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  • more than 10.000 products about homeopathy and natural healing
  • Seminars with worldwide known homeopathic doctors
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Narayana Verlag

excellent    2.946.910 customers from 194 countries
  • more than 10.000 products about homeopathy and natural healing
  • Seminars with worldwide known homeopathic doctors
  • Healthy and natural food
  • Homeopathy for plants
Buch: 977 pages, hb
publication: 2022
product no.: 30642
weight: 4030g
ISBN: 978-3-949754-06-7 9783949754067
Ihr Gesundheitswerkzeugkasten für zu Hause oder in der Praxis
81.90 US$
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Buch: 977 pages, hb
publication: 2022
product no.: 30642
weight: 4030g
ISBN: 978-3-949754-06-7 9783949754067

Der Herausgeber schreibt:

DMSO ist ein hochwirksamer und therapeutisch vielfältig einsetzbarer Naturstoff mit einer erstaunlichen Vielzahl von heilenden Wirkungen.

In der DMSO & Co. Buchreihe erfahren Sie auf ca. 1000 Seiten mit über 1600 Abbildungen, wie Sie das Universalmittel DMSO zusammen mit weiteren einfachen, bewährten und gut verträglichen Mitteln zur Förderung Ihrer Gesundheit nutzen können.

Sie erhalten einen hocheffektiven Gesundheitswerkzeugkasten, der sowohl zu Hause als auch in Praxen beeindruckende Anwendungserfolge in der Behandlung akuter und chronischer Symptome zeigt.
Mit dieser großen DMSO & Co. Wissenssammlung besitzen Sie umfangreiche Möglichkeiten, sich zahlreiche Hausmittel, Vorgehensweisen und medizinische Methoden anzueignen, um verschiedenste Symptome und Erkrankungen kostengünstig und effektiv zu behandeln.

Profitieren Sie von den umfassenden professionellen und auch für Laien leicht verständlichen Anleitungen und Rezepturen mit dem praktischen Gesundheitswerkzeugkasten DMSO & Co. und entdecken Sie, wie Sie mit den vielfältig einsetzbaren Natursubstanzen, Ihrem Körper rasche Regeneration und Regulation ermöglichen können.

Diese Buchreihe ist ein mächtiger Wissensschatz. Es gibt Ihnen die Möglichkeit, Ihre Gesundheit wieder in die eigenen Hände zu nehmen. Es ist Ihr Weg zu therapeutischer Freiheit, Sicherheit und Unabhängigkeit für ein natürlich gesundes Leben.

Die Medizin darf, soll und kann wieder zurück zu den Menschen kommen!

81.90 US$
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Der Herausgeber schreibt:

DMSO ist ein hochwirksamer und therapeutisch vielfältig einsetzbarer Naturstoff mit einer erstaunlichen Vielzahl von heilenden Wirkungen.

In der DMSO & Co. Buchreihe erfahren Sie auf ca. 1000 Seiten mit über 1600 Abbildungen, wie Sie das Universalmittel DMSO zusammen mit weiteren einfachen, bewährten und gut verträglichen Mitteln zur Förderung Ihrer Gesundheit nutzen können.

Sie erhalten einen hocheffektiven Gesundheitswerkzeugkasten, der sowohl zu Hause als auch in Praxen beeindruckende Anwendungserfolge in der Behandlung akuter und chronischer Symptome zeigt.
Mit dieser großen DMSO & Co. Wissenssammlung besitzen Sie umfangreiche Möglichkeiten, sich zahlreiche Hausmittel, Vorgehensweisen und medizinische Methoden anzueignen, um verschiedenste Symptome und Erkrankungen kostengünstig und effektiv zu behandeln.

Profitieren Sie von den umfassenden professionellen und auch für Laien leicht verständlichen Anleitungen und Rezepturen mit dem praktischen Gesundheitswerkzeugkasten DMSO & Co. und entdecken Sie, wie Sie mit den vielfältig einsetzbaren Natursubstanzen, Ihrem Körper rasche Regeneration und Regulation ermöglichen können.

Diese Buchreihe ist ein mächtiger Wissensschatz. Es gibt Ihnen die Möglichkeit, Ihre Gesundheit wieder in die eigenen Hände zu nehmen. Es ist Ihr Weg zu therapeutischer Freiheit, Sicherheit und Unabhängigkeit für ein natürlich gesundes Leben.

