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Bio Kokosöl nativ - Virgin Coconut Oil - 1000 ml - von Unimedica

Bio Kokosöl nativ - Virgin Coconut Oil - 1000 ml - von Unimedica
Bio Kokosöl nativ - Virgin Coconut Oil - 1000 ml - von UnimedicaBio Kokosöl nativ - Virgin Coconut Oil - 1000 ml - von UnimedicaBio Kokosöl nativ - Virgin Coconut Oil - 1000 ml - von Unimedica
product no.: 24954
EAN: 4251662100256

Bio Kokosöl nativ - Virgin Coconut Oil - 1000 ml - von Unimedica

kaltgepresst - 100 % naturrein - hoch erhitzbar - aus kontrolliert biologischem Anbau

Popular alternative:

13.40 US$
  • available immediately, ready to ship within 1-2 working days
product no.: 24954
EAN: 4251662100256

1 Glas = 1000 ml = 920 g

Bio Kokosöl für den entspannten Genuss mit natürlichem Pflanzenöl, auch wenn es heiß hergeht

Das Bio Kokosöl von Unimedica ist ein hochwertiges Pflanzenöl, das in keiner Küche fehlen sollte. Denn es ist hoch erhitzbar, ohne Schadstoffe wie Transfettsäuren zu entwickeln. Es brennt nicht so schnell an und spritzt nicht. Das Bio Kokosöl eignet sich daher hervorragend zum Braten, Backen und Kochen. Aber auch als Streichfett zum Brotaufstrich ist das Bio Kokosöl von Unimedica eine köstliche, cholesterinärmere Alternative zu Butter oder Margarine.

Kokosöl enthält hauptsächlich gesättigte Fettsäuren. Diese sind jedoch zum großen Teil mittelkettig, sogenannte MCT-Fette. Sie haben weniger Kalorien als langkettige Fettsäuren und werden schnell vom Körper aufgenommen und verwertet.

Bringt einen natürlichen Exotik-Kick in den Alltag

Auch im Bad ist das Bio Kokosöl eine exotische Bereicherung. Mit seiner weichen bis flüssigen Konsistenz pflegt es Haut und Haar geschmeidig und verwöhnt mit einem zarten Duft und wertvollen, nährenden Pflanzenstoffen.

Das aromatische Bio Kokosöl von Unimedica wird aus reifen Kokosnüssen aus kontrolliertem Bio-Anbau gewonnen. Sie sind die Früchte der Kokospalmen, die in den exotischen Naturparadiesen der Südsee und Südostasien zu Hause sind.

Wie von der Natur geschaffen in höchster Qualität und Reinheit

Das Bio Kokosöl von Unimedica wird durch ein schonendes Verfahren hergestellt, das auf jegliches Raffinieren, Desodorieren oder Bleichen verzichtet. Diese Methode bewahrt die wesentlichen und unverfälschten Bestandteile des Öls und verleiht ihm so sein charakteristisches Aroma und den frischen Kokosnussgeschmack.

Bio Kokosnussöl nativ wird aufgrund seiner natürlichen Reinheit auch „Virgin Coconut Oil“ (VCO) genannt. Im Gegensatz zur industriellen Herstellung wird das Nussfleisch erntefrisch von ausschließlich vollkommen reifen Kokosnüssen von Hand ausgelöst, zerkleinert und getrocknet. Die so gewonnenen Kokosraspeln werden dann in einer Ölmühle durch schonende Kaltpressung zu Öl verarbeitet.

Jedes Glas Bio Kokosöl von Unimedica enthält 1000 ml pures Kokosöl.

Bio Kokosöl von Unimedica ist, entsprechend gesetzlicher Vorgaben, frei von Konservierungsstoffen, weiterhin ohne Zusätze wie Aromen, Farbstoffe, Stabilisatoren, Trennmittel wie Magnesiumstearat, ohne Gentechnik sowie laktosefrei, glutenfrei, gelatinefrei und vegan.

13.40 US$
  • available immediately, ready to ship within 1-2 working days

certified organic

gluten free

lactose free

Without genetic technology



100% organic coconut oil

Dosage form

  • oil
  • Recommended consumption:

    SUITABLE for cooking, baking and frying, as an alternative to butter or margarine.


    Store in a cool and dry place. The oil becomes liquid above 25 degrees Celsius. Use within 3 months after opening.

