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Narayana Verlag
- more than 10.000 products about homeopathy and natural healing
- Seminars with worldwide known homeopathic doctors
- Healthy and natural food
- Homeopathy for plants
Top Customer's Feedbacks
from 110707 FeedbacksSusana from Spain
As always, Narayana comes up tops for quality of books and service. They are brilliant.Alyssa from France
The client service is very polite, available and a bit clueless about shipping, but not their fault in my case, DHL missed giving my phone number to the French postal service rendering my package undeliverable. I managed, with the help of the local service to trace back the error and get it sorted very quickly. I would say overall everybody failed, starting with me for putting a wrong name of the city. DHL for avoiding notification of relaying to the local postal service and finally the French postal service for not notifying me properly and LYING openly about to pass by my house and not finding me. I corrected now my proper address, to French post standards, and I hope this time DHL gives my number to them. Overall I say that the package tracking online is very vague and prone to lose the stuff as much as if it was not being traced and very late to inform relevant information, like DHL giving me a trace code of the French post not claryfying that, which made me think it was a website problem. About you I say, you packed all our products with very good care and the box arrived very bumped but the contents were untouched, keep up the good work! 5 stars for your stellar, pun not intended, packing, you missed that category in your ratings, here I fix that for you ,). Thank you!M.C. from France
so far so good. I look forward to receiving the order. Thanks.Narayana Verlag
- more than 10.000 products about homeopathy and natural healing
- Seminars with worldwide known homeopathic doctors
- Healthy and natural food
- Homeopathy for plants
Susana from Spain
As always, Narayana comes up tops for quality of books and service. They are brilliant.Narayana Verlag - Favorites
Gaias Garten
Homöopathie für Garten und Landwirtschaft
Turmalin - Edelstein des Regenbogens
Weibliche und männliche Sexualorgane - Selbstverwirklichung
Mit Homöopathie, Naturheilkunde und Übungen
Gehirn und Nervensystem - Blüte der Spiritualität
Mit Homöopathie, Naturheilkunde und Übungen
Farben in der Homöopathie - Set Farbtafeln & Textteil
Liver and Gallbladder - Acquired Authority
With Homeopathy, Naturopathy and Exercises
Die homöopathische Fallaufnahme bei Kindern
Die Tuberkulinie - Echtes von Unechtem unterscheiden - Band 4
Gesamte homöopathische Arzneimittellehre
Homeopathy for Streptococcal Infections and Individual Decisions about Vaccinations - 2 DVDs
Homeopathy for vaccinations, hyperimmune damage and prophylaxis.
Congress from March 20, 2011 - Day 3 with Martin Hirte
Eat to Live
Die Grüntee-Therapie
Dr. Barnards revolutionäre Methode gegen Diabetes
Fortbildungsreihe Bönninghausen-Methode und Polaritätsanalyse - Modul 6: Polaritätsanalyse bei 4- bis 7-jährigen Kindern - 1 DVD - Sonderangebot
Ängste überwinden durch Anti-Stress-Nahrung
Posttraumatische Belastungsstörung - Vom Überleben zu neuem Leben
Erwache zum Leben!
Fastfood kann tödlich sein
Das Erfolgsrezept für ultimatives Abnehmen
Selbstversorgung aus dem Familiengarten
Nie wieder Schimmel
Unsere Kinder brauchen uns
Spektrum der Homöopathie 2022-1, Säugetiere
Leber und Galle - erworbene Autorität
Mit Homöopathie, Naturheilkunde und Übungen
Schmetterlinge in der Homöopathie
Female and Male Sexual Organs Self-Realisation
With Homeopathy, Naturopathy and Exercises
Die Anamnese bei Kindern - 1 DVD
Acute Diseases in Childhood + Homeopathic Resources Homeopathic Treasures by Didier Grandgeorge / The Development of a Homeopathic Drug Picture - F. Kusse - 4 DVDs
WISH pour les enfants - Sensations de l'enfance et homéopathie 2012 en - 8 DVD
avec Rajan Sankaran, Anne Schadde, Jayesh Shah, Jürgen Hansel et beaucoup d'autres
Leeches for the Musculoskeletal System in Animals - 1 DVD
Spinnenmittel bei Kindern - 1 DVD - Sonderangebot
Spektrum der Homöopathie 2017-3, Goldserie - die 6. Reihe des Periodensystems - E-Book
Glutenfreies Fünf-Minuten-Brot
Ayurveda Basics
Spectrum of Homeopathy 2019-2, HORMONES
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Autoimmunerkrankungen heilen
Mit Vorwort des New York Times Besteller Autors Dr. Mark Hyman.