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Homeopathic Casetaking - Following the Life Force - 1 DVD

Jayesh Shah

Homeopathic Casetaking - Following the Life Force - 1 DVD, Jayesh Shah
publication: 2013
product no.: 13785
weight: 50g

1 DVD, Play length ca. 35 min.

Homeopathic Casetaking - Following the Life Force - 1 DVD

Jayesh Shah

Jayesh Shah in an interview with Heidi Brand, October 2012 in Freiburg, Germany
10.70 US$
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publication: 2013
product no.: 13785
weight: 50g

1 DVD, Play length ca. 35 min.

Dr Jayesh Shah is the co-founder of the “Bombay School” which has become world-famous for its innovative approach. His seminars demonstrate his deep understanding of the “new methods” of homeopathy, which focus on the patient‘s chief complaints and basic sensation. In this interview he clearly explains how “straightforward” his method of finding the remedy is. The modesty of Jayesh Shah and his enthusiasm and love of homeopathy are obvious in everything he says. His listeners therefore warm to this teacher, who says he merely accompanies
the process of finding the remedy: “I just follow the life force”.

Using the example of a child with intense fear of bursting balloons and loud fireworks, he reveals how he follows the peculiar and strange nature of the patient and the expression of the disturbed life force in the casetaking. The life force itself leads him to the necessary remedy when he simply lets the patient in resonance go there.

The second row of the periodic table with its basic features and sensations is also a main theme. His wealth of experience with the sensations of the remedies confirms again and again their individual aspects, as established by Scholten and Sankaran, helping to confirm their approach. He also stresses that these new methods should be seen as part of a spectrum. The task and challenge for each of us is to integrate them in our personal working style, so we can each find the way to our own truly individual method.

Interview during the WISH for Children Congress, October 12-14, 2012 in Freiburg, Germany.

10.70 US$
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Dr Jayesh Shah is the co-founder of the “Bombay School” which has become world-famous for its innovative approach. His seminars demonstrate his deep understanding of the “new methods” of homeopathy, which focus on the patient‘s chief complaints and basic sensation. In this interview he clearly explains how “straightforward” his method of finding the remedy is. The modesty of Jayesh Shah and his enthusiasm and love of homeopathy are obvious in everything he says. His listeners therefore warm to this teacher, who says he merely accompanies
the process of finding the remedy: “I just follow the life force”.

Using the example of a child with intense fear of bursting balloons and loud fireworks, he reveals how he follows the peculiar and strange nature of the patient and the expression of the disturbed life force in the casetaking. The life force itself leads him to the necessary remedy when he simply lets the patient in resonance go there.

The second row of the periodic table with its basic features and sensations is also a main theme. His wealth of experience with the sensations of the remedies confirms again and again their individual aspects, as established by Scholten and Sankaran, helping to confirm their approach. He also stresses that these new methods should be seen as part of a spectrum. The task and challenge for each of us is to integrate them in our personal working style, so we can each find the way to our own truly individual method.

Interview during the WISH for Children Congress, October 12-14, 2012 in Freiburg, Germany.

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10.70 US$
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