    Average nutritional values per 100 g

    Energie kJ3700 kJ
    Energie kcal900 kcal
    Fat100 g
    hereof: saturated fatty acids92,5 g
    of which monounsaturated fatty acids6,5 g
    of which polyunsaturated fatty acids1,5 g
    Kohlenhydrate0,0 g
    hereof: sugar0,0 g
    Protein0,0 g
    Salz0,0 g


    Narayana Verlag GmbH, Blumenplatz 2, 79400 Kandern, Germany

    1 Glas = 1000 ml = 920 g

    Bio Kokosöl für den entspannten Genuss mit natürlichem Pflanzenöl, auch wenn es heiß hergeht

    Das Bio Kokosöl von Unimedica ist ein hochwertiges Pflanzenöl, das in keiner Küche fehlen sollte. Denn es ist hoch erhitzbar, ohne Schadstoffe wie Transfettsäuren zu entwickeln. Es brennt nicht so schnell an und spritzt nicht. Das Bio Kokosöl eignet sich daher hervorragend zum Braten, Backen und Kochen. Aber auch als Streichfett zum Brotaufstrich ist das Bio Kokosöl von Unimedica eine köstliche, cholesterinärmere Alternative zu Butter oder Margarine.

    Kokosöl enthält hauptsächlich gesättigte Fettsäuren. Diese sind jedoch zum großen Teil mittelkettig, sogenannte MCT-Fette. Sie haben weniger Kalorien als langkettige Fettsäuren und werden schnell vom Körper aufgenommen und verwertet.

    Bringt einen natürlichen Exotik-Kick in den Alltag

    Auch im Bad ist das Bio Kokosöl eine exotische Bereicherung. Mit seiner weichen bis flüssigen Konsistenz pflegt es Haut und Haar geschmeidig und verwöhnt mit einem zarten Duft und wertvollen, nährenden Pflanzenstoffen.

    Das aromatische Bio Kokosöl von Unimedica wird aus reifen Kokosnüssen aus kontrolliertem Bio-Anbau gewonnen. Sie sind die Früchte der Kokospalmen, die in den exotischen Naturparadiesen der Südsee und Südostasien zu Hause sind.

    Wie von der Natur geschaffen in höchster Qualität und Reinheit

    Das Bio Kokosöl von Unimedica wird durch ein schonendes Verfahren hergestellt, das auf jegliches Raffinieren, Desodorieren oder Bleichen verzichtet. Diese Methode bewahrt die wesentlichen und unverfälschten Bestandteile des Öls und verleiht ihm so sein charakteristisches Aroma und den frischen Kokosnussgeschmack.

    Bio Kokosnussöl nativ wird aufgrund seiner natürlichen Reinheit auch „Virgin Coconut Oil“ (VCO) genannt. Im Gegensatz zur industriellen Herstellung wird das Nussfleisch erntefrisch von ausschließlich vollkommen reifen Kokosnüssen von Hand ausgelöst, zerkleinert und getrocknet. Die so gewonnenen Kokosraspeln werden dann in einer Ölmühle durch schonende Kaltpressung zu Öl verarbeitet.

    Jedes Glas Bio Kokosöl von Unimedica enthält 1000 ml pures Kokosöl.

    Bio Kokosöl von Unimedica ist, entsprechend gesetzlicher Vorgaben, frei von Konservierungsstoffen, weiterhin ohne Zusätze wie Aromen, Farbstoffe, Stabilisatoren, Trennmittel wie Magnesiumstearat, ohne Gentechnik sowie laktosefrei, glutenfrei, gelatinefrei und vegan.

    13.40 US$
    • available immediately, ready to ship within 1-2 working days

    Frequently bought together
    Bio Kokosöl nativ - Virgin Coconut Oil - 1000 ml - von Unimedica+Organic Ghee  hay milk from the Bavarian Allgäu  from grass-fed and pasture-fed cattle - 500 g - from Unimedica+Vitamin D3 / K2 MK7 all-trans drops - by Unimedica - 50 ml =
    Total price 49.40 US$
    buy all

    available immediately, ready to ship within 1-2 working days

    Customers, that bought Bio Kokosöl nativ - Virgin Coconut Oil - 1000 ml - von Unimedica also bought

    certified organic

    gluten free

    lactose free

    Without genetic technology



    100% organic coconut oil

    Dosage form

  • oil
  • Recommended consumption:

    SUITABLE for cooking, baking and frying, as an alternative to butter or margarine.


    Store in a cool and dry place. The oil becomes liquid above 25 degrees Celsius. Use within 3 months after opening.

