies and is a personal engagement that makes homeopathy alive. It's a beautiful book." Jan Scholten






Rose quartz by Peter Tumminello


Precious stones have long been recognized as having power over diseases and destinies. Rose quartz in particular has been known for its use in ‘matters of the heart’.

Having written his fundamental work “Twelve Jewels”, Peter Tumminello realized that there was a “thirteenth jewel” of similar importance, which he found to be Rose quartz.

Using the results of experiments with this stone in homeopathic form and rich practical experience, Peter shines a floodlight on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual qualities and powers of this iconic stone. Impressive cases including depression and anxiety give a beautiful picture of its deep-acting effects, providing a clear understanding of the essence of this jewel of the heart.

Rose quartz is a remedy needed by those who struggle with love and being loved, with spirituality and universal love, with self-love and giving love to their family members and others. Overburdened with responsibility, enmeshed and lost in care for others, with loss of identity and self – these themes speak strongly through the
language of Rose quartz.

“The inner knowledge of the gemstones comes free as a shining ‘light’ within us. I am happy to see that more healing will take place through this book about the highly significant stone Rose quartz.” 
Alize Timmerman





Homeopathy and the Elements by Jan Scholten





A masterpiece! Since Mendeleev, the periodic table of the elements has proved to be a tried and tested system to describe and predict the chemical and physical properties of all the elements in the material universe. But the homeopathic interpretation had to wait until our time. Scholten discovered the themes of the elements from their position in the periodic table. Only the Lanthanides were not described in this book.
All elements in each horizontal row are characterized by a single common theme, and are known as a series. The seven series are each called by the best-known element of the series. So there is, for example, a Carbon series (characterized by problems with children's values, a weak “I”, and body image in general); an Iron series (problems with work, duty, routine and rules); a Silver series (corresponding to creativity and publicity, communicating ideas, such as found in artists, top sportspeople, middle management), etc.
Each series is divided into a maximum of 18 stages. The 18 stages correspond to the electron configuration in the outer shell of the atom, and so to the chemical behavior of the relevant element. Homeopathically speaking, these stages are the individual developmental steps of each series. This vivid understanding of the series and stages therefore enables us to capture the qualities of each element and use it in homeopathic practice. The points of intersection of the series and stages exactly define the theme of each element. Therefore, almost every imaginable situation can be depicted in terms of a combination of particular elements.
The result is an enormously powerful means of homeopathic prescribing, assuming that the new system is really understood. It is indeed a very worthwhile object of study, and we can say from our own experience that many patients have already profited from this new jewel of homeopathy.



The proving of Adamas by Jeremy Sherr

At the time of writing this, twenty years have elapsed since we proved Adamas. It seems like a long time, and it is, yet this proving has stood the clinical test of time, proving itself again and again to be worthy of its shining personality.

We  have used this remedy dozens of times in practice, and have received many reports of successful cures from colleagues. This is very gratifying, and a wonderful validation of the homoeopathic process.

 More than anywhere else, we have seen the wonderful effect of Adamas in TB cases in Africa. I knew it was a tubercular remedy when one of the provers, after having rather overdosed himself, coughed a deep, rough cough with blood-tinged expectoration for three months. He would frequently phone me and express his anxiety that he had TB. It sounded as though his lungs had been ripped to shreds by diamond dust. The very first case I had (solved by my wife Camilla) was a young boy who had suffered from such a cough for seven years, with no help from allopathy or homoeopathy. Adamas cured this cough forever.

 Whenever I think of the Diamond remedy I am reminded of princess Di. She was called the Queen of Hearts. It should have been Queen of Diamonds. Once a dowdy and unconfident school teacher, her light was not her own, but a reflection of her husband’s fame. After years under the tremendous heat and pressure of being a royal, her soft carbon identity mutated into a hard, brilliant diamond, one that carried its own light. Yet the low self esteem always remained, and the imbalance of power between two extremes led to an early death, much like her sister- Adamas, Marilyn Monroe.

 From the weak layered carbon, the strength of the adamas tetrahedral is the bond of our identity. This is what Pink Floyd meant when they sang: “Shine on you crazy diamond!”

 In the treasure chest of our materia medica, Adamas is a true jewel.









Categories: Reviews
Keywords: Panorama


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