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DMSO - Bio Rizinusöl - Set von Unimedica

DMSO - Bio Rizinusöl - Set von Unimedica
product no.: 28032
weight: 595g
EAN: 4251662106944

DMSO - Bio Rizinusöl - Set von Unimedica

Set mit 100 ml DMSO 99,99% - 200 ml Rizinusöl Bio, hergestellt in Deutschland von Unimedica
32.90 US$
27.60 US$
16,1% cheaper
  • available immediately, ready to ship within 1-2 working days
in Essential oils, Personal care
product no.: 28032
weight: 595g
EAN: 4251662106944

2 Flaschen

DMSO - Rizinusöl Bio - Set von Unimedica

DMSO 99,99 %  - 100 ml

Die Art der Verwendung unterliegt der allgemeinen Verantwortung des Anwenders.

Es kristallisiert bei Temperaturen unter 18° Celsius und verflüssigt sich wieder bei 19 bis 22°. Das spricht für die hohe Qualität und Reinheit des Produktes.

DMSO (DIMETHYLSULFOXID) von Unimedica ist, entsprechend gesetzlichen Vorgaben, frei von Zusatzstoffen. Das Produkt ist zu 100 % vegan.

DMSO (DIMETHYLSULFOXID) von Unimedica wird sorgfältig mit 99,99% Reinheit in Deutschland hergestellt.

Aufbewahrung: Aufrecht, trocken und verschlossen lagern.

Wichtiger Hinweis: Außerhalb der Reichweite von Kindern aufbewahren.  Von Hitze und offenem Feuer fernhalten. Bei niedrigen Temperaturen unter 18°C kristallisiert DMSO. Bei 19 – 22°C wird es wieder flüssig. Dieser Aggregatzustand stellt keinen Mangel dar, es spiegelt die hohe Qualität dieses Produktes wider.


Rizinusöl Bio - 200 ml

BIO Rizinusöl von Unimedica schützt und regeneriert die Haut als Anti-Aging-Naturkosmetik. Es pflegt und kräftigt Wimpern und Augenbrauen ebenso wie Haare und Nägel. Es gibt Haaren und Nägeln ihren natürlichen Glanz zurück.

Rizinusöl (Castor Oil) ist von Natur aus reich an Omega-Fettsäuren und Vitamin E. Dadurch eignet es sich bei regelmäßiger Anwendung hervorragend als Anti-Aging-Hautpflegeöl zur Feuchtigkeitspflege und sanften Glättung des Hautbildes. Es mildert Fältchen, Narben oder Schwangerschaftsstreifen und regt das Haarwachstum an.

BIO Rizinusöl von Unimedica wird aus Ricinus communis, den Samen des Wunderbaums, gewonnen. Rizinus für das BIO Rizinusöl von Unimedica wird in Indien unter kontrolliert biologischen Bedingungen angebaut. Die Rizinussamen werden schonend kalt gepresst, um das 100 % naturreine, hochwertige BIO Rizinusöl zu gewinnen. Durch die Kaltpressung bleiben die wertvollen Inhaltsstoffe erhalten.

BIO Rizinusöl von Unimedica ist, entsprechend gesetzlichen Vorgaben, frei von Aromen, Farbstoffen, Stabilisatoren, Magnesiumstearat sowie ohne Gentechnik und vegan. Es wird aus Rizinus (Ricinus communis) gewonnen, das in Indien unter kontrolliert biologischen Bedingungen angebaut wird.


Das Set enthält:

32.90 US$
27.60 US$
16,1% cheaper
  • available immediately, ready to ship within 1-2 working days

For product details please click on the picture

Product information DMSO 99.9 % - 100 ml - from Unimedica


Dimethyl sulfoxide 99.9% pharmaceutical purity (Ph. Eur.) according to the European Pharmacopoeia.

Important note: Keep out of reach of children.  Keep away from heat and open fire. At low temperatures below 18°C DMSO crystallizes. At 19 - 22°C it becomes liquid again. This state of aggregation does not represent a defect, it reflects the high quality of this product.

CAS-NR. 67-68-5

EG-NR. 200-664-3

Dosing instructions:

This product is intended for use as a solvent. The method of use is the general responsibility of the user.


Store upright, dry and closed.

DMSO 99.9 % - 100 ml - from Unimedica >more information

Product information Organic castor oil - 200 ml - from Unimedica

  • Ohne Stabilisatoren
  • Ingredients:

    100% cold pressed castor oil (Ricinus communis)*.

    * from controlled organic cultivation


    Store closed, protected from light and cool.


    For daily care of the face: put 1-2 pumps of the oil in the palm of your hand and gently massage into cleansed skin.

    Only suitable for external use on healthy skin.


