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2er-Sparset: Vitamin B-Komplex - hochdosiert - 2 x 180 Kapseln - mit Kofaktoren - von Unimedica

2er-Sparset: Vitamin B-Komplex - hochdosiert - 2 x 180 Kapseln - mit Kofaktoren - von Unimedica
2er-Sparset: Vitamin B-Komplex - hochdosiert - 2 x 180 Kapseln - mit Kofaktoren - von Unimedica
product no.: 28528
EAN: 4251662105923

2er-Sparset: Vitamin B-Komplex - hochdosiert - 2 x 180 Kapseln - mit Kofaktoren - von Unimedica

Nahrungsergänzungsmittel mit B-Vitaminen
48.90 US$
43.90 US$
10,2% cheaper
  • available immediately, ready to ship within 1-2 working days
product no.: 28528
EAN: 4251662105923

360 Kapseln = 266 g

Nahrungsergänzungsmittel mit allen Vitaminen des B-Komplexes inklusive PABA, Inositol und Cholin.

Dieser besondere Vitamin-B-Komplex deckt ein breites Wirkungsspektrum ab. Denn er enthält alle B-Vitamine: Vitamin B1 (Thiamin), Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin), Vitamin B3 (Niacin), Cholin, Vitamin B5 (Pantothensäure), Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxin), Vitamin B7 (Biotin), Inositol, Vitamin B9 (Folsäure), PABA, Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin).

Die tägliche Einnahme von 1 Kapsel mit reichlich Flüssigkeit deckt ein Vielfaches des empfohlenen Tagesbedarfs an allen B-Vitaminen.

Vegane Kapselhülle aus reiner pflanzlicher Cellulose (HPMC), frei von Carrageen und PEG.
Vitamin B Komplex von Unimedica ist, entsprechend gesetzlichen Vorgaben, ohne Gentechnik, laktosefrei, glutenfrei und vegan.

Vitamin B Komplex von Unimedica wird in Deutschland in zertifizierten Anlagen hergestellt.

Der Vitamin B Komplex trägt bei zu:

  • einem normalen Energiestoffwechsel (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B12)
  • einer normalen Funktion des Nervensystems (B1, B2, B3, B6, B7, B12)
  • einem normalen Stoffwechsel von Makronährstoffen (B7)
  • einer normalen psychischen Funktion (B1, B3, B6, B7, B9, B12)
  • Erhaltung normaler Haare, Haut und Schleimhäute (B2, B3, B7)
  • einer normalen Herzfunktion (B1)
  • Bildung (B6, B12) und Erhaltung normaler roter Blutkörperchen (B2)
  • einer normalen Sehkraft (B2)
  • einem normalen Eisenstoffwechsel (B2)
  • als Zellschutz vor oxidativem Stress (B2)
  • verringert Müdigkeit und Ermüdung (B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12)
  • einer normalen geistigen Leistung (B5)
  • einer normalen Synthese und zu einem normalen Stoffwechsel von Steroidhormonen, Vitamin D und einigen Neurotransmittern (B5)
  • einer normalen Cystein-Synthese (B6)
  • einem normalen Homocystein-Stoffwechsel (B6, B9, B12, B4-Cholin)
  • einem normalen Eiweiß- und Glycogen-Stoffwechsel (B6)
  • einer normalen Funktion des Immunsystems (B6, B9, B12)
  • Regulierung der Hormontätigkeit (B6)
  • einer normalen Aminosäuresynthese (B9)
  • einer normalen Blutbildung (B9)
  • Zellteilung (B9, B12)
  • einem normalen Fettstoffwechsel und Leberfunktion (Cholin)

* Durch die Europäische Behörde für Lebensmittelsicherheit zugelassene gesundheitsbezogene Angaben

Jedes Glas Vitamin B Komplex enthält 180 Kapseln. Das Sparset entspricht somit einem Jahresvorrat.

48.90 US$
43.90 US$
10,2% cheaper
  • available immediately, ready to ship within 1-2 working days

gluten free

lactose free

Without genetic technology



Capsule shell: hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, calcium D-pantothenate, nicotinamide, choline bitartate, para-aminobenzoic acid, inositol, thiamine monocitrate, pyridoxine hydrochloride, riboflavin, bulking agent: microcrystalline cellulose, methylcobalamin, D-biotin, pteroylmonoglutamic acid

Made in Germany
Raw materials from an EU/non-EU country  

Important Notes: Food supplements should not be used as a substitute for a balanced, varied diet and a healthy lifestyle. Do not exceed the recommended intake stated. Do not take during pregnancy or lactation.



