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Flor Essence Kräutermischung 3 x 21 g

Flor Essence Kräutermischung 3 x 21 g
product no.: 24259
EAN: 4260214690022

Flor Essence Kräutermischung 3 x 21 g

Kräutertee zur Zubereitung eines Kräutertee-Auszuges mit leicht bitterem Geschmack - Quintessence Tee
30.90 US$
  • available immediately, ready to ship within 1-2 working days
product no.: 24259
EAN: 4260214690022

Inhalt: 63 g (3 x Beutel à 21 g)
Reicht bei Beachtung der Verzehrempfehlung für 6 - 9 Wochen.

Der Hersteller schreibt:

Durch die einfache Zubereitung der Flor Essence Kräuter-Mischung wird ein Tee hergestellt, der Ihr allgemeines Wohlbefinden unterstützt.

Flor Essence – Seine Geschichte
Die Geschichte von Flor Essence liest sich wie ein Roman. Die Ojibwa-Indianer Kanadas vertrauten die Rezeptur vor mehr als 80 Jahren der Kanadierin René Caisse an. Dank der Unterstützung der Reporterin Elaine Alexander wurde Flor Essence auch über die Grenzen Kanadas hinaus bekannt.

Seit 1995 importieren wir diese wertvolle Kräutermischung. Hergestellt wird die Teemischung von der renommierten, kanadischen Manufaktur Flora (FMD). Sie stellt die indianische Kräuterteemischung nach der Original-Zusammensetzung in hoher Qualität her. Die Unterschrift von Elaine Alexander auf jeder Packung Flor Essence bürgt für die reine und unverfälschte Original-Kräutermischung.

Die Zubereitung von Flor Essence
Man sollte immer nur einen Portionsbeutel zubereiten, damit die Tee-Essenz stets frisch ist. Für die Zubereitung von Flor Essence bitte einen mittelgroßen Kochtopf verwenden, in dem 1 1/4 Liter Trinkwasser zum Kochen gebracht werden. Danach den Inhalt des Portionsbeutels in das kochende Wasser gegeben. Den Kräutertee ca. 15 Minuten bei geringer Hitze zugedeckt leicht sieden lassen. Anschließend den Kräutertee 10 - 12 Stunden bei Zimmertemperatur ziehen lassen (am besten über Nacht). Dann noch einmal kurz aufkochen. Nach dem Abkühlen kann der Flor Essence Kräutertee in eine Glasflasche abgefüllt werden und sollte im Kühlschrank gelagert werden.

Hinweis: Nicht geeignet ist Flor Essence für Schwangere und Stillende sowie für Personen, die eine Überempfindlichkeit gegen Jod haben.

30.90 US$
  • available immediately, ready to ship within 1-2 working days

Recommended consumption:

One sachet of the dry herb mixture is enough to prepare one liter of Flor Essence. Consume 30 - 60 ml of this daily, mixing it with the same amount of warm water for optimum enjoyment.


Store in a dark and dry place. Flor Essence must always be stored in the refrigerator (do not freeze) after preparation.

Average nutritional values per 100g

Energie kJ0,0 kJ
Energie kcal0,0 kcal
Fat0,0 g
hereof: saturated fatty acids0,0 g
Kohlenhydrate0,0 g
hereof: sugar0,0 g
Protein0,0 g
Salz0,005 g


Flora Manufacturing & Distributing Ltd, 7400 Fraser Park Drive, V5J 5B9 Burnaby, Canada

Inhalt: 63 g (3 x Beutel à 21 g)
Reicht bei Beachtung der Verzehrempfehlung für 6 - 9 Wochen.

Der Hersteller schreibt:

Durch die einfache Zubereitung der Flor Essence Kräuter-Mischung wird ein Tee hergestellt, der Ihr allgemeines Wohlbefinden unterstützt.

Flor Essence – Seine Geschichte
Die Geschichte von Flor Essence liest sich wie ein Roman. Die Ojibwa-Indianer Kanadas vertrauten die Rezeptur vor mehr als 80 Jahren der Kanadierin René Caisse an. Dank der Unterstützung der Reporterin Elaine Alexander wurde Flor Essence auch über die Grenzen Kanadas hinaus bekannt.

Seit 1995 importieren wir diese wertvolle Kräutermischung. Hergestellt wird die Teemischung von der renommierten, kanadischen Manufaktur Flora (FMD). Sie stellt die indianische Kräuterteemischung nach der Original-Zusammensetzung in hoher Qualität her. Die Unterschrift von Elaine Alexander auf jeder Packung Flor Essence bürgt für die reine und unverfälschte Original-Kräutermischung.

Die Zubereitung von Flor Essence
Man sollte immer nur einen Portionsbeutel zubereiten, damit die Tee-Essenz stets frisch ist. Für die Zubereitung von Flor Essence bitte einen mittelgroßen Kochtopf verwenden, in dem 1 1/4 Liter Trinkwasser zum Kochen gebracht werden. Danach den Inhalt des Portionsbeutels in das kochende Wasser gegeben. Den Kräutertee ca. 15 Minuten bei geringer Hitze zugedeckt leicht sieden lassen. Anschließend den Kräutertee 10 - 12 Stunden bei Zimmertemperatur ziehen lassen (am besten über Nacht). Dann noch einmal kurz aufkochen. Nach dem Abkühlen kann der Flor Essence Kräutertee in eine Glasflasche abgefüllt werden und sollte im Kühlschrank gelagert werden.