    Narayana Verlag GmbH, Blumenplatz 2, 79400 Kandern, Germany

    Organic castor oil - 200 ml - from Unimedica >more information

    2 Flaschen

    DMSO - Rizinusöl Bio - Set von Unimedica

    DMSO 99,99 %  - 100 ml

    Die Art der Verwendung unterliegt der allgemeinen Verantwortung des Anwenders.

    Es kristallisiert bei Temperaturen unter 18° Celsius und verflüssigt sich wieder bei 19 bis 22°. Das spricht für die hohe Qualität und Reinheit des Produktes.

    DMSO (DIMETHYLSULFOXID) von Unimedica ist, entsprechend gesetzlichen Vorgaben, frei von Zusatzstoffen. Das Produkt ist zu 100 % vegan.

    DMSO (DIMETHYLSULFOXID) von Unimedica wird sorgfältig mit 99,99% Reinheit in Deutschland hergestellt.

    Aufbewahrung: Aufrecht, trocken und verschlossen lagern.

    Wichtiger Hinweis: Außerhalb der Reichweite von Kindern aufbewahren.  Von Hitze und offenem Feuer fernhalten. Bei niedrigen Temperaturen unter 18°C kristallisiert DMSO. Bei 19 – 22°C wird es wieder flüssig. Dieser Aggregatzustand stellt keinen Mangel dar, es spiegelt die hohe Qualität dieses Produktes wider.


    Rizinusöl Bio - 200 ml

    BIO Rizinusöl von Unimedica schützt und regeneriert die Haut als Anti-Aging-Naturkosmetik. Es pflegt und kräftigt Wimpern und Augenbrauen ebenso wie Haare und Nägel. Es gibt Haaren und Nägeln ihren natürlichen Glanz zurück.

    Rizinusöl (Castor Oil) ist von Natur aus reich an Omega-Fettsäuren und Vitamin E. Dadurch eignet es sich bei regelmäßiger Anwendung hervorragend als Anti-Aging-Hautpflegeöl zur Feuchtigkeitspflege und sanften Glättung des Hautbildes. Es mildert Fältchen, Narben oder Schwangerschaftsstreifen und regt das Haarwachstum an.

    BIO Rizinusöl von Unimedica wird aus Ricinus communis, den Samen des Wunderbaums, gewonnen. Rizinus für das BIO Rizinusöl von Unimedica wird in Indien unter kontrolliert biologischen Bedingungen angebaut. Die Rizinussamen werden schonend kalt gepresst, um das 100 % naturreine, hochwertige BIO Rizinusöl zu gewinnen. Durch die Kaltpressung bleiben die wertvollen Inhaltsstoffe erhalten.

    BIO Rizinusöl von Unimedica ist, entsprechend gesetzlichen Vorgaben, frei von Aromen, Farbstoffen, Stabilisatoren, Magnesiumstearat sowie ohne Gentechnik und vegan. Es wird aus Rizinus (Ricinus communis) gewonnen, das in Indien unter kontrolliert biologischen Bedingungen angebaut wird.


    Das Set enthält:

    32.90 US$
    27.60 US$
    16,1% cheaper
    • available immediately, ready to ship within 1-2 working days

    Frequently bought together
    DMSO - Bio Rizinusöl - Set von Unimedica+Vitamin D3 / K2 MK7 all-trans drops - by Unimedica - 50 ml =
    Total price 48.10 US$
    buy all

    available immediately, ready to ship within 1-2 working days

    Customers, that bought DMSO - Bio Rizinusöl - Set von Unimedica also bought

    For product details please click on the picture

    Product information DMSO 99.9 % - 100 ml - from Unimedica


    Dimethyl sulfoxide 99.9% pharmaceutical purity (Ph. Eur.) according to the European Pharmacopoeia.

    Important note: Keep out of reach of children.  Keep away from heat and open fire. At low temperatures below 18°C DMSO crystallizes. At 19 - 22°C it becomes liquid again. This state of aggregation does not represent a defect, it reflects the high quality of this product.

    CAS-NR. 67-68-5

    EG-NR. 200-664-3

    Dosing instructions:

    This product is intended for use as a solvent. The method of use is the general responsibility of the user.


    Store upright, dry and closed.

    DMSO 99.9 % - 100 ml - from Unimedica >more information

    Product information Organic castor oil - 200 ml - from Unimedica

  • Ohne Stabilisatoren
  • Ingredients:

    100% cold pressed castor oil (Ricinus communis)*.

    * from controlled organic cultivation


    Store closed, protected from light and cool.


    For daily care of the face: put 1-2 pumps of the oil in the palm of your hand and gently massage into cleansed skin.

    Only suitable for external use on healthy skin.