    Average nutritional values per 100 g

    Energie kJ3700 kJ
    Energie kcal900 kcal
    Fat100 g
    hereof: saturated fatty acids92,5 g
    of which monounsaturated fatty acids6,5 g
    of which polyunsaturated fatty acids1,5 g
    Kohlenhydrate0,0 g
    hereof: sugar0,0 g
    Protein0,0 g
    Salz0,0 g


    Narayana Verlag GmbH, Blumenplatz 2, 79400 Kandern, Germany

    customer reviews of Bio Kokosöl nativ - Virgin Coconut Oil - 1000 ml - von Unimedica
    With this forum we would like to offer our customers the chance to discuss our products. We explicitly point out that the forum only contains the private views and subjective individual assessments of the commenters. We do not approve the forum statements in any way. We publish them in the interest of freedom of expression. However, we distance ourselves from the contents of the forum and we are unwilling and unable to judge them as either true or false. If you feel a forum contribution is directed to you, you must seek the advice of a doctor or someone with a recognised specialist qualification in order to assess its truth or falsity. Our shop allows guests as well as verified customers to rate products or the shop. Verified ratings are indicated with “verified purchase”.

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    average customer rating:
    5,0 out of 5 Stars

    176 reviews (german), 2 reviews (english), 28 reviews (french)

