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Kurkuma FORTE - mit schwarzem Pfeffer - 90 Kapseln - von Unimedica

Kurkuma FORTE - mit schwarzem Pfeffer - 90 Kapseln - von Unimedica
Kurkuma FORTE - mit schwarzem Pfeffer - 90 Kapseln - von UnimedicaKurkuma FORTE - mit schwarzem Pfeffer - 90 Kapseln - von Unimedica
product no.: 28767
EAN: 4251662103257

Kurkuma FORTE - mit schwarzem Pfeffer - 90 Kapseln - von Unimedica

Nahrungsergänzungsmittel mit Kurkuma Extrakt, schwarzem Pfeffer Extrakt und Piperin
20.60 US$
  • available immediately, ready to ship within 1-2 working days
product no.: 28767
EAN: 4251662103257

1 Glas = 90 Kapseln = 69 g

Alle 3 Tage ist Kurkuma-Tag
Die Kurkuma Forte mit schwarzem Pfeffer Kapseln von Unimedica vereinen die Extrakte zweier Gewürze mit wertvollen Inhaltsstoffen für das allgemeine Wohlbefinden und die körpereigenen Selbstheilungskräfte. Piperin unterstützt die Entfaltung des Curcumins im Körper. Beides sind wertvolle sekundäre Pflanzenstoffe.
Die Kurkuma Forte mit schwarzem Pfeffer Kapseln von Unimedica sind mit 474 mg Kurkuma Extrakt und 155 mg Kurkuma Pulver aus biologisch angebauter Kurkuma pro Tagesdosis so hoch dosiert, dass nur alle 3 Tage eine Kapsel eingenommen werden muss. In dieser Zeit wird das Curcumin nach und nach vom Körper absorbiert.

Kurkuma - die Farbe der Lebensfreude
Kurkuma ist in Südasien beheimatet und wird auch als Gelbwurzel, Safranwurzel oder Gelber Ingwer bezeichnet. Kurkuma gehört zu den Ingwergewächsen und bildet Knollen an den Enden ihrer intensiv gelben Rhizome. Diese werden frisch oder getrocknet sowohl als Gewürz als auch als Farbstoff verwendet.
Die intensiv gelbe Farbe zaubert der sekundäre Pflanzenfarbstoff Curcumin. Der würzige Geschmack der Kurkuma wird durch wertvolle ätherische Öle in den Rhizomen und deren Knollen erzeugt.

Warum enthalten Kurkuma Forte Kapseln schwarzen Pfeffer?
Kurkuma kann nur schwer vom Körper aufgenommen werden. Deshalb enthalten die Kurkuma Forte Kapseln von Unimedica zusätzlich Piperin aus schwarzem Pfeffer. Piperin verbessert die Bioverfügbarkeit von Curcumin. Schwarzer Pfeffer enthält ebenfalls wertvolle Pflanzenstoffe und ist als scharfes Gewürz beliebt.
Der Pfeffer wächst am Pfefferstrauch im Südwesten von Indien. Schwarzer Pfeffer entsteht, wenn die grünen, unreifen Beeren der Pfefferpflanze geerntet und anschließend zum Trocknen in die Sonne gelegt werden. Dadurch werden die Körner runzelig und schwarz und entfalten ihr besonderes Aroma. Diese Behandlung sorgt außerdem für eine hohe Konzentration der wertvollen Inhaltsstoffe in der getrockneten Beere.
Jedes Glas Kurkuma Forte mit schwarzem Pfeffer von Unimedica enthält 90 Kapseln. Das entspricht einem Vorrat für 9 Monate.

Vegane Kapselhülle aus reiner pflanzlicher Cellulose (HPMC), frei von Carrageen und PEG.
Die Kurkuma Forte mit schwarzem Pfeffer Kapseln von Unimedica sind, entsprechend gesetzlicher Vorgaben, frei von Zusätzen wie Farbstoffen, Stabilisatoren, Konservierungsstoffen, Trennmittel wie Magnesiumstearat sowie ohne Gentechnik und vegan.


20.60 US$
  • available immediately, ready to ship within 1-2 working days

Without genetic technology



61 % turmeric root extract, 20 % organic turmeric root powder, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose¹, 2.6 % black pepper extract

¹ Capsule shell

Important Notes: Food supplements should not be used as a substitute for a balanced, varied diet and a healthy lifestyle. Do not exceed the recommended daily intake stated. Consult your doctor or pharmacist in case of concomitant use of anticoagulants. Not suitable for persons under 18 years of age, pregnant women and nursing mothers.