    Narayana Verlag GmbH, Blumenplatz 2, 79400 Kandern, Germany

    Organic castor oil - 200 ml - from Unimedica >more information

    customer reviews of DMSO - Bio Rizinusöl - Set von Unimedica
    With this forum we would like to offer our customers the chance to discuss our products. We explicitly point out that the forum only contains the private views and subjective individual assessments of the commenters. We do not approve the forum statements in any way. We publish them in the interest of freedom of expression. However, we distance ourselves from the contents of the forum and we are unwilling and unable to judge them as either true or false. If you feel a forum contribution is directed to you, you must seek the advice of a doctor or someone with a recognised specialist qualification in order to assess its truth or falsity. Our shop allows guests as well as verified customers to rate products or the shop. Verified ratings are indicated with “verified purchase”.

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    average customer rating:
    5,0 out of 5 Stars

    23 reviews (german), 1 review (english), 4 reviews (french)

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    Tuana Yurdakul

    4 years ago
    A wonderful remedy, but still too little known
    Reviews of DMSO: MSO" target="_blank">https://www.narayana-verlag.de/DMSO-99-99-Ph-Eur-100-ml-von-Unimedica/b25717?keywordsMSO

    Since DMSO is not yet so well known and many people do not realise what it is used for and how it should be used, I will write a little about what I have researched:

    "For self-treatment, DMSO can be used both ingested and externally in the form of brushing, dripping or spraying. DMSO is a substance that has decongestant, restorative, vasodilatory, anticoagulant, anti-inflammatory, regenerative, analgesic and tonic properties. It is effective against bacteria, fungi and viruses. The anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties also have an effect when DMSO is applied externally, e.g. to affected joints. And unlike a normal medicine, which only works on a specific disease, DMSO is a holistic concept that brings the entire body's cell function back to normal. Used on its own or in combination with other medicinal substances, it can be used to treat almost any disease known to man.
    Despite the countless possible applications, the proven effect in many studies and the low price, there is one "side effect" that prevents many people from using DMSO. Irrespective of the amount taken and the application, a garlic-like or hard-to-define odour develops, which some also interpret as being reminiscent of seaweed or oysters.

    Undiluted DMSO tastes sweet and bitter. When mixed with water, it becomes increasingly bitter. It can be mixed with water or juices until a "pleasant" flavour is achieved. You should always choose a mixing ratio that makes it pleasant to take.

    When used externally, slight reddening, burning and itching of the skin may occur. This is alleviated by mixing the solution more thoroughly with water until the irritation has disappeared. Therefore, before applying DMSO externally, first check the tolerance and the optimum mixing ratio on a small area of skin." Administered via the skin, the highest concentration in the blood serum is reached after four to eight hours - orally usually after four hours. After 120 hours, DMSO is no longer detectable in the body.
    There are different combination and dosage options. Each user has to see what works for them and, above all, how it works for them." This is probably why there is no "exact" application description.

    Hope it helps others Smile
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    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    Hanna Modan

    2 months ago
    You forgot to mention that DMSO is a solvent and an anchor hook, for anything you combine it with and apply it to the skin, it draws it deep into the body, deep into the cells, so you have to be careful what you combine it with and that you should always apply it to clean skin, otherwise dust and other dirt particles will also go deep into the cells. read more ...
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    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    8 months ago
    Experience with DMSO and castor oil
    I got extreme hair loss in spring. The same happened last year. I previously had very thick, long hair that was difficult to tame. A delight.
    Today I have lost about 3/4 of my hair!
    I immediately treated it again with liquid silicon and at the same time read a report about DMSO and immersed myself in the subject.
    I watched the educational videos by Dr Hartmut Fischer on YouTube, in which you learn about the production, concentrations and areas of application.
    E.g. preparation of eye drops.
    Shortly after receiving my DMSO, I got a nasty cold and first had to open the packet to make my DMSO solution. I still had an empty amber glass sprayer, filled 2/3 with DMSO and 1/3 with water and squirted this down my throat.
    After 10 minutes the throat pain was gone. I also sprayed the solution into my nose and it was clear immediately.
    I repeated this about 3 times a day and after 4 days the cold was gone.
    After that twice a day, this cleared up all the suppuration in the forehead, sinuses and throat.

    I then saw videos and testimonials about beauty treatments and, as I am a beautician, I was totally blown away by the effects in hair and body care.
    That's how I became aware of Narayana.
    I bought various brown glass jars with pipettes and sprayers, made myself a 70% DMSO solution and drip it onto my scalp 1-2 times a day with a pipette and massage it in briefly.
    Once a week I apply the castor oil to my hair and scalp and leave it on overnight. In the morning, I apply castor oil to the length of my hair again, do a hair bun and it works like a charm.
    After 3 days I wash my hair.
    I do this procedure on Friday evenings until Sunday.
    My hair has become stronger again, it has regained its natural shine, but the very best thing is that it grows 1cm in 2 weeks and I have a full head of young hair.
    Absolutely recommendable!!! Of course, I also continue to take nutritional supplements. E.g. MSM, silicon etc.