Dosage form

  • Capsules
  • Recommended consumption:

    Take 1 capsule daily with sufficient liquid.


    Keep closed, cool, dry and protected from light. Store out of reach of small children.

    Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)40 mg3636%
    Vitamin B12 (Methylcobalamine)500 µg20000%
    Vitamin B2 (Riboflavine)15 mg1071%
    Vitamin B3 (Niacine)110 mg688%
    Vitamin B5 (Calcium D Pantothenate)100 mg 1667 %
    Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine Hydrochloride)20 mg1429%
    Vitamin B7 (Biotine)400 µg800%
    Vitamin B9 (Folsäure)400 µg200%


    * (1 capsule)
    ** Percentage of the nutrient reference values according to Regulation VO (EU) 1169/2011 (LMIV).
    *** No nutrient reference values known.


    Narayana Verlag GmbH, Blumenplatz 2, 79400 Kandern, Germany

    360 Kapseln = 266 g

    Nahrungsergänzungsmittel mit allen Vitaminen des B-Komplexes inklusive PABA, Inositol und Cholin.

    Dieser besondere Vitamin-B-Komplex deckt ein breites Wirkungsspektrum ab. Denn er enthält alle B-Vitamine: Vitamin B1 (Thiamin), Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin), Vitamin B3 (Niacin), Cholin, Vitamin B5 (Pantothensäure), Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxin), Vitamin B7 (Biotin), Inositol, Vitamin B9 (Folsäure), PABA, Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin).

    Die tägliche Einnahme von 1 Kapsel mit reichlich Flüssigkeit deckt ein Vielfaches des empfohlenen Tagesbedarfs an allen B-Vitaminen.

    Vegane Kapselhülle aus reiner pflanzlicher Cellulose (HPMC), frei von Carrageen und PEG.
    Vitamin B Komplex von Unimedica ist, entsprechend gesetzlichen Vorgaben, ohne Gentechnik, laktosefrei, glutenfrei und vegan.

    Vitamin B Komplex von Unimedica wird in Deutschland in zertifizierten Anlagen hergestellt.

    Der Vitamin B Komplex trägt bei zu:

    • einem normalen Energiestoffwechsel (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B12)
    • einer normalen Funktion des Nervensystems (B1, B2, B3, B6, B7, B12)
    • einem normalen Stoffwechsel von Makronährstoffen (B7)
    • einer normalen psychischen Funktion (B1, B3, B6, B7, B9, B12)
    • Erhaltung normaler Haare, Haut und Schleimhäute (B2, B3, B7)
    • einer normalen Herzfunktion (B1)
    • Bildung (B6, B12) und Erhaltung normaler roter Blutkörperchen (B2)
    • einer normalen Sehkraft (B2)
    • einem normalen Eisenstoffwechsel (B2)
    • als Zellschutz vor oxidativem Stress (B2)
    • verringert Müdigkeit und Ermüdung (B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12)
    • einer normalen geistigen Leistung (B5)
    • einer normalen Synthese und zu einem normalen Stoffwechsel von Steroidhormonen, Vitamin D und einigen Neurotransmittern (B5)
    • einer normalen Cystein-Synthese (B6)
    • einem normalen Homocystein-Stoffwechsel (B6, B9, B12, B4-Cholin)
    • einem normalen Eiweiß- und Glycogen-Stoffwechsel (B6)
    • einer normalen Funktion des Immunsystems (B6, B9, B12)
    • Regulierung der Hormontätigkeit (B6)
    • einer normalen Aminosäuresynthese (B9)
    • einer normalen Blutbildung (B9)
    • Zellteilung (B9, B12)
    • einem normalen Fettstoffwechsel und Leberfunktion (Cholin)

    * Durch die Europäische Behörde für Lebensmittelsicherheit zugelassene gesundheitsbezogene Angaben

    Jedes Glas Vitamin B Komplex enthält 180 Kapseln. Das Sparset entspricht somit einem Jahresvorrat.