Hinweis: Nicht geeignet ist Flor Essence für Schwangere und Stillende sowie für Personen, die eine Überempfindlichkeit gegen Jod haben.

30.90 US$
  • available immediately, ready to ship within 1-2 working days

Frequently bought together
Flor Essence Kräutermischung 3 x 21 g+Weihrauch Kapseln 65 % Boswellinsäure - 140 Kapseln =
Total price 51.90 US$
buy all

available immediately, ready to ship within 1-2 working days

This product: Flor Essence Kräutermischung 3 x 21 g30.90 US$ (€ 475,40/kg).
Weihrauch Kapseln 65 % Boswellinsäure - 140 Kapseln21.00 US$ (€ 277,08/kg).

Customers, that bought Flor Essence Kräutermischung 3 x 21 g also bought

Recommended consumption:

One sachet of the dry herb mixture is enough to prepare one liter of Flor Essence. Consume 30 - 60 ml of this daily, mixing it with the same amount of warm water for optimum enjoyment.


Store in a dark and dry place. Flor Essence must always be stored in the refrigerator (do not freeze) after preparation.

Average nutritional values per 100g

Energie kJ0,0 kJ
Energie kcal0,0 kcal
Fat0,0 g
hereof: saturated fatty acids0,0 g
Kohlenhydrate0,0 g
hereof: sugar0,0 g
Protein0,0 g
Salz0,005 g


Flora Manufacturing & Distributing Ltd, 7400 Fraser Park Drive, V5J 5B9 Burnaby, Canada

customer reviews of Flor Essence Kräutermischung 3 x 21 g
With this forum we would like to offer our customers the chance to discuss our products. We explicitly point out that the forum only contains the private views and subjective individual assessments of the commenters. We do not approve the forum statements in any way. We publish them in the interest of freedom of expression. However, we distance ourselves from the contents of the forum and we are unwilling and unable to judge them as either true or false. If you feel a forum contribution is directed to you, you must seek the advice of a doctor or someone with a recognised specialist qualification in order to assess its truth or falsity. Our shop allows guests as well as verified customers to rate products or the shop. Verified ratings are indicated with “verified purchase”.

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average customer rating:
4,6 out of 5 Stars

17 reviews (german)

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verified purchase
4 years ago
The deacidifying Indian drink
I drank this tea during my chemo treatment to de-acidify and support the therapy and I have the feeling that it helped a lot. The treatment was 100% successful. I will continue to drink the tea as aftercare and for occasional deacidification. Because: the disease does not like an alkaline environment read more ...
18 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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verified purchase
5 years ago
Detoxify to deacidify
I use flor essence after taking antibiotics. Even if it's been months since I needed penicillin, for example, my bowel movements smell like it. read more ...
6 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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verified purchase
4 years ago
Highly recommended
I first heard about this herbal mixture from my parents-in-law. They take it every 4-5 months as a detox. We have recommended it to friends as a complementary medicine for tumours. I can therefore recommend it to others and would like to try it myself soon as a detox. read more ...
5 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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verified purchase
1 year ago
Not a magic potion but almost 😊
The tea is currently helping me with my chronic sinusitis over the winter.
I first tried the tea years ago when I had neurodermatitis and was hoping for relief.
And indeed, after a few weeks my skin was without any redness. And nothing has happened since.
Now I've had the problem of chronically inflamed sinuses for years. It's worth a try, I thought to myself.
And I'm actually feeling much better. After one packet of tea I stopped for a week and it got worse again straight away.
That's why I'm planning to take another packet.

I know it sounds unbelievable and everyone I tell looks at me in disbelief. But regardless of whether the effect comes from the tea or whether it has a placebo effect, for me the tea is a miracle and it brings me back an incredible quality of life.

The preparation takes a little time, but you can prepare the tea well and then store it in the fridge.

As the tea definitely has no side effects, I would advise everyone to give it a try. I have the feeling that it has an anti-inflammatory effect and improves general well-being.
read more ...
4 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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verified purchase
3 years ago
No more colds
I no longer have any colds and my general condition is very good. I can only recommend it to others. read more ...
4 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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verified purchase
5 years ago
Does you good 😊
My husband loves drinking this tea and I always have to have it in stock .... We are very happy with it and will buy it again and again read more ...
4 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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verified purchase
1 year ago
Fuel flow
I can recommend this product to anyone. read more ...
3 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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verified purchase
3 years ago
I have been using the product for 2 years and am very satisfied. During my chemo it alleviated the side effects. I still take it once a day today. Highly recommended. read more ...
3 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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Susanne Hoffmann
verified purchase
1 year ago
You should try this to stimulate the metabolism and strengthen the immune system at this time of year. Good value for money. read more ...
1 person finds this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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Petra Dehmel
verified purchase
2 years ago
very fast delivery, any time again, super read more ...
1 person finds this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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