    I put the same solution on my eyebrows, then 1 drop of castor oil on top.
    I also put a 50/50% solution on my face and then the hyaluronic serum from Narayana, as well as the aloe vera gel, let it soak in and put a drop of castor oil on my cheekbones and around my mouth.
    It tightens and moisturises the skin and reduces fine lines.
    By massaging in the DMSO and castor oil, the hands and nails are wonderfully nourished.

    So much effect with so little product.
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    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    verified purchase
    3 years ago
    Great products
    The products complement each other perfectly! My skin has become much smoother and wrinkle-free. My eyelashes are thicker and longer.
    I don't just use DMSO in combination with castor oil. I bought an information book on DMSO beforehand and use it afterwards. I can no longer imagine my medicine cabinet without it!
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    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    Beate ist

    1 year ago
    Hello dear Alexandra, would you please write me the composition and application for eyelash care. Kind regards Beate read more ...
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    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    8 months ago
    What is the name of the book? read more ...
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    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    4 years ago
    Power for skin and hair
    Reviews of organic castor oil: https://www.narayana-verlag.de/Rizinusoel-Bio-200-ml-von-Unimedica/b26220

    This organic castor oil is a valuable discovery for me. It is rich in vitamin E, minerals, proteins and useful fatty acids. It nourishes dry areas of skin and, in combination with DMSO, I also use it for neck care. However, I have had the greatest success with hair oil. It soothes itchy scalps and dandruff and promotes hair growth. The hair follicles are supplied with nutrients and my hair feels much stronger and shiny. I leave it on for about 2 hours and then wash it out again. Mixed with DMSO, it works very quickly for me against hair loss, and I talk about this in the DMSO review. Everything is right with this product, a beautiful bottle with valuable contents.......
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    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    9 months ago
    How do you mix the two wetting agents? Thank you very much read more ...
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    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    8 months ago
    Hello Sabine, I have a detailed video about this on YouTube, Rosis heilende Natur, best regards 🙏🍀 read more ...
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    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    verified purchase
    7 months ago
    Helps incredibly well for nerve pain from shingles on the face and scalp. DMSO applied drop by drop in a 50% solution was like a miracle cure. Painkillers could be discontinued immediately. I am 1000% convinced. Unfortunately, neither a doctor nor a pharmacist will advise you to do this. Apart from strong painkillers, nothing can be done... read more ...
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    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    Anka M
    verified purchase
    2 years ago
    DMSO and organic castor oil
    I bought this for my hair to make it grow again, I had breast cancer in 2020 and my hair was always thin until I bought the DMSO with organic castor oil a fortnight ago and used it during this time, I noticed that my hair is growing thick and dense, I hope it will get even better. Now I am very satisfied. read more ...
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    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    Daniela Schulte Holtey

    2 years ago
    Hello Anka, may I ask how you use it read more ...
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    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    Astrid Zäch

    2 years ago
    Hello Anka, would you write me how you use it. read more ...
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    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    verified purchase
    11 months ago
    Effect surprisingly good.
    Castor oil is also very good as an eye cream and also pure overnight.
    2 drops of DMSO and 10 drops of castor oil are ideal.
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    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    3 years ago
    Visibly smoothed skin texture!
    I started using castor oil five weeks ago. I wanted to observe the effect closely and took photos before and after. I was a little disappointed when I couldn't see anything after two weeks. Now, however, after almost 5 weeks, I can visibly see a reduction in the laugh lines and eye wrinkles. I have been using castor oil morning and evening and am curious to see how it will look after another five weeks. Try it out and don't be surprised if your skin gets a little dry in the first few days. This disappears again and doesn't have to be the case for everyone 👍 read more ...
    19 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    verified purchase
    2 years ago
    Hair loss
    I use DMSO and castor oil against my hair loss. Especially for eyebrows and eyelashes. Also for the hair on my head. My eyebrows show the clearest results A small bald spot has disappeared and the eyebrow hairs are really strong. The hair loss caused by a medication has also decreased slightly. However, I have also stopped colouring. Price is top. read more ...
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    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    Roswitha Fleckenstein

    2 years ago
    Have you already seen my videos with DMSO/ organic castor oil to stop hair loss on YouTube? Rosis heilende Natur 👍I'm glad if it worked for you too 🤩👍🍀 read more ...
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    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    1 year ago
    How exactly did you apply DMSO and castor oil to your hair? read more ...
    2 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    verified purchase
    3 years ago
    Ein tolles Duo
    I have been using both products on my legs for 14 days. The entire skin has smoothed out and become more elastic. read more ...
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    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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