Dosage form

  • Capsules
  • Recommended consumption:

    Take 1 capsule every 3rd day with sufficient liquid.


    Store closed, cool, dry and protected from light. Keep out of reach of small children.
    Average nutritional valuesper TagesdosisNRV**
    Turmeric extract474 ***
    of which curcumin450 ***
    black pepper extract20 ***
    of which piperine19 ***
    Organic turmeric powder155 mg ***


    * (1 capsule)
    ** Percentage of the nutrient reference values according to Regulation VO (EU) 1169/2011 (LMIV).
    *** No nutrient reference values known.


    Narayana Verlag GmbH, Blumenplatz 2, 79400 Kandern, Germany

    1 Glas = 90 Kapseln = 69 g

    Alle 3 Tage ist Kurkuma-Tag
    Die Kurkuma Forte mit schwarzem Pfeffer Kapseln von Unimedica vereinen die Extrakte zweier Gewürze mit wertvollen Inhaltsstoffen für das allgemeine Wohlbefinden und die körpereigenen Selbstheilungskräfte. Piperin unterstützt die Entfaltung des Curcumins im Körper. Beides sind wertvolle sekundäre Pflanzenstoffe.
    Die Kurkuma Forte mit schwarzem Pfeffer Kapseln von Unimedica sind mit 474 mg Kurkuma Extrakt und 155 mg Kurkuma Pulver aus biologisch angebauter Kurkuma pro Tagesdosis so hoch dosiert, dass nur alle 3 Tage eine Kapsel eingenommen werden muss. In dieser Zeit wird das Curcumin nach und nach vom Körper absorbiert.

    Kurkuma - die Farbe der Lebensfreude
    Kurkuma ist in Südasien beheimatet und wird auch als Gelbwurzel, Safranwurzel oder Gelber Ingwer bezeichnet. Kurkuma gehört zu den Ingwergewächsen und bildet Knollen an den Enden ihrer intensiv gelben Rhizome. Diese werden frisch oder getrocknet sowohl als Gewürz als auch als Farbstoff verwendet.
    Die intensiv gelbe Farbe zaubert der sekundäre Pflanzenfarbstoff Curcumin. Der würzige Geschmack der Kurkuma wird durch wertvolle ätherische Öle in den Rhizomen und deren Knollen erzeugt.

    Warum enthalten Kurkuma Forte Kapseln schwarzen Pfeffer?
    Kurkuma kann nur schwer vom Körper aufgenommen werden. Deshalb enthalten die Kurkuma Forte Kapseln von Unimedica zusätzlich Piperin aus schwarzem Pfeffer. Piperin verbessert die Bioverfügbarkeit von Curcumin. Schwarzer Pfeffer enthält ebenfalls wertvolle Pflanzenstoffe und ist als scharfes Gewürz beliebt.
    Der Pfeffer wächst am Pfefferstrauch im Südwesten von Indien. Schwarzer Pfeffer entsteht, wenn die grünen, unreifen Beeren der Pfefferpflanze geerntet und anschließend zum Trocknen in die Sonne gelegt werden. Dadurch werden die Körner runzelig und schwarz und entfalten ihr besonderes Aroma. Diese Behandlung sorgt außerdem für eine hohe Konzentration der wertvollen Inhaltsstoffe in der getrockneten Beere.
    Jedes Glas Kurkuma Forte mit schwarzem Pfeffer von Unimedica enthält 90 Kapseln. Das entspricht einem Vorrat für 9 Monate.

    Vegane Kapselhülle aus reiner pflanzlicher Cellulose (HPMC), frei von Carrageen und PEG.
    Die Kurkuma Forte mit schwarzem Pfeffer Kapseln von Unimedica sind, entsprechend gesetzlicher Vorgaben, frei von Zusätzen wie Farbstoffen, Stabilisatoren, Konservierungsstoffen, Trennmittel wie Magnesiumstearat sowie ohne Gentechnik und vegan.


