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DMSO 99.9 % - 100 ml - from Unimedica

DMSO 99.9 % - 100 ml - from Unimedica
DMSO 99.9 % - 100 ml - from UnimedicaDMSO 99.9 % - 100 ml - from Unimedica
product no.: 25717
EAN: 4251662100621

Auch im Set erhältlich - von Unimedica

DMSO 99.9 % - 100 ml - from Unimedica

Dimethyl sulfoxide
9.30 US$
  • available immediately, ready to ship within 1-2 working days
product no.: 25717
EAN: 4251662100621

Auch im Set erhältlich - von Unimedica

1 bottle = 100 ml

99.9% purity, GMO-free

The user bears general responsibility for the type of use.

It crystallises at temperatures below 18° C and becomes liquid again at 19 to 22°. This indicates the high quality and purity of this product.

DMSO (DIMETHYL SULFOXIDE) from Unimedica is free of flavouring, colouring, stabilisers, preservatives and separating agents such as magnesium stearate; it is also GMO-free, lactose-free, gluten-free and gelatine-free. This product is 100 % vegan.

DMSO (DIMETHYLSULFOXID) from Unimedica is carefully made in Germany to 99.9% purity.

9.30 US$
  • available immediately, ready to ship within 1-2 working days

Without genetic technology


Dimethyl sulfoxide 99.9% pharmaceutical purity (Ph. Eur.) according to the European Pharmacopoeia.

Important note: Keep out of reach of children.  Keep away from heat and open fire. At low temperatures below 18°C DMSO crystallizes. At 19 - 22°C it becomes liquid again. This state of aggregation does not represent a defect, it reflects the high quality of this product.

CAS-NR. 67-68-5

EG-NR. 200-664-3

Dosing instructions:

This product is intended for use as a solvent. The method of use is the general responsibility of the user.


Store upright, dry and closed.

1 bottle = 100 ml

99.9% purity, GMO-free

The user bears general responsibility for the type of use.

It crystallises at temperatures below 18° C and becomes liquid again at 19 to 22°. This indicates the high quality and purity of this product.

DMSO (DIMETHYL SULFOXIDE) from Unimedica is free of flavouring, colouring, stabilisers, preservatives and separating agents such as magnesium stearate; it is also GMO-free, lactose-free, gluten-free and gelatine-free. This product is 100 % vegan.

DMSO (DIMETHYLSULFOXID) from Unimedica is carefully made in Germany to 99.9% purity.

9.30 US$
  • available immediately, ready to ship within 1-2 working days

Frequently bought together
DMSO 99.9 % - 100 ml - from Unimedica+Set of 3: CDL/CDS - ULTRA PURE - Chlorine Dioxide Ready-to-Use Solution ≤ 0.3 % - 3 x 100 ml - from Unimedica+Vitamin D3 / K2 MK7 all-trans drops - by Unimedica - 50 ml =
Total price 66.70 US$
buy all

available immediately, ready to ship within 1-2 working days

Customers, that bought DMSO 99.9 % - 100 ml - from Unimedica also bought

Without genetic technology


Dimethyl sulfoxide 99.9% pharmaceutical purity (Ph. Eur.) according to the European Pharmacopoeia.

Important note: Keep out of reach of children.  Keep away from heat and open fire. At low temperatures below 18°C DMSO crystallizes. At 19 - 22°C it becomes liquid again. This state of aggregation does not represent a defect, it reflects the high quality of this product.

CAS-NR. 67-68-5

EG-NR. 200-664-3

Dosing instructions:

This product is intended for use as a solvent. The method of use is the general responsibility of the user.


Store upright, dry and closed.

customer reviews of DMSO 99.9 % - 100 ml - from Unimedica
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4,8 out of 5 Stars

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Tuana Yurdakul

5 years ago
A wonderful remedy, but still too little known
Since DMSO is not yet so well known and many people do not realise what it is used for and how it should be used, I will write a little about what I have researched:

"For self-treatment, DMSO can be used both ingested and externally in the form of brushing, dripping or spraying. DMSO is a substance that has decongestant, restorative, vasodilatory, anticoagulant, anti-inflammatory, regenerative, analgesic and tonic properties. It is effective against bacteria, fungi and viruses. The anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties also have an effect when DMSO is applied externally, e.g. to affected joints. And unlike a normal medicine, which only works on a specific disease, DMSO is a holistic concept that brings the entire body's cellular function back to normal. Used on its own or in combination with other medicinal substances, it can be used to treat almost any disease known to man.
Despite the countless possible applications, the proven effect in many studies and the low price, there is one "side effect" that prevents many people from using DMSO. Irrespective of the amount taken and the application, a garlic-like or hard-to-define odour is produced, which some also interpret as being reminiscent of seaweed or oysters.

