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Homeopathy for Farm and Garden by Vaikunthanath Das Kaviraj, Review

Homeopathy for Farm and Garden / Vaikunthanath Das Kaviraj

Vaikunthanath Das Kaviraj

Homeopathy for Farm and Garden   

The Homeopathic Treatment of Plants - 6th revised edition


by Patricia Hatherly

published in Australian Homoeopathic Association – National Newsletter Edition 111

Homeopathy for Farm and Garden

This beautifully constructed hardback publication of 320 pages is a delight to read. It consists of 15 well-defined chapters (the last one being a repertory) published on excellent quality paper and delightfully and colourfully illustrated. A clever note is the use of various shades of green to highlight text headings.
This is a book for the gardener who has an interest in biodynamic farming as well as the homoeopath. It begins with a thought-provoking section on agriculture and toxicity and the need for farming, using methods cognisant of the Consciousness which directs all Life, and then goes on to explain, in simple terms, the basic principles of homoeopathic philosophy and use of homoeopathic remedies. Chapters discussing the various methods of agriculture, soil structure and plant structure are followed by a comprehensive discussion on the treatment of plant diseases arising from nutrient imbalances and companion planting using homoeopathic remedies.
The second half of the book is devoted to “pests” and covers the use of remedies to repel insects of all kinds as well as remedies for all the various bacterial, viral and fungal diseases that beset our plants. It concludes with a discussion of how various first aid remedies and some polychrests can be used when plants sustain injuries, and the use of remedies to deal with weeds.
The book is comprehensively indexed and referenced which makes it very user-friendly. With a planet in the mood for reducing its carbon footprint, this is a book for our times and could well revolutionise the agricultural landscape of the future. It is a work that I would recommend to both the serious as well as the sometime gardener who is open to the use of homoeopathy.
Homeopathy for Farm and Garden / Vaikunthanath Das Kaviraj

Vaikunthanath Das Kaviraj

Homeopathy for Farm and Garden   

The Homeopathic Treatment of Plants - 6th revised edition

36.90 US$
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Reviews about this book
Vaikunthanath Das Kaviraj
Homeopathy for Farm and Garden
by Patricia Hatherly , published in Australian Homoeopathic Association – National Newsletter Edition 111




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