    20.60 US$
    • available immediately, ready to ship within 1-2 working days

    Frequently bought together
    Kurkuma FORTE - mit schwarzem Pfeffer - 90 Kapseln - von Unimedica+Magnesium forte - 400 mg per daily dose - 365 capsules - from Unimedica+Omega 3 - Premium Fischöl mit 400 mg EPA und 300 mg DHA - hochdosiert - aus nachhaltigem Fischfang - 1.000 mg pro Tagesdosis (1 Kapsel) - 120 Softgelkapseln - von Unimedica =
    Total price 60.20 US$
    buy all

    available immediately, ready to ship within 1-2 working days

    Customers, that bought Kurkuma FORTE - mit schwarzem Pfeffer - 90 Kapseln - von Unimedica also bought

    Without genetic technology



    61 % turmeric root extract, 20 % organic turmeric root powder, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose¹, 2.6 % black pepper extract

    ¹ Capsule shell

    Important Notes: Food supplements should not be used as a substitute for a balanced, varied diet and a healthy lifestyle. Do not exceed the recommended daily intake stated. Consult your doctor or pharmacist in case of concomitant use of anticoagulants. Not suitable for persons under 18 years of age, pregnant women and nursing mothers.

    Dosage form

  • Capsules
  • Recommended consumption:

    Take 1 capsule every 3rd day with sufficient liquid.


    Store closed, cool, dry and protected from light. Keep out of reach of small children.
    Average nutritional valuesper TagesdosisNRV**
    Turmeric extract474 ***
    of which curcumin450 ***
    black pepper extract20 ***
    of which piperine19 ***
    Organic turmeric powder155 mg ***


    * (1 capsule)
    ** Percentage of the nutrient reference values according to Regulation VO (EU) 1169/2011 (LMIV).
    *** No nutrient reference values known.


    Narayana Verlag GmbH, Blumenplatz 2, 79400 Kandern, Germany

    customer reviews of Kurkuma FORTE - mit schwarzem Pfeffer - 90 Kapseln - von Unimedica
    With this forum we would like to offer our customers the chance to discuss our products. We explicitly point out that the forum only contains the private views and subjective individual assessments of the commenters. We do not approve the forum statements in any way. We publish them in the interest of freedom of expression. However, we distance ourselves from the contents of the forum and we are unwilling and unable to judge them as either true or false. If you feel a forum contribution is directed to you, you must seek the advice of a doctor or someone with a recognised specialist qualification in order to assess its truth or falsity. Our shop allows guests as well as verified customers to rate products or the shop. Verified ratings are indicated with “verified purchase”.

    Information about our rating function

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    average customer rating:
    4,8 out of 5 Stars

    215 reviews (german), 10 reviews (french)

    Top comments

    Show newest comments first
    Thomas Gerbig
    verified purchase Curcumin with Piperine - 300 mg curcuminoids and 10 mg piperine per daily dose (1 capsule) - 90 capsules - from Unimedica Review for
    4 years ago
    Pain-free in 6 weeks
    I had severe pain in my left knee. Advice from the doctor. SURGERY. I didn't want to put up with it. I received the "Codex Humanus" as a Christmas present. I looked under the heading "Arthritis" and came across "Curcuma, glucosamine and chondroitin". I ordered this food supplement from Narayana Verlag and had it delivered. After 6 weeks of taking the above supplements and daily light exercise sessions, I am completely pain-free and can move my knee fully again. I now run again 3 times a week for an hour on the cross-trainer and at the weekend I go walking. All without pain. I knew about the healing power of curcumin, now I have proof. I now use the experience and tips from the Codex every day for myself and my family. I can only recommend everyone to put aside their inherited fear of natural remedies and open themselves up to the abundance and diversity of nature.
    Naturopathy has a lot in store for us, we don't need vaccinations or constant check-ups. Naturopathy means taking personal responsibility and listening to your body. Thanks to Narayana Verlag for the high quality of the products and the always friendly support.
    read more ...
    195 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    Martin Nietlispach
    verified purchase Set of 2: Turmeric with piperine  90 capsules  from Unimedica Review for
    3 years ago
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    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    Johann Ertl