Die Medizin darf, soll und kann wieder zurück zu den Menschen kommen!

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customer reviews of Die DMSO & Co. Buchreihe (3 Bände)
With this forum we would like to offer our customers the chance to discuss our products. We explicitly point out that the forum only contains the private views and subjective individual assessments of the commenters. We do not approve the forum statements in any way. We publish them in the interest of freedom of expression. However, we distance ourselves from the contents of the forum and we are unwilling and unable to judge them as either true or false. If you feel a forum contribution is directed to you, you must seek the advice of a doctor or someone with a recognised specialist qualification in order to assess its truth or falsity. Our shop allows guests as well as verified customers to rate products or the shop. Verified ratings are indicated with “verified purchase”.

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average customer rating:
4,9 out of 5 Stars

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2 years ago
Best books in the health sector - must-reads!
I am so glad to have bought these three high-quality books. In my opinion, they are the best and most detailed books on the subject of alternative healing methods. The knowledge in these books is irreplaceable! I read them every day and have already been able to improve our physical condition many times over. Anyone who attaches great importance to their well-being should have this hardcover book series on their shelf. I can only recommend it. There is a lot of information about many diseases and healing methods as well as recipes, treatment overviews and dosage recommendations. read more ...
26 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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2 years ago
Brilliant books with priceless knowledge!
For me as a naturopath and health enthusiast, this series of books is absolutely amazing!
The books are a veritable encyclopaedia. Everything is illustrated in a structured way.
I can give the recipes and mixtures 1 to 1 to my patients.
The feedback so far has been truly amazing.
This has enabled me to greatly improve my therapeutic success.
I am very grateful to you for that!!!
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23 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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2 years ago
What a cornucopia of medical knowledge!
I have also had the book series for a few weeks. So comprehensive with lots of attention to detail.❤️Diese are a great sequel to Dr Fischer's "The DMSO Handbook". I have a whole shelf full of books, but these stand out from the rest of the pack. So happy!!! read more ...
18 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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2 years ago
10 stars for these great self-help books
Wooowww! What a great and beautiful series of books. Anyone who wants to do something good for themselves and their loved ones should read these books. I am extremely grateful that Dr Hartmut Fischer and Dominik Dietz share their invaluable knowledge and so much experience with us. The health toolbox of DMSO & Co. never ceases to amaze me. Thank you very much for your work and your fantastic endeavours. I am very much looking forward to more books. Stay healthy. read more ...
15 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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Franzi Kobel

2 years ago
A masterpiece
I bought these marvellous works because I am very interested in the subject of natural healing methods. I read them almost every day and have been able to improve my health many times over.
These are a great reference book that will probably stay in the family for generations. The books are a must in every household!
I highly recommend buying them, as I believe it is important to preserve the ancient knowledge of healing methods. Our modern medicine has evolved from ancient knowledge and is just as important today.
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14 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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2 years ago
Sensational book series with priceless information
Thank you so much for these wonderful hardcover books! The quality (content, layout, cover) of the books is fantastic and I am very grateful to now benefit from this valuable knowledge in the books! Thanks to the authors for creating this great series of books!!! read more ...
11 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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2 years ago
Absolutely thrilled!!! More than 5 stars!
The book series is worth every cent! I've been reading the books for about 4 weeks now and I'm absolutely thrilled!!! I have received a great deal of inspiration
I have received - somehow I have become a new person because I have been able to expand my knowledge enormously. I have been able to help my family enormously with various ailments. I am busy mixing and experimenting and have been able to replace my expensive anti-ageing
mixtures with self-mixed creams.
Simply magical! Thank you so much for that! I am extremely happy.
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10 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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verified purchase
2 years ago
Make your own DMSO & CO medicine
The best thing I've ever read.....👌😍😉

Must have!!!
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7 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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Ellen K.
verified purchase
3 years ago
This book series is great!
I would never give them away again!!!
These 75€ are well invested.
Helps me a lot! 🌻👍
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7 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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2 years ago
Priceless reference works!
30642_Antworten _63a6fd6475086.jpg
I would like to express my thanks. I recently received the new hardcover volumes. It was very emotional for me to hold them in my hands. My bookshelf consists of hundreds of printed books, but this book series is by far the best.
Thank you so much for that! I am extremely happy.
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6 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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