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Interhomeopathy - Ytterbium oxydatum case
2006 April

Ytterbium oxydatum case

by Pavol Tibensky
A catholic priest, 54 years old.

His chief complaint is hypertension about 200/120. He is very bitter, disgusted, not friendly, and morose. He is a priest in a region where there is more protestants then catholics. It is a punishment from catholic authorities. He is against every authority. Against communists, post-communists and catholic authorities too. He is very intelligent. He is a subscriber of "Observatore Romano", edited by the Vatican. He reads this journal in Latin. Catholic authorities wanted to purchase the Slovak translation 6 months after receiving the Latin original from every priest. He refused it. They moved him to the unattractive parish. He is not able to stand manipulation, control, or taking over. He says his opinion directly and many people do not like him because of it.

"I have some trouble with a nail."
"It is something for a surgeon. I am going to send you to the surgeon."
"No, I do not go anywhere. You must heal me!"
"I am awkward, I do not know it."
"It is no matter! I am not interested in it. I do not go anywhere. I simply do not go anywhere."
"O. K. I am going to open this abscess."
"You see. I am not dead."

"Yes. And now, we must treat your blood pressure."
"Why? It is impossible to do. I am old. I forgot to take tablets. Authorities says: You must work like a dog until you are 65 years, I think with a coffin on your hump only. My grandfather died at 55, my grandmother at 45 years. Why? Some people will enjoy it if I will be dead."
"Your blood pressure is 200/120. We must do something."
"This is good pressure. Nothing is possible to do. It does not matter. I do not care."

"Tell me something about yourself."

"As a child I had a hard upbringing. From 1 year old to 7 years I was in a monastery. My mother gave me to her sister, a nun. My parents had some problems, not matrimonial. It was not a pleasure for her to care about some brat. In the fifties it was hard for her during communist dictatorship. She was jailed for treason for 20 years because during the fascist Slovak republic she cared for Mons. Andrej Hlinka, leader of Slovak Hlinka guards. Cleaning the bottom of an immobile old man was treason." Collaboration with "fascists catholics" was harshly persecuted by communists.

"I was a priest in pilgrim parish. Communists controlled my parish perfectly. In the morning, after rising, I found a member of the State security in my dining room, with a cigarette. They bullied me during the pilgrim days. I suffered by heart attack 35 years after this terror. I was angry. Why me? Later I learned to live with it because if you will not learn it you can say, Arrive derci!"

"As a young man I could have a more progressive opinion about the archbishop and we could sweep out all parishes with this attitude. The Pope was not responsible for it. He was very progressive, but the students ridiculed him for new things twenty years before. It was something not acceptable for Germany."

"Are you angry?"

"Not very often. It does not matter. When I was young I was upset very often. If you have forty years you would like to prove something, but they hammered me on the head constantly. Nowadays it does not matter. I resigned. I gave up."

"A 54 year old man in church must think where he will finish. God forbid you take a mitre on your head! (He had ambitions to be bishop in his forties). You have pain here, pain there, you have too many cares with yourself, no energy for the management of something. I am not able to change myself. I am going on my own way. I am not excited by anything. I teach history and I work with teachers. They were communists during the former regime and they sit in first row in the church today. They give minimum knowledge to the students. I do not care about it. I wear blinders."

Prescription: Ytterbium oxydatum C 200

Follow up: June 2005:
Blood pressure 140/85. He feels less tense, he is smiling, able to communicate with people. Repeating of dose only once in june 2005. His blood pressure is normal, with the same allopathic medication as before homeopathic therapy. According to many catholic worshipers, he is very changed.

Author: Pavol Tibensky, Slovak republic
E-mail: tibus@stonline.sk

Categories: Remedies
Keywords: Ytterbium oxydatum


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