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Didier Grandgeorge (8) Patricia Le Roux (6) Farokh J. Master (4) Heiner Frei (4)

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Children - Homeopathy - Homeopathy

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Didier Grandgeorge (8) Patricia Le Roux (6) Farokh J. Master (4) Heiner Frei (4)

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Books 1 to 60 (of 114)
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Healing Complex Children with Homeopathy

454 pages, pb, product no. 27996
49.00 US$
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Children's Types

56 Homeopathic Constitutional Remedies
256 pages, hb, product no. 06584
35.90 US$
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Autism: Beyond Despair

Cease Therapy
204 pages, hb, product no. 07849
23.70 US$
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An innovative guide to the use of butterfly remedies in homeopathy
144 pages, hb, product no. 05048
19.00 US$
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The Child's World: New Approaches to the Homeopathic Treatment of Children

220 pages, pb, product no. 08155
35.90 US$
22.90 US$
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Challenging Children

Success with Homeopathy
220 pages, pb, product no. 12633
20.90 US$
10.30 US$
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Sixty portraits of homeopathic remedies for children from birth to twelve years
224 pages, hb, product no. 13994
40.90 US$
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Klinische Homöopathie in der Kinderheilkunde

4. erweiterte Auflage mit 5 neuen Mitteln
848 pages, hb, product no. 09192
88.90 US$
60.90 US$
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The Homeopathy Handbook for Children

Acutes and their Homeopathic Treatment
336 pages, hb, product no. 10732
40.90 US$
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Guérir par l'homéopathie

L'homéopathie dans les cas aigus - Édition enrichie
392 pages, pb, product no. 22028
30.90 US$
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Kindertypen in der Homöopathie

260 pages, hb, product no. 00298
49.90 US$
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56 homöopathische Konstitutionsmittel
280 pages, hb, product no. 03625
40.90 US$
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Profils d'enfants

56 Remèdes homéopathiques constitutionnels
264 pages, hb, product no. 11082
35.90 US$
7.20 US$
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Autismus - Zutiefst verzweifelt

205 pages, hb, product no. 12586
23.70 US$
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Homöopathie bei Autismus und Asperger-Syndrom

320 pages, hb, product no. 16556
25.30 US$
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Vom Sinn der Kinderkrankheiten

Scharlach, Masern, Mumps, Röteln und Windpocken homöopathisch behandeln
296 pages, hb, product no. 12289
30.90 US$
13.70 US$
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ADHD - Or how carefree childhood can be

168 pages, pb, product no. 32401
22.90 US$
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68.90 US$
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Die homöopathische Fallaufnahme bei Kindern

Zeichnungen, Gestik und Träume als neue Wege zur Mittelfindung - Die Sankaran-Methode in der Praxis
296 pages, hb, product no. 09371
47.90 US$
24.40 US$
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Die großen Kindermittel in der Homöopathie

Treffende Typenbilder für Kinder und Jugendliche
160 pages, hb, product no. 10296
30.90 US$
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Homeopathic Remedies for the stages of life

Infancy, Childhood, and Beyond
160 pages, pb, product no. 03376
17.80 US$
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Autism Reversal Toolbox

Strategies, Remedies, Resources
214 pages, product no. 20016
35.90 US$
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60 portraits pédiatriques homéopathiques
240 pages, hb, product no. 14598
30.90 US$
5.30 US$
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Homeopathy for Streptococcal Infections and Individual Decisions about Vaccinations - 2 DVDs

Scarlet fever, tonsillitis, erysipelas, otitis and their homeopathic treatment
Homeopathy for vaccinations, hyperimmune damage and prophylaxis.
Congress from March 20, 2011 - Day 3 with Martin Hirte
2 DVDs, DVD, product no. 12203
47.90 US$
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Butterflies - E-Book

An innovative guide to the use of butterfly remedies in homeopathy
144 pages, product no. 13836
21.00 US$
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Behindert? Menschwerdung - Leben vor und nach der Geburt

Lac humanum in der homöopathischen Praxis
222 pages, hb, product no. 03343
30.90 US$
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Mental Illness in Children & Polarity Analysis According to Boenninghausen- 1 DVD