    48.90 US$
    43.90 US$
    10,2% cheaper
    • available immediately, ready to ship within 1-2 working days

    Frequently bought together
    2er-Sparset: Vitamin B-Komplex - hochdosiert - 2 x 180 Kapseln - mit Kofaktoren - von Unimedica+Zinc Bisglycinate Tablets - 25 mg per daily dose - high dose - 365 tablets - from Unimedica+Magnesium forte - 400 mg per daily dose - 365 capsules - from Unimedica =
    Total price 79.70 US$
    buy all

    available immediately, ready to ship within 1-2 working days

    Customers, that bought 2er-Sparset: Vitamin B-Komplex - hochdosiert - 2 x 180 Kapseln - mit Kofaktoren - von Unimedica also bought

    gluten free

    lactose free

    Without genetic technology



    Capsule shell: hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, calcium D-pantothenate, nicotinamide, choline bitartate, para-aminobenzoic acid, inositol, thiamine monocitrate, pyridoxine hydrochloride, riboflavin, bulking agent: microcrystalline cellulose, methylcobalamin, D-biotin, pteroylmonoglutamic acid

    Made in Germany
    Raw materials from an EU/non-EU country  

    Important Notes: Food supplements should not be used as a substitute for a balanced, varied diet and a healthy lifestyle. Do not exceed the recommended intake stated. Do not take during pregnancy or lactation.



    Dosage form

  • Capsules
  • Recommended consumption:

    Take 1 capsule daily with sufficient liquid.


    Keep closed, cool, dry and protected from light. Store out of reach of small children.

    Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)40 mg3636%
    Vitamin B12 (Methylcobalamine)500 µg20000%
    Vitamin B2 (Riboflavine)15 mg1071%
    Vitamin B3 (Niacine)110 mg688%
    Vitamin B5 (Calcium D Pantothenate)100 mg 1667 %
    Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine Hydrochloride)20 mg1429%
    Vitamin B7 (Biotine)400 µg800%
    Vitamin B9 (Folsäure)400 µg200%


    * (1 capsule)
    ** Percentage of the nutrient reference values according to Regulation VO (EU) 1169/2011 (LMIV).
    *** No nutrient reference values known.


    Narayana Verlag GmbH, Blumenplatz 2, 79400 Kandern, Germany

    customer reviews of 2er-Sparset: Vitamin B-Komplex - hochdosiert - 2 x 180 Kapseln - mit Kofaktoren - von Unimedica
    With this forum we would like to offer our customers the chance to discuss our products. We explicitly point out that the forum only contains the private views and subjective individual assessments of the commenters. We do not approve the forum statements in any way. We publish them in the interest of freedom of expression. However, we distance ourselves from the contents of the forum and we are unwilling and unable to judge them as either true or false. If you feel a forum contribution is directed to you, you must seek the advice of a doctor or someone with a recognised specialist qualification in order to assess its truth or falsity. Our shop allows guests as well as verified customers to rate products or the shop. Verified ratings are indicated with “verified purchase”.

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    average customer rating:
    4,9 out of 5 Stars

    390 reviews (german), 2 reviews (english), 22 reviews (french)

