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Narayana Verlag

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  • more than 10.000 products about homeopathy and natural healing
  • Seminars with worldwide known homeopathic doctors
  • Healthy and natural food
  • Homeopathy for plants

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Narayana Verlag

excellent    2.469.394 customers from 191 countries
  • more than 10.000 products about homeopathy and natural healing
  • Seminars with worldwide known homeopathic doctors
  • Healthy and natural food
  • Homeopathy for plants

Leading-edge set

Order the complete set or select single books.

    Price Order
Massimo Mangialavori, Solanaceae

Massimo Mangialavori

Nightmare between Light and Dark

Englische Originalausgabe.

51.00 €
Rajan Sankaran, Sensation Refined

Rajan Sankaran
Sensation Refined

Printed in India - Indian quality

We expect this title to be available again in approximately 7 to 8 weeks.

86.90 €
Grant Bentley, Homeopathic Facial Analysis

Grant Bentley
Homeopathic Facial Analysis

A companion guide to "Appearance and Circumstance".

Homoeopathic Facial Analysis is a desktop guide on how to analyse facial features with hundreds of sketches detailing features. (HFA must be purchased with Appearance and Circumstance - the core information of what to do with the facial features and the related remedies is in Appearance and Circumstance. The two books are a set and both are required for clinical application of HFA.)

We expect this title to be available again in approximately 7 to 8 weeks.

31.90 €
Irene Schlingensiepen-Brysch, The Source in Homeopathy

Irene Schlingensiepen-Brysch
The Source in Homeopathy

Cosmic Diversity and Individual Talent
Source-based Homeopathy Vol. I

44.10 €
Bhawisha Joshi, Homoeopathy & Patterns in the Periodic table

Bhawisha Joshi
Homoeopathy & Patterns in the Periodic table

Part 1

Printed in India

65.90 €
Ulrich Welte, Handwriting and Homeopathy

Ulrich Welte
Handwriting and Homeopathy

Price reduced from € 38 to only € 18

21.20 €
Rosina Sonnenschmidt, The Way to Your Ideal Weight

Rosina Sonnenschmidt
The Way to Your Ideal Weight

A revolutionary approach to gaining and losing weight with diet and homeopathy

10.50 €
Rosina Sonnenschmidt, Set Organ - Conflict - Cure in 12 volumes

Rosina Sonnenschmidt
Set Organ - Conflict - Cure in 12 volumes

With homeopathy, naturopathy and exercises

voraussichtlich lieferbar in 1 Woche

348.00 €
Heiner Frei, Polarity Analysis in Homeopathy: A Precise Path to the Simillimum

Heiner Frei
Polarity Analysis in Homeopathy: A Precise Path to the Simillimum


3rd Completely Revised Edition

52.90 €

Price of the complete Leading-edge set: € 712,40

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