Undiluted DMSO tastes sweet and bitter. When mixed with water, it becomes increasingly bitter. It can be mixed with water or juices until a "pleasant" flavour is achieved. You should always choose a mixing ratio that makes it pleasant to take.

When used externally, slight reddening, burning and itching of the skin may occur. This is alleviated by mixing the solution more thoroughly with water until the irritation has disappeared. Therefore, before applying DMSO externally, first check the tolerance and the optimum mixing ratio on a small area of skin." Administered via the skin, the highest concentration in the blood serum is reached after four to eight hours - orally usually after four hours. After 120 hours, DMSO is no longer detectable in the body.
There are different combination and dosage options. Each user has to see what works for them and, above all, how it works for them." This is probably why there is no "exact" application description.

Hope it helps others
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Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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Karl Lesker

3 years ago
I have been taking DMSO myself for several years. I have had very good results with it for joint complaints of all kinds. My recommendation is simply to order the book and read through it first: Do I want to take it internally or externally. When using it externally, you have to bear in mind that DMSO may transport impurities or clothing fluff into the body via the pores. This means keeping the parts of the body that I want to brush with DMSO clean and not putting on any clothing for at least 30/40 minutes. And do not pour this DMSO into plastic containers and store it or use plastic brushes to brush the body parts. read more ...
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Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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3 years ago
Which book do you mean exactly? read more ...
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Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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verified purchase
4 years ago
Miracle cure for hair loss!
My husband and I have been using DMSO for years and only have positive things to say. With my knee injury I was pain-free again very quickly, and every doctor is amazed at the rapid healing of open wounds. Whether it's a broken toe or a bruise, I'm always surprised at the success. But my greatest success was my hair loss! I tried DMSO on my scalp in desperation, because my dermatologist told me that my hair follicles had stopped producing hair, so I thought I was going bald. After applying it, my severe hair loss (300 hairs a day) stopped immediately. I talk about it in my video Rosis heilende Natur ( JouTube ). Now 9 months later the hair loss is still fine without me having to continue using DMSO. Now I use it in combination with organic castor oil for scalp care and hair growth. It has also helped another 4 people in my circle of friends. Hopefully this will help many people with hair loss!!! read more ...
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Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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3 years ago
Hello Roswiha, how do you use it for hair loss, after washing your hair...or how...thank you in advance for your answer. LG Walter read more ...
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Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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Roswitha Fleckenstein
verified purchase
3 years ago
Hello Walter, thank you for your interest. I use it on my husband after washing his hair, 60% DMSO and 40% sterile water. We only need to use it once or twice a week and I have been able to achieve a standstill with him. I also recommend combining it with castor oil to care for the scalp, as DMSO can also dry out the skin. I explain the exact application in my video on JouTube Rosis heilende Natur. Good luck and best wishes..... read more ...
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Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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K. Ullmann
verified purchase
4 years ago
Versatile and effective
I didn't know DMSO yet, but came across it while browsing here. And as I was having problems with my feet, I ordered a bottle to try it out. An old tendon injury kept causing me problems. It was so bad again that it was impossible for me to walk (in the sense of running). I was in a lot of pain when I tried to jump off. I applied DMSO to my ankle and large parts of my foot early in the morning and in the evening. Before a week had passed, I was pain-free and could jump again.
In the meantime, I also bought the book "DMSO - the amazing healing power of nature". I read that DMSO can also be used to treat nail fungus. After a pedicure, I had a white, unsightly spot on a large toenail (approx. 1/4 of the nail) that would not grow out. It must have been nail fungus. I rubbed the nail with DMSO 1 to 2 times a day. It took a long time, 3 or 4 weeks, but now the toenail looks completely normal again.
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Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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3 years ago
May I ask how you rub it in, with your bare hands or with disposable gloves? read more ...
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Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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1 year ago
Always use clean hands and never touch plastic read more ...
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Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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verified purchase
2 years ago
Arthrite rhumatoide
Super product I use it with MMS for my wife who has deformed fingers.
There is a very clear improvement after eight days is much less pain
The parcel arrived on time and was well protected.
Thanks again
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Original language: french, translated by Narayana
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9 months ago
How it is used for osteoarthritis read more ...
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Cedric Moisson
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6 months ago
Question mark please THANK YOU read more ...
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Original language: french, translated by Narayana
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verified purchase
4 years ago
I am surprised and impressed at how well the product works.
I had severe pain and restricted movement in my shoulder. Physiotherapy, painkillers and injections didn't really help in the long term.
I then just rubbed DMSO into it regularly for a few weeks and currently have no more problems. It really is amazing.
I also rubbed it into an operation scar and the scar is almost invisible.