    5 months ago
    how much do you take daily? many thanks and best regards johann read more ...
    1 person finds this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    Renate Bauer
    Curcumin with Piperine - 300 mg curcuminoids and 10 mg piperine per daily dose (1 capsule) - 90 capsules - from Unimedica Review for
    5 years ago
    Curcuma with piperine
    For some time now, I have discovered turmeric capsules from Unimedica
    and am delighted with the broad spectrum of effects: it is considered "the" anti-ulcer spice,
    relieves arthrosis and gout,
    helps the liver as it promotes the production of enzymes and the flow of bile,
    helps with heart disease by clearing the arteries of deposits,
    It also protects the retina of the eyes from oxidative stress, i.e. from cataracts and age-related macular degeneration.
    read more ...
    66 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    Maria Tsokri
    verified purchase Curcumin with Piperine - 300 mg curcuminoids and 10 mg piperine per daily dose (1 capsule) - 90 capsules - from Unimedica Review for
    2 years ago
    Hello I take the cizmzia pen injection every 2 weeks and take cortisone daily now I have read you should not combine it with turmeric do you have any experience can I take it together? read more ...
    2 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
    Show original
    Curcumin with Piperine - 300 mg curcuminoids and 10 mg piperine per daily dose (1 capsule) - 90 capsules - from Unimedica Review for
    4 years ago
    Instead of tablets
    I take the product Curcuma for my MS and rheumatism. As I am constantly suffering from inflammation due to my illness, curcuma was recommended to me. I have actually been taking curcuma for a year and have realised that I have not had any relapses of my MS disease to date, and my rheumatic pain has also got much better, so that I only have to take very few painkillers. So to summarise, this curcuma helps me tremendously against inflammation. read more ...
    53 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    Yeliz Gümüssu
    Curcumin with Piperine - 300 mg curcuminoids and 10 mg piperine per daily dose (1 capsule) - 90 capsules - from Unimedica Review for
    4 years ago
    Have you not taken any other medication? Have you been able to stop further relapses with turmeric alone? read more ...
    12 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    Kerstin Sendelbeck
    Set of 2: Turmeric with piperine  90 capsules  from Unimedica Review for
    2 years ago
    How many capsules do you take? read more ...
    1 person finds this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    verified purchase
    1 year ago
    I am very satisfied!!! - for fibromyalgia
    Have been taking this product in conjunction with Triphala for about 3 months. Have fibromyalgia and always in pain, heavy medication. No medication at the moment, except Ibo from time to time!!! The disease is not gone, but I feel better. Great for me!!! read more ...
    46 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    Quirin Karb
    Curcumin with Piperine - 300 mg curcuminoids and 10 mg piperine per daily dose (1 capsule) - 90 capsules - from Unimedica Review for
    5 years ago
    Alzheimer's ade
    Curcuma with piperine - 90 capsules - from Unimedica
    This combination is the best protection against Alzheimer's,
    It's best to do your own research! It's worth it!!!
    In India there is virtually no Alzheimer's, turmeric is a basic substance in Indian cuisine - check it out.
    This applies to all Unimedica products!
    No chemical toxic additives in Unimedica products, fairly produced at a top price, fast delivery
    read more ...
    43 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    verified purchase
    2 years ago
    Highly dosed and noticeably effective for fibromyalgia
    I have been taking Curcuma FORTE for 6 weeks now. It is highly dosed and very well tolerated. Because of my fibromyalgia, I take 3 capsules a day. The pain has improved noticeably. Curcumin is of course interesting for prevention and when taken over a long period of time. However, it also works surprisingly well after just 6 weeks. A great product! Highly recommended! read more ...
    31 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    Kiefer Cornelia
    verified purchase
    2 years ago
    A top product
    Curcuma Forte is an ingenious remedy for pain in the joints, such as the shoulder, wrist, knee, etc. After a short time I have had great success with mobility in all joints and I highly recommend it. read more ...
    30 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    Ingrid Werth
    verified purchase Curcumin with Piperine - 300 mg curcuminoids and 10 mg piperine per daily dose (1 capsule) - 90 capsules - from Unimedica Review for
    4 years ago
    I am very satisfied with this product
    My husband and I have been using it for years and are very happy with it. We also use it to brush our teeth, which gives them a great shine and, in combination with coconut oil, whitens them beautifully. I can only recommend it..... read more ...
    29 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    Andrea S
    verified purchase Curcumin with Piperine - 300 mg curcuminoids and 10 mg piperine per daily dose (1 capsule) - 90 capsules - from Unimedica Review for
    5 years ago
    Curcuma with piperine _ Great product !!!
    I have been looking for a curcuma food supplement for a long time. A product without any additives or fillers. It should be gluten-free and vegan.
    I have been taking curcuma with piperine for a fortnight now.
    My knee inflammation has got much better. TOP !!!
    read more ...
    27 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    verified purchase Curcumin with Piperine - 300 mg curcuminoids and 10 mg piperine per daily dose (1 capsule) - 90 capsules - from Unimedica Review for
    11 months ago
    Amazing products! My hair loss from the turmeric/pepper capsules has become much less! The collagen is also a miracle! I sleep better, less pain, I'm a rheumatism patient and I can only recommend it! 5 stars are definitely not enough! read more ...
    25 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    2 months ago
    How often do you take it? 1 capsule per day? read more ...
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    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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