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- more than 10.000 products about homeopathy and natural healing
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Ružića Petrovic from Serbia
Ružića Petrovic zahvalna što sam našla lekVerlag MVS Medizinverlage Stuttgart
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Set: Veggie Treats for Dogs natural dog snacks with 100 % fruit and vegetable - 2 x 150 g supplementary animal food from Uniterra
Supplementary animal food rewarding treats for dog-training
product no. 33237
Set: Insect Treats for Dogs natural dog snacks with high-quality protein supplementary animal food 2 x 150 g from Uniterra
Supplementary animal food rewarding treats for dog-training
product no. 33238
Set: Spirulina Treats for Dogs natural dog snacks with algae and vegetable supplementary feed 2 x 150 g from Uniterra
Supplementary animal food rewarding treats for dog-training
product no. 33239
Bengalrosa 10% in 10% DMSO-Lösung - Heilkraft Lebenskraft Manufaktur - 30 ml
Bengalrosa Lösung mit DMSO - Technischer Farbstoff
product no. 33245
Set - Uniglow Beauty Kollagen - Komplex 500 g Pulver UND Hautvitamine - Komplex mit Kollagen - 90 Kapseln
Nahrungsergänzungsmittel mit Kollagen, Hyaluron, Vitaminen, Mineralstoffen, Pflanzenstoffen
product no. 33246
The Prophylactic Use of Homeopathic Medicines
Historical evidence and Current Findings
136 pages, product no. 33249
Das Osteopathie-Selbsthilfe-Buch - Mängelexemplar
Wie Osteopathie wirkt und die Selbstheilung fördert. Mit Übungen für jeden Tag.
288 pages, pb, product no. 33250
Krebs natürlich behandeln
Alle wichtigen ergänzenden Behandlungen. Vorbeugen mit natürlichen Mitteln
160 pages, product no. 33252
Lapacho, La Pacho Tee, geschnitten - 100g
Tabebuia avellanedeae, Rinde geschnitten - konventioneller Anbau/Wildsammlung
product no. 33253
Jod Tropfen - 150 µg pro Tagesdosis - hochdosiert - vegan - 50 ml - von Unimedica - Sonderangebot kurze Haltbarkeit
flüssige Jodlösung - ohne Zusatzstoffe
product no. 33254
Cartilage Complex - with MSM + Hyaluron + Vitamins + Frankincense - 2 x 120 capsules - from Unimedica
Joint capsules with frankincense to support flexibility and with vitamins C and D3 to support healthy bones
product no. 33257
Set: Collagen Pure Collagen Protein - from LIAF-certified pasture and grass feeding - 2 x 450 g powder - from Unimedica
with 100 % bioactive collagen peptides from pasture-fed animals
product no. 33259
Das große GU Praxishandbuch Pflanzenschnitt - Mängelexemplar
Obst- und Ziergehölze, Rosen, Stauden, Kübel- und Zimmerpflanzen richtig schneiden. Ausgezeichnet als Bester Ratgeber mit dem Deutschen Gartenbuchpreis und dem Buchpreis der DGG
336 pages, hb, product no. 33262
Set: Vitamin D3 Depot 20,000 I.E. - 2 x 120 tablets - from Unimedica
Nutritional supplement with vitamin D3
product no. 33263
2er-Sparset: Acetyl L-Carnitin - 3000 mg pro Tagesdosis (6 Kapseln) - 2 x 250 Kapseln - von Unimedica
Nahrungsergänzungsmittel mit Acetyl-L-Carnitin
product no. 33264
Bio Himbeersamenöl - 100 ml - HEBESO
Reines, kaltgepresstes Himbeeröl - aus kontrolliert biologischem Anbau
product no. 33267
Lugolsche Lösung < 5 %, (Jodlösung) - Original (Jod / Iodine) - 100 ml - von Unimedica - Sonderangebot kurze Haltbarkeit
Europäische Arzneibuchqualität - nach Originalrezeptur von 1835
product no. 33272
Set: Pine Spray, room scent with pine oil from wild growth, 2 x 100 ml - by Unimedica
Genuine Swiss stone pine oil - from wild growth in the Tyrolean Alps - steam distillation
product no. 33280
Hartweizen Maccaroni demeter-bio - Naturata - 500 g - Sonderangebot kurze Haltbarkeit - 25.11.2024
Hartweizen aus Italien
product no. 33288
Set: Organic Turmeric with Organic Barley Grass from Germany - 2700 mg organic turmeric and 1500 mg organic barley grass per daily dose (6 capsules) - 2 x 240 capsules - from Unimedica
Nutritional supplement with turmeric and barley grass, certified organic
product no. 33291
The Principles & Practice of Homoeopathy
802 pages, hb, product no. 00015
Lesser Writings, Clinical Cases, New Remedies, Aphorisms and Precepts
696 pages, pb, product no. 00021
Talks on Classical Homoeopathy
Part I: Case Reports
Part II: Materia Medica
Part III: Discussions
Part II: Materia Medica
Part III: Discussions
796 pages, pb, product no. 00048
The Diseases of Infants and Children and their Homeopathic and General Treatment
with Glossary and Therapeutic Index
240 pages, pb, product no. 00091
A Guide to the Twelve Tissue Remedies of Biochemistry
The Cell-Salts, Biochemic or Schuessler Remedies
92 pages, pb, product no. 00099
Diseases of the Heart & Arteries
Their Causes, Nature and Treatment
206 pages, pb, product no. 00121