However, I would strongly recommend reading a specialist book on DMSO so that you don't do anything wrong when using it and get some basic information about the substance.
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Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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Ingrid Hildebrandt

4 years ago
Can you recommend a specialised book? read more ...
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Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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Annette Trick
DMSO 99,99 % - 1000 ml - von Unimedica Review for
3 years ago
The DMSO handbook by Dr.rer.nat. Hartmut Fischer read more ...
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Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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verified purchase
2 years ago
A miracle cure
My mum suffers from osteoarthritis. We have been to many doctors, spent money on various therapies, all for nothing! And according to the doctors, there's not much that can be done.
I came across Robert Franz by chance and started to look into naturopathy.
I also bought a DMSO book.
My mum could hardly walk and had sleepless nights because the pain was so severe. I was desperate and it broke my heart to see her suffer so much. She got to a point where she was already talking about walking aids.
She is 73 years old
I applied DMSO diluted 50%/50% with water to the affected areas and after 20 minutes the pain was almost 100% gone.
She now uses DMSO 3 times a day and has regained her quality of life and can sleep without pain.

Thank you for the great remedy!!!
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Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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4 years ago
It works wonderfully against pain and inflammation.
I have been using DMSO internally and externally for a long time with great success against polyarthritic complaints. I never want to have to do without DMSO again. . read more ...
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Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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verified purchase
3 years ago
Hi dear Verena, I have a very painful upper arm because a tendon is torn. I can't get it under control and am now reading about DSMO here. How can you recommend taking it? Should I rub it on my painful area? I am also interested in the side effect of the odour mentioned above. Can you also report on this? Thank you very much for your reply. All the best Eva read more ...
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Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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Verena Hörler
verified purchase
3 years ago
Dear Eva, it is best to use the DMSO both internally and externally. Both diluted. But it is essential to familiarise yourself with it beforehand. It is essential that you read the little booklet by Evelyne Laye "DMSO" beforehand. There you will find all the important information. For example, when applying DMSO externally, you must wait until it has dried completely before putting your clothes back on. (DMSO would otherwise immediately combine with synthetic substances from the clothes, for example, and absorb them into the body tissue. This would of course be very counterproductive). I wish you every success. Be patient. Perhaps you will first experience a so-called "first aggravation", only then the improvement. read more ...
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Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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5 years ago
my number 1 for muscle regeneration
I like to use DMSO after sport, especially when I have very sore muscles. I can only recommend the product! But there are so many other areas of application because DMSO has pain-relieving, wound-healing, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antimicrobial effects.
As there are several forms of application, you should definitely inform yourself beforehand depending on the complaint and area of application in order to avoid unwanted side effects.
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Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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Anneliese Nagy
verified purchase
4 years ago
I am incredibly happy that I read about Dmso a long time ago and experienced its amazing healing power. I also ordered a specialised book and started carefully. It helps and has a wide range and no side effects. It will always have a place in my medicine cabinet. read more ...
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Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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2 years ago
Hello, where did you find the book specialising in DMSO? What is it called? read more ...
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Original language: french, translated by Narayana
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11 months ago
Hello, please also tell me the title of the book. Yours sincerely read more ...
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Original language: french, translated by Narayana
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verified purchase
4 years ago
Strangely surprisingly fast effect
I bought DMSO from Unimedica to try it out because I am convinced by the Unimedica brand and so is a friend. He told me that he dilutes DMSO drops 1 to 1 with water and simply rubs it in and lets it work, then back pain is gone immediately. I have just done the same thing on the right side of my neck as I have stenosis there and the pressure/tension is unbearable. Now the right side is immediately free after rubbing in and feels light! I didn't smell any unpleasant odour but it is supposed to smell like garlic, let's see, I will use it again and also rub Unimedica DMSO on the cyst on my thumb, which has almost turned blue. I am pleasantly surprised and satisfied. read more ...
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Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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verified purchase
4 years ago
Mia brings here very good tips DMSO 1:1 that makes me happy not dared to try so strong, really good tips. I recently got homeopathic pellets for strong head thrush for 7 months after many antibiotics now already 4 days finally happy head - feel like new! Thank you Unimedica, thank you Narayana! read more ...
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Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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Inga Dittrich

2 years ago
Hello dear Sigrid I happened to find offers and comments from/about DMSO here in the middle of the night and read them all! I have also had the same or similar complaints for years and would like to know more about your head droning! I prefer to call it buzzing, crackling but it could also be droning! Anyway, it's very unpleasant and lasts for a very long time, actually always after sleeping (lying down)! Especially when I can sleep for a long time at a time (2-3 hours)! I wake up all the time, unfortunately there is no diagnosis, I don't have tinnitus! I would be very happy to hear your feedback, LG Inga from Frankfurt! read more ...
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Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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