Congress from March 20, 2011 - Day 3 with Heiner Frei
1 DVDs, DVD, product no. 11580
47.90 US$
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Homöopathie bei Streptokokkeninfektion und die individuelle Impfentscheidung - 2 DVDs

Kinderhomöopathie-Kongress "Homöopathische Behandlung von Kinder" vom 20. März 2011 - Tag 3
DVD, product no. 11139
47.90 US$
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Kinderkrankheiten natürlich behandeln

Über 1 Million mal verkauft
128 pages, pb, product no. 16095
16.90 US$
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Homéopathie chemin de vie

Grandir sous le regard d'un pédiatre homéopathe
148 pages, product no. 18968
19.40 US$
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14.20 US$
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L'esprit du remède homéopathique

Ce que le mal a dit
220 pages, pb, product no. 19914
25.80 US$
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L'enfant homéopathique

288 pages, pb, product no. 21681
19.00 US$
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Remedios para las distintas etapas de la vida
158 pages, pb, product no. 28600
14.60 US$
6.30 US$
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Homeopathic Medicine for Children and Infants

288 pages, pb, product no. 09258
14.70 US$
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The Family Homeopath

Safe, Natural, and Effective Health Care for You and Your Children
144 pages, pb, product no. 15632
13.00 US$
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Spektrum der Homöopathie 2024-3, Kinder in der Krise

152 pages, booklet, product no. 32523
20.80 US$
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Homöopathische Kindermittel in Wort und Bild

60 der wichtigsten Typenbilder mit einprägsamen Cartoons
312 pages, hb, product no. 11300
40.90 US$
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Homöopathie und Geburtstrauma

184 pages, hb, product no. 03980
31.90 US$
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68.90 US$
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9.50 US$
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Heilpflanzen für Kinder

Gesundheit aus der Natur
286 pages, hb, product no. 19947
31.90 US$
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Les troubles du comportement chez l'enfant à la lumière du tableau du règne végétal - 1 DVD

"L'homéopathie de l'enfance à l'âge avancé" congrès du 15 mars 2014 à Bad Krozingen - Allemagne
1 DVDs, DVD, product no. 16770
47.90 US$
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ADHS, Autismus-Spektrum-Störungen und Teilleistungsschwächen

Homöopathie bei Wahrnehmungsstörungen
232 pages, hb, product no. 24728
50.90 US$
15.50 US$
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Das Impfschaden-Syndrom

88 pages, pb, product no. 02301
13.30 US$
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Lanthanides pour les enfants - 1 DVD

"L'homéopathie de l'enfance à l'âge avancé" congrès du 15 mars 2014 à Bad Krozingen - Allemagne
1 DVDs, DVD, product no. 16772
47.90 US$
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Children - Homeopathic Materia Medica

with Repertorial Symptoms
1278 pages, hb, product no. 04320

The Diseases of Infants and Children and their Homeopathic and General Treatment

with Glossary and Therapeutic Index
240 pages, pb, product no. 00091

Lesser Known Remedies in Pediatrics

82 pages, pb, product no. 05371


Quarante portraits pédiadriques homéopathiques de la naissance à 12 ans
236 pages, pb, product no. 07561

Homéo et Juliette

308 pages, pb, product no. 07210

Homeopathy and Autism Spectrum Disorder

A Guide for Practitioners and Families
208 pages, pb, product no. 17549

Analyse de polarité pour les maladies chroniques et aiguës - 1 DVD

"L'homéopathie de l'enfance à l'âge avancé" congrès du 15 mars 2014 à Bad Krozingen - Allemagne
1 DVDs, DVD, product no. 16774

Childhood Behavioural Disturbances in the Light of the Plant System - 1 DVD

"Homeopathy from Childhood to Old Age Congress 2014” at March 16, in Bad Krozingen Germany
1 DVDs, DVD, product no. 17244

Das traumatisierte Kind. Prinzipien der homöopathischen Behandlung. - 9 CD's

9 CDs, CD, product no. 20563

Homeopathy for Mother and Baby

Pregnancy, birth and the post-natal year
336 pages, pb, product no. 08020

Anomalies of New Born Babies

46 pages, pb, product no. 05818

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