Homeopathy and natural medicine
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  • more than 10.000 products about homeopathy and natural healing
  • Seminars with worldwide known homeopathic doctors
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Narayana Verlag

excellent    2.430.494 customers from 190 countries
  • more than 10.000 products about homeopathy and natural healing
  • Seminars with worldwide known homeopathic doctors
  • Healthy and natural food
  • Homeopathy for plants

The interview was conducted by Heidi Brand with Dr. Couzens during the
Veterinary Congress. Dr. Couzens tells us how he discovered homoeopathy
- a pathway not altogether straight - and how he arrived at his current
specialization in treating horses. He gives us an introduction to his
case-taking technique, which he developed over the years, and gives
valuable tips regarding the treatment of chronic illnesses in horses. We
find out which remedies are often used in such cases, and Dr. Couzens
explains why horses respond particularly well to homoeopathic treatment.

Click to Play Interview von Tim Couzens 

(Approx. 35 Minutes)

Tim Couzens in an interview with Heidi Brand, April 2013 in Kandern

The interview was conducted by Heidi Brand with Dr. Couzens during the
Veterinary Congress. Dr. Couzens tells us how he discovered homoeopathy
- a pathway not altogether straight - and how he arrived at his current
specialization in treating horses. He gives us an introduction to his
case-taking technique, which he developed over the years, and gives
valuable tips regarding the treatment of chronic illnesses in horses. We
find out which remedies are often used in such cases, and Dr. Couzens
explains why horses respond particularly well to homoeopathic treatment.

Click to Play Interview von Tim Couzens 

(Approx. 35 Minutes)

Spectrum of Homeopathy


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