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    6 years ago
    Absolutely top against ticks
    After and during the walk with the dogs I always collected a lot of ticks from both of them (on one walk after about 100 metres 7 ticks), since chemicals are out of the question for me and I had already read a lot about coconut oil, I tried this coconut oil - and my expectations were more than exceeded!
    I rubbed some coconut oil into my hands and then rubbed it into the dogs: Head, ears, neck, legs, etc., then it was off into the woods. After an hour in the woods, both were thoroughly searched in front of the car with the result: not a single tick!!! Really unbelievable, we will stick with the coconut oil!
    Additional side effect: the dogs love it now, when I say "coconut oil" they come running, it tastes great and they don't get diarrhoea, which I was worried about at first.
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    73 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    verified purchase
    4 years ago
    Homemade popcorn
    I am American and according to our family tradition, I have always made my popcorn in a special pot on the cooker, which is actually only used for this purpose.
    Until now, I have always used the oil from the supermarket and noticed time and again that 1. I had to set the cooker to the penultimate heat level, otherwise a lot of "old maids" (still closed kernels) remained in the pot after popping, 2. I kept noticing a strange aftertaste and 3. there was often an unappetising smell after removing the lid, despite the actually really delicious smell of the popped popcorn.
    A few weeks ago, I decided to consciously change some of my habits, in particular what I do and what I eat. Don't get me wrong, I eat a very "healthy" diet and make sure I have a generally healthy lifestyle, as I was happy to follow all my grandma's good advice from a young age, but I realised that "healthy" eating has, in my opinion, changed in this day and age.
    That's why I decided to take supplements from Unimedica and have actually felt more balanced since then.
    So, back to the oil:
    I am thrilled!!! 1. I was able to significantly reduce the heat for cooking, 2. the flavour is so great, the popcorn is fluffy and the "old maids" seem to have taken a holiday 3. removing the lid releases a wonderful scent of coconut ... aaahhh, soooo delicious.
    I can only recommend using this coconut oil for popcorn.
    How do I proceed?
    - Put 2 1/2 tablespoons of coconut oil in a (soup) pot with a glass lid (diameter 21 cm)
    - Have 1/3 measuring cup of popcorn (seeds) ready
    - Add 3 popcorn seeds to the pot
    - Set the heat to 1 1/2 - 2 and wait until tiny bubbles form around the seeds
    - Pour the amount from the measuring cup into the pot
    - Put the glass lid on and wait
    - when the rising becomes more rhythmic (about 40 seconds after the first rising), reduce the heat level to one and switch off completely after about 20 seconds.
    - When nothing seems to be happening in the pot, remove the pot from the hot hob and place it on a cold hob for about half a minute and wait, then remove the lid.
    Marvellously delicious!
    I melt the butter in a small saucepan using the residual heat from the hob and pour it over the popcorn in a circular motion.
    For the topping, I use fine crystal salt (known as Himalayan salt) - 1 kg - from Unimedica and a separate combination of cinnamon and organic coconut blossom sugar - 500 g - from Unimedica to sprinkle on top.
    Well, all that's left to say is bon appétit:
    Bon appétit and best wishes,
    read more ...
    42 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    3 years ago
    Never runs out
    I never run out of this high-quality coconut oil. I have been using it for many years not only in the kitchen but also to make ointments and cosmetics.
    The oil has proved its worth in my morning oil pulling, as a tick repellent (I apply it to my legs and my dog's legs before going for a walk), to make face cream with dandelion flowers, hair packs, marigold ointments and much more. It also accompanies me on holiday - so I have oil for cooking and baking, moisturiser for skin (also for sunburn) and hair and a spread made from coconut oil, olive oil and onions is quick to make, tastes good and is healthy .
    A high-quality product without chemicals, with a very good flavour and a very long shelf life in a reusable jar. The oil tolerates temperature fluctuations without any problems. The price-performance ratio is also top!
    I also use other products from Unimedica (e.g. collagen powder and DMSO) and can really recommend this brand!!!
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    24 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    Monika B.
    verified purchase
    2 years ago
    Simply unsurpassable!
    This is the third time I have ordered this coconut oil. The flavour is so smooth, so deliciously coconutty - I wouldn't want to be without it, especially on dry bread. In the pan and when cooking, it is not overpowering, but enhances the main flavour of the dish.
    Coconut oil contains omega-3 and omega-6, both important fats for maintaining and improving health.
    As I am intolerant to many foods that contain dairy and gluten, coconut oil is a good alternative to butter and works well for gluten-free bread.
    I have recently started using coconut oil as a "body butter". Very dry skin gratefully absorbs the fat.
    I use the coconut oil for my dog's coat, both to repel ticks and to grease the coat after washing.
    So it is a very versatile product that I would love to buy again.
    It's great that it's available here!
    The range at Narayana is simply huge! Thank you very much!
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    21 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    Ina Pinzel
    verified purchase
    5 years ago
    What is equally good for your body and your diet?
    Organic virgin coconut oil from Unimedica.
    I have been using virgin and organic coconut oil for ages and I am very surprised to learn that there is obviously room for improvement!
    This coconut oil has a fine, creamy texture when spread on bread, it smells and tastes marvellous and refines my dishes, it melts softly and pleasantly on my skin and in my hair.
    Even my cat likes to use it, regularly and more than before.
    The price-performance ratio is unbeatable.
    read more ...
    20 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    Nadia V.
    verified purchase
    4 years ago
    Best coconut oil
    I have tried a lot of coconut oils. For years I have been using coconut oil for cooking, for my hair, my body and I also give it to my cat.
    This coconut oil is by far the best I have ever tried!
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    17 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    verified purchase
    5 years ago
    Very good product
    Favourable price for an excellent product.
    Pleasant flavour. Excellent for cooking, gives dishes that fine coconut flavour.
    Also good for skin inflammations, pimples, insect bites etc. It proves its worth. Heals very quickly.
    And the ordering service is excellent, always reliable, the goods always arrive quickly after ordering. I live in Switzerland and it also arrives there within 3 days!
    Thank you for this good product and the great service from your company.
    Can only recommend it to everyone
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    16 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    verified purchase
    3 years ago
    Coconut oil for the whole family and pets.
    The quality is good.
    We use it in the kitchen, for our bodies and for our pets.
    - Children even eat the oil with a teaspoon
    - Fried eggs with coconut oil taste great.
    - Our dog is crazy about it.
    We mix the coconut oil into the dry food.
    What does our Hasky do! Licks the coconut oil off all the dry food and leaves the dry food
    - Helps with dry skin or sunburn quite well.
    - and much more...
    - Simply belongs in the household.....
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    11 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    Nick Niemann
    verified purchase 2er-Sparset: Bio Kokosöl nativ - Virgin Coconut Oil - 2 x 1000 ml - von Unimedica Review for
    3 months ago
    Unfortunately, I have extremely dry scalp and therefore also severe dandruff. I have enough of the coconut oil at home. I have read that massaging the oil into the scalp is supposed to help. Is that really advisable? I would very much like to try it. read more ...
    1 person finds this not helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    verified purchase 2er-Sparset: Bio Kokosöl nativ - Virgin Coconut Oil - 2 x 1000 ml - von Unimedica Review for
    4 months ago
    I am very satisfied
    I love the slightly nutty smell of the coconut oil when frying... it doesn't splash as much as other oils... it's pretty neutral in flavour... the price is sensational... and Unimedica doesn't add any sugar... which is sometimes the case with other coconut oils... I've bought it for the second time now... and I hope I'll continue to get it from Unimedica... I can recommend it 100%... a really good product... read more ...
    10 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    verified purchase
    4 years ago
    Finest coconut oil
    I use it for cooking, for skin care or to treat athlete's foot (in combination with Manuka oil) - a wonderful coconut oil! read more ...
    9 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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