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Narayana Verlag

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Jeremy Sherr

Buch: 236 pages, hb
publication: 2013
product no.: 15514
weight: 490g
ISBN: 978-1-9081-2703-7 9781908127037


Jeremy Sherr

Including an Introduction to the Noble Gases
46.90 US$
  • available immediately, ready to ship within 2-3 working days
Buch: 236 pages, hb
publication: 2013
product no.: 15514
weight: 490g
ISBN: 978-1-9081-2703-7 9781908127037

The publisher :

Jeremy Sherr has been researching and writing about the Noble gases since 1993 and in his own words "Helium is the gateway to the seven noble gases. The noble gases are the key to understanding the periodic table. The elements of the periodic table are the building blocks of the universe. I therefore embarked on an investigation of the Noble gases towards a deeper understanding of health, disease and our entire materia medica. The journey began in 1993 with the proving of Neon. I followed in 1995 with the Helium, and 1997 gave birth to both Krypton and Argon. My friend and colleague Silvie Gowen later proved Xenon and Radon. Thus the six noble samurai are near completed, missing only the seventh and most elusive ‘Element 118’. These collective provings form a family of remedies, grouped together not only by their unique placement in the periodic chart and consequent proving symptoms. It is this family that I have set out to examine, based not on speculation but on the correct homoeopathic sequence of provings followed by perception followed by clinical cases.

I have waited a long time to publish these volumes partly because I wanted to accumulate a comprehensive body of clinical experience, and partly because these provings are at the same time complex and amazing, both as individual remedies and as a group pattern. In this game the provings have provided the raw information. I am merely an interpreter. It has taken the best of my mental ability to ponder, perceive and unravel some of the secrets hidden within these remedies.

The ultimate volume in this series will attempt to reach some conclusions regarding the noble gases as a family, and perhaps more importantly to use the knowledge gained to investigate the preceding rows of elements and the entire periodic table; its aspirations, limitations and clinical applications. Furthermore I hope to go beyond these concepts by using the understanding gained to take a peek into a small corner of our vast universe. As such this work is an opus, and by far the most difficult intellectual challenge I have ever undertaken."

46.90 US$
  • available immediately, ready to ship within 2-3 working days

The publisher :

Jeremy Sherr has been researching and writing about the Noble gases since 1993 and in his own words "Helium is the gateway to the seven noble gases. The noble gases are the key to understanding the periodic table. The elements of the periodic table are the building blocks of the universe. I therefore embarked on an investigation of the Noble gases towards a deeper understanding of health, disease and our entire materia medica. The journey began in 1993 with the proving of Neon. I followed in 1995 with the Helium, and 1997 gave birth to both Krypton and Argon. My friend and colleague Silvie Gowen later proved Xenon and Radon. Thus the six noble samurai are near completed, missing only the seventh and most elusive ‘Element 118’. These collective provings form a family of remedies, grouped together not only by their unique placement in the periodic chart and consequent proving symptoms. It is this family that I have set out to examine, based not on speculation but on the correct homoeopathic sequence of provings followed by perception followed by clinical cases.

I have waited a long time to publish these volumes partly because I wanted to accumulate a comprehensive body of clinical experience, and partly because these provings are at the same time complex and amazing, both as individual remedies and as a group pattern. In this game the provings have provided the raw information. I am merely an interpreter. It has taken the best of my mental ability to ponder, perceive and unravel some of the secrets hidden within these remedies.

The ultimate volume in this series will attempt to reach some conclusions regarding the noble gases as a family, and perhaps more importantly to use the knowledge gained to investigate the preceding rows of elements and the entire periodic table; its aspirations, limitations and clinical applications. Furthermore I hope to go beyond these concepts by using the understanding gained to take a peek into a small corner of our vast universe. As such this work is an opus, and by far the most difficult intellectual challenge I have ever undertaken."

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46.90 US$
  • available immediately, ready to ship within 2-3 working days

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