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Notes, Session 5 - Imperfect copy

Massimo Mangialavori

Buch: 236 pages, pb
product no.: 13443
weight: 630g
Imperfect copy: This Book has slight signs of use.
Reduced from € 34. - to only € 31.-

Notes, Session 5 - Imperfect copy

Massimo Mangialavori

Identity and Individualism
37.90 US$
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  • only a few in stock, ready to ship within 1-2 working days
Buch: 236 pages, pb
product no.: 13443
weight: 630g
Imperfect copy: This Book has slight signs of use.
Reduced from € 34. - to only € 31.-

Mangialavori attempts to show the main differences between the different groups and families. He discusses the Milk remedies such as Lac caninum, Lac felinum, Lac capria, Lac ovis, Lac asinum, Lac yama and Lac delphinum; Insects such as Apis, Coccus cacti, Formica rufa, Blatta orientalis, Doryphora, Scolopendra, and Culex musca; and Parasites such as Hirudo officinalis, Pediculus capitis, Cimex lectularius, Pulex irritans and Trombidium muscae domesticae.

The publisher:

Session Five of the International Postgraduate Course in Bologna
Edited by Vicki Burley
The focus is on differential diagnosis in homeopathic families, including how to consider symptoms and themes. Milks: Lac asinum, Lac caninum, Lac capra, Lac defloratum, Lac delphinum, Lac equinum, Lac felinum, Lac glama, Lac leoninum, Lac lupinum, Lac ovis, Lac suis, Lac vaccinum, Lac yama, and similars. Insects: Apis, Blatta orientalis, Cantharis, Coccus cacti, Coccinella septempunctata, Formica rufa, Vespa. Parasites: Doryphora decemlineata, Cimex lectularius, Hirudo officinalis, Pediculus capitis, Pulex irritans, Trombidium muscae domesticae. Spiders: Aranea diadema, Latrodectas mactans, Mygale, Theridion.

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Mangialavori attempts to show the main differences between the different groups and families. He discusses the Milk remedies such as Lac caninum, Lac felinum, Lac capria, Lac ovis, Lac asinum, Lac yama and Lac delphinum; Insects such as Apis, Coccus cacti, Formica rufa, Blatta orientalis, Doryphora, Scolopendra, and Culex musca; and Parasites such as Hirudo officinalis, Pediculus capitis, Cimex lectularius, Pulex irritans and Trombidium muscae domesticae.

The publisher:

Session Five of the International Postgraduate Course in Bologna
Edited by Vicki Burley
The focus is on differential diagnosis in homeopathic families, including how to consider symptoms and themes. Milks: Lac asinum, Lac caninum, Lac capra, Lac defloratum, Lac delphinum, Lac equinum, Lac felinum, Lac glama, Lac leoninum, Lac lupinum, Lac ovis, Lac suis, Lac vaccinum, Lac yama, and similars. Insects: Apis, Blatta orientalis, Cantharis, Coccus cacti, Coccinella septempunctata, Formica rufa, Vespa. Parasites: Doryphora decemlineata, Cimex lectularius, Hirudo officinalis, Pediculus capitis, Pulex irritans, Trombidium muscae domesticae. Spiders: Aranea diadema, Latrodectas mactans, Mygale, Theridion.

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  • only a few in stock, ready to ship within 1-2 working days

A damage-free copy of this product37.90 US$Add to Basket

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