    Top comments

    Show newest comments first
    verified purchase Vitamin B Complex - High-dose - 180 capsules - from Unimedica Review for
    3 years ago
    B vitamins for exhaustion
    As I have been under a lot of stress in recent years and have had many challenges to overcome, my doctor recommended B vitamins. At first I started with B vitamins from the pharmacy (Sunny Soul). However, the dosage was too low and they were very expensive.
    I then switched to the vitamin B complex from Robert Fr. However, it contains 2 substances (preservatives?) that I could not tolerate.
    I have been taking the vitamin B complex from Unimedica for a few months now and I feel much better. My tiredness, exhaustion and lack of motivation have improved. The stressful everyday life as a single parent and working woman is now easier to cope with.
    The capsules are easy to take and the price-performance ratio is good.
    A big compliment to Unimedica for these high-quality, well-tolerated food supplements at a fair price.
    I have been able to manage without medication from the pharmaceutical industry for over 2 years. Vitamins and natural herbs help me much better.
    read more ...
    218 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
    Show original
    Marion O.
    Vitamin B Complex - High-dose - 180 capsules - from Unimedica Review for
    5 years ago
    Vitamin B complex capsules
    I am also very satisfied with the preparation in combination with body detoxification. My hair loss (due to illness) has already halved after a short period of use, my fingernails are getting stronger and have a good structure. My whole physical condition - nervousness, sleep problems, concentration etc. - is improving. - is healing. Highly recommended! read more ...
    117 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
    Show original
    Vitamin B Complex - High-dose - 180 capsules - from Unimedica Review for
    3 years ago
    Rapid improvement - goodbye shortness of breath, better dizziness and palpitations
    14 days of B complex and I can breathe more easily and get enough air again - goodbye shortness of breath.
    Dizziness and palpitations are only moderate, I am much more relaxed again.
    According to my doctor, good dosage, good company, keep it up.
    read more ...
    69 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
    Show original
    Andrea B.
    Vitamin B Complex - High-dose - 180 capsules - from Unimedica Review for
    4 years ago
    Vitamin B complex
    Over the last few turbulent months, I've repeatedly had the feeling that "I can't cope nervously any more". I then went on a 6-week treatment programme and felt a clear improvement after about a week. My resilience to nervous stress is now excellent. I now feel internally and externally stable again. I also did Donna Eden exercises to keep my energy levels in balance and have continued to do so. In future, I will take the vitamin B complex treatment twice a year to maintain the level. read more ...
    61 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
    Show original
    Vitamin B Complex - High-dose - 180 capsules - from Unimedica Review for
    2 months ago
    Skin, hair, nails
    Great! I originally tried the product for my sunspots. After a few months, however, I felt such changes all round that I am simply thrilled.
    After every wash, my hair looks fuller, stronger and simply healthier. They are now also much longer, fall out less and break off less.
    My nails have become much stronger after such a short time. They were always very soft, almost like paper.
    And then there's my skin! I always had very dry skin (it was tight and whitish and cracked), especially on my legs. I also had dry pimples on my upper arms. It's just all gone and my skin is so soft and feels like I've moisturised it, even though I don't use any external products at all.
    This product was a gift for me. Next time I'll try the bioactive version
    read more ...
    55 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
    Show original
    Ingrid Wahl
    verified purchase Vitamin B Complex - High-dose - 180 capsules - from Unimedica Review for
    1 year ago
    Convincing - for nerve damage after electric shock
    Hello, dear team from Narayana-Verlag,
    The vitamin B complex is terrific
    My friend got an electric shock at work last year and since then he has had this head shaking.
    I suspect that it is nerve damage from it.
    After reading that vitamin B rebuilds the nerves, I bought the complex preparation plus an extra B3 preparation and my friend took it every day.
    And lo and behold, after a few days I have already seen an improvement, the head shaking has subsided and is becoming less and less.
    So once again a very convincing, great product from you.
    I am very, very satisfied.
    Thank you very much for making such an effort and producing very good quality.
    Best regards
    Ingrid Wahl
    read more ...
    55 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
    Show original
    verified purchase Vitamin B Complex - High-dose - 180 capsules - from Unimedica Review for
    2 years ago
    Best B-complex!!!
    I have been using the B complex for a few weeks now and have noticed many positive changes. My hair and nails are much stronger and more beautiful and I feel a lot fitter since then. I have already tried several B complexes and this is really the best by far.
    The price-performance ratio is also top!
    read more ...
    46 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
    Show original
    verified purchase Vitamin B Complex - High-dose - 180 capsules - from Unimedica Review for
    5 years ago
    For the nerves...
    I purchased the product for a rather unusual reason: I have been suffering from a partial loss of my sense of smell and taste for the past 5 weeks since recovering from Covid-19.
    My GP, who is also a nutritionist, recommended that I take a vitamin B complex alongside alpha lipoic acid to support (nerve) regeneration.

    I decided in favour of the Unimedica product mainly because I like the dosage. I also find the packaging visually appealing The capsules smell good and are easy to take.
    I have been taking the capsules for just under a week. It is certainly too early to say how effective they are, but I imagine that my senses have already improved a little. In this respect - 5 stars
    read more ...
    43 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
    Show original
    Vitamin B Complex - High-dose - 180 capsules - from Unimedica Review for
    4 years ago
    Super product
    When I suffered from a loss of taste and smell after contracting Covid 19, I ordered this vitamin B complex from Unimedica to help the nerve cells in my mucous membranes renew themselves. My sense of smell and taste actually came back after just 1 week, brilliant!!! .....denn I know from many others that the regeneration of the mucous membranes can take several months. I continue to take the product daily to support the regeneration of all destroyed nerve cells.
    I can recommend this product with a clear conscience.
    read more ...
    40 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    verified purchase
    2 years ago
    Thanks to a very good composition for me, the effect is top! I have completed a number of tests with well-known distributors, but this is where I got stuck. Because they do me good. 5 members of our family take the vitamin B complex from Unimedica. It gives more strength and balance than other products, mfg read more ...
    38 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
    Show original

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