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Narayana Verlag

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Luke Norland

Animalia, Luke Norland
Buch: 546 pages, hb
publication: 2021
product no.: 30437
weight: 920g
ISBN: 9781908127426 9781908127426


Luke Norland

A Synthesis of Homeopathic Themes, Mappa Mundi, Provings & Clinical Cases
75.90 US$
  • available immediately, ready to ship within 1-2 working days
Buch: 546 pages, hb
publication: 2021
product no.: 30437
weight: 920g
ISBN: 9781908127426 9781908127426

The publisher:

Animalia aims to simplify the process of researching animal remedies for both students and seasoned professionals alike. This practical book illuminates the Homeopathic themes of 6 animal families through the prism of mythology, mappa mundi, provings, cases and repertory. There is also a useful appendix on the miasms and their mythological correspondences. Beginning with a broad outline and differentiation of the 3 main kingdoms (animal, plant & mineral), and a comprehensive introduction to the circle of elements, Luke goes on to outline themes of the Spiders, Birds, Insects, Mammals, Snakes and Sea animals. He synthesises provers’ expressions from a diverse selection of classical and modern texts to give an insight into the raw human experience of the different remedy states belonging to each group. Then he gives portraits of a wide selection of individual remedies from within each group, where you will find source information, characteristic rubrics, extracts from the provers and case examples. These portraits are designed to sit alongside existing materia medica, focusing on the singular expressions that may with time and further clinical use become guiding symptoms.

Luke has a talent for organising a broad spectrum of reference material - adding nuance and giving shape to the symptoms so that the Homeopath can be guided to the mode of action of each remedy, whilst keeping in mind the broad themes of the family.

75.90 US$
  • available immediately, ready to ship within 1-2 working days

The publisher:

Animalia aims to simplify the process of researching animal remedies for both students and seasoned professionals alike. This practical book illuminates the Homeopathic themes of 6 animal families through the prism of mythology, mappa mundi, provings, cases and repertory. There is also a useful appendix on the miasms and their mythological correspondences. Beginning with a broad outline and differentiation of the 3 main kingdoms (animal, plant & mineral), and a comprehensive introduction to the circle of elements, Luke goes on to outline themes of the Spiders, Birds, Insects, Mammals, Snakes and Sea animals. He synthesises provers’ expressions from a diverse selection of classical and modern texts to give an insight into the raw human experience of the different remedy states belonging to each group. Then he gives portraits of a wide selection of individual remedies from within each group, where you will find source information, characteristic rubrics, extracts from the provers and case examples. These portraits are designed to sit alongside existing materia medica, focusing on the singular expressions that may with time and further clinical use become guiding symptoms.

Luke has a talent for organising a broad spectrum of reference material - adding nuance and giving shape to the symptoms so that the Homeopath can be guided to the mode of action of each remedy, whilst keeping in mind the broad themes of the family.

75.90 US$
  • available immediately, ready to ship within 1-2 working days

Frequently bought together
Animalia, Luke Norland+Periodic System of the Elements - Table, Jan Scholten =
Total price 87.40 US$
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available immediately, ready to ship within 1-2 working days

This product: Animalia by Luke Norland ‐ 75.90 US$
Periodic System of the Elements - Table by Jan Scholten ‐ 11.50 US$

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