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Narayana Verlag
- more than 10.000 products about homeopathy and natural healing
- Seminars with worldwide known homeopathic doctors
- Healthy and natural food
- Homeopathy for plants
Top Customer's Feedbacks
from 110320 FeedbacksAlicia from Netherlands
...........................S.D. from USA
I always love shopping at Narayana Verlag. Thank you rfor your nice notes that you have sent to me as well. I appreciate your dedication to helping homeopaths aroudn the world. we are trying tohelp our patients and what you do makes that possible. I am eternally grateful. dr.stephen driscollJesús Albillo from Spain
I would never have expected something like this after more than 10 years of being a customer of the company. Making improper charges for unsolicited products. Shipping errors have been paid by me for the return. This is already repetitive, since they use collection methods that you have not authorized. I'm tired of sending emails and they don't answer or they act the Swede It is not advisable to purchase on this page.Narayana Verlag
- more than 10.000 products about homeopathy and natural healing
- Seminars with worldwide known homeopathic doctors
- Healthy and natural food
- Homeopathy for plants
Alicia from Netherlands
...........................Narayana Verlag - Favorites
Les couleurs en homéopathie - Set
Das Katzen-Homöopathie-Buch
Dynamic Somato-Structural Integration DSSI - E-Book
Besser sehen mit Akupressur und Naturheilkunde
WISH pour les enfants - Sensations de l'enfance et homéopathie 2012 en - 8 DVD
avec Rajan Sankaran, Anne Schadde, Jayesh Shah, Jürgen Hansel et beaucoup d'autres
Die Darmnosoden in der homöopathischen Praxis
L'homéopathie et les éléments
Vegane Schokolade
Set - Spektrum der Homöopathie - Set 2014
Das Autoimmun-Paleo-Kochbuch
L'omeopatia per la cura delle piante
Indicazioni di dosaggio, di somministrazione, e scelta della potenza
con aggiornamenti e aggiunte di Cornelia Maute
Das Mikrobiom - Heilung für den Darm
Treating Cancer in Animals - 1 DVD
Veterinary Congress - April 22.-24. 2016 in Bad Bellingen Germany
Spectrum of Homeopathy 2019-2, HORMONES
Spektrum der Homöopathie 2020-2, ZNS - Neurologische Krankheiten
Das nährstoffdichte Autoimmun-Kochbuch
Die Kraft der Gefühle
Unsere Kinder brauchen uns
Spektrum der Homöopathie 2022-1, Säugetiere
Homöopathische Therapeutika - Band 5: Abmagerung bis Wunden
Mindmat Band 8 - Vollständige Materia Medica der ichnahen Symptome Psorinum-Scutellaria lateriflora MÄNGELEXEMPLAR
Herz und Kreislauf - natürliche Autorität
Mit Homöopathie, Naturheilkunde und Übungen
Spektrum der Homöopathie 2010-2, Miasmen 1828 - 2010
Acute Diseases in Childhood + Homeopathic Resources Homeopathic Treasures by Didier Grandgeorge / The Development of a Homeopathic Drug Picture - F. Kusse - 4 DVDs
Vom Sinn der Kinderkrankheiten
Schuppenflechte - Selbstheilung ohne Medikamente
Wohlfühlen und Abnehmen
Die Macht des Zuhörens
Die Kunst des Wegwerfens
Analyse de polarité en homeopathie - French edition
Glutenfreies Fünf-Minuten-Brot
Ayurveda für die Schilddrüse
Simply Clean für ein gesundes Zuhause
Mit Detox-Plänen und vielen natürlichen Reinigungsmittel-Rezepten
Plants Only
Natürlichen Pflanzendünger selbst herstellen
Spektrum der Homöopathie 2023-3, ROSEN und ihre Schwestern
Synoptic Key - Charakteristika und Hauptwirkungen homöopathischer Arzneimittel
Kurzgefasste Arzneimittellehre
Homöopathische Kindermittel in Wort und Bild
F. Master - Homeopathy for Serious Diseas & Taking Case Histories for Small Children/ D. Chauhan - The Sankaran Method for Children - 3 DVDs (Congress 2011)
Eat to Live
Was Pferde wollen
Synergie in der Homöopathie - 1 DVD
Homeopathic Treatment of Cancer in Animals - 1 DVD
Secound Congress for Animal Homeopathy, April 2013 in Badenweiler, Germany