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GAPS - Gut and Psychology Syndrome

Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride

Wie Darm und Psyche sich beeinflussen.
Natürliche Heilung von Autismus, AD(H)S, Dyspraxie, Legasthenie, Depression und Schizophrenie
27.40 US$
  • available immediately, ready to ship within 1-2 working days
Buch: 512 pages, hb
publication: 2023
product no.: 18427
weight: 850g
ISBN: 978-3-944125-48-0 9783944125480

27.40 US$
  • available immediately, ready to ship within 1-2 working days
27.40 US$
  • available immediately, ready to ship within 1-2 working days

customer reviews of GAPS - Gut and Psychology Syndrome
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Michael Schlimpen
verified purchase
9 years ago
Theoretical basics great, concrete implementation disastrous
As a naturopath in full-time practice for many years, I am still looking for good literature on the connection between nutrition and various diseases. I am firmly convinced that health can be maintained after naturopathic therapy through a healthy diet alone and that it also contributes significantly to healing.
This book deals in great detail with the various mental illnesses and the connection between these and today's diet.
I also find the individual nutritional components, such as fatty acids, other micronutrients, etc., very well described.
But when I then read the specific implementations, I was quite shocked. I am trying to get animal products out of my patients more and more, and in this book they are advertised and highly praised, so that all possible animal sources are shown to be the best way of providing the nutrients in question.
Some of the statements about the benefits of animal products are simply not up to date with the latest scientific findings and, in my view, simply cannot stand.

To summarise:
The theoretical principles and the connections between diseases and nutrition are described very precisely, in detail and comprehensibly. The individual food components, what they do and what we need them for in the body are also well described.
However, in order to really implement the diet CONCRETELY in everyday life, you should definitely obtain further literature, e.g. Brendan Brazier, Rich Roll or Atilla Hildmann, in order to have significantly better and higher quality plant sources available in addition to all the animal sources.
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Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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6 years ago
Hello Mr Schlimpen, you are right about nutrition. As a constiuent (wild plant-based diet) I can only emphasise your opinion. However, when problems arise, they are usually toxins, which have become so prevalent nowadays and which must be seen as the first complex to be treated, which cannot be dealt with exclusively by changing the diet. Have a look at Dr Dietrich Klinhardt, who deals with these horrors and has the entire medical profession in the USA behind him. I myself have 3 sons: 1. ADHD through the mother and vaccination in Poland, 2. is totally healthy, no vaccination, no birth accelerators, only organic and raw food. The 3rd has had Lyme disease since day 1 as a foetus, then streptococcus, then a vaccination 2 days after birth in Poland: Autism, doesn't speak, doesn't walk, plant. We as parents are of course to blame for everything, police, youth welfare office, children's home, court cases. It doesn't work like that, but the cursed society is so twisted that it's the end for many families. Even the best diet doesn't help when the children are gone. read more ...
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Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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Karin Boll
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9 years ago
Very detailed and helpful
I have finally been able to find answers for our family: I (73) have irritable bowel syndrome and am diabetic 1. My eldest daughter (49) has neurodermatitis, her daughter (23) has autism and her son (25) has hay fever, my youngest daughter (32) has schizofrenia at the age of 25. We have been trying to follow the GAPS diet for a few weeks now. The book is a wonderful guide. read more ...
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Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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Tina Sanft

10 months ago
Hello, how are things going now? It's been a few years now. Kind regards read more ...
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Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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Barbara Maier

10 years ago
GAPS now finally in German
Now that there are already translations into nine European languages, this important and helpful book "GAPS - Gut and Psychology Syndrome: How the gut and psyche influence each other" is finally also available in German.
The author is a master at explaining digestion, everyday processes in the gut and their connection to health in a way that is easy to understand, even for laypeople. She explains step by step the nutritional form she has developed, which combines the latest nutritional findings with traditional preparation methods. She introduces a new and elegant form of medicine, "probiotic medicine", and recommends simple and effective treatment methods that can be used by laypeople and are a real alternative.
The GAPS nutrition programme has been used successfully countless times around the world for over a decade. Not only people with the mental and neurological complaints mentioned on the cover have experienced improvements in their health. Hippocrates already recognised that "all diseases begin in the gut", and in this sense the GAPS nutrition programme is suitable for helping with all health restrictions. It has certainly helped me personally.
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Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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verified purchase
8 years ago
VERY recommendable
A book that is a must for those who see food as a remedy and want to remain or become active and independent in healing.I have also listened to 2 lectures by Natasha Campbell-Mcbride.Very informative.I wish many would listen to this and think about how they nourish their bodies.This doctor is a great gift.Looking forward to more books from her. read more ...
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Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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verified purchase
9 years ago
Ein absolutes Highlight
One of the best, most informative books I have ever received. Should be read by anyone who cares about (their or other people's) health read more ...
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Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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Carola Schröder
verified purchase
5 years ago
Theory is good, but then
The theoretical connections are well presented, but the implementation with the incomprehensible propagation of an animal-based diet and the blanket demonisation of a plant-based diet is completely out of step with current scientific knowledge, which is a great pity. How can you claim that the trend towards vegetarian and vegan diets is the main cause of mental illness in young people? Where is the evidence for this? I treat people with severe mental illnesses every day, hardly any of my patients are vegetarians, let alone vegans. Fat and carbohydrate restriction, as practised by patients with anorexia, has nothing to do with a balanced plant-based diet. You can eat badly on any type of diet. read more ...
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Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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3 years ago
Hello Mrs Schröder, perhaps you could explain the scientific connections using the work of Dr Sarah Ballantyne, PhD in biophysics, who invented the AIP - Autoimmune Protocol. Mental illnesses often have their roots in the intestinal tract (keyword microbiome). In her work, Dr Ballantyne explains why meat and fish (not from intensive farming/breeding) make perfect sense, provided they are good quality and in a diet that simultaneously eliminates inflammatory and nutrient-poor elements and favours nutrient-rich foods. Educate yourself, do it out of responsibility to your patients, really. In "The Paleo Approach" (bløder title, admittedly) you really will find everything. read more ...
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Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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4 years ago
Well, I see many, not all, but many of my friends have problems with vegetarian and extremely with vegan food. I see psychological problems in 75 per cent of them and that is enormous, so Mrs Mc Bride is absolutely right with her statements! It is quite simple: in a bad intestinal flora, dietary fibres lead to catastrophic effects and this leads to illness. A mixed diet with meat is also problematic to very bad in this case, but Mrs Mc Bride is not talking about a mixed diet here. read more ...
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Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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Kary Vera
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5 months ago
Clear recommendation
The book provides many aha-effects, it is the perfect book for those who feel left alone or not taken seriously by their doctors. But also for anyone who questions conventional medicine. For anyone who wants to educate themselves further. Simply top, like all other books by Dr Natasha Campbell-McBride. read more ...
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Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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S. Hartl
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2 years ago
The book was not available
It takes far too long to be informed. It was only 7 days after I placed my order that I received an e-mail informing me that delivery at the stated price was not possible. The purchase price was refunded. read more ...
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Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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Christian Quack
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8 years ago
Book rating
I only read the section on schizophrenia and vaccination.
I was interested in this doctor's view on these topics.
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Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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6 years ago
Shizophrenia comes from sugar, gluthene. Omit, shiz. away. read more ...
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Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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7 months ago
Hello Mr/Mrs Klein, are you a non-medical practitioner? read more ...
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Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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