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Oregano Öl forte 86 % - 10 ml - von Unimedica

Oregano Öl forte 86 % - 10 ml - von Unimedica
Oregano Öl forte 86 % - 10 ml - von UnimedicaOregano Öl forte 86 % - 10 ml - von UnimedicaOregano Öl forte 86 % - 10 ml - von UnimedicaOregano Öl forte 86 % - 10 ml - von UnimedicaOregano Öl forte 86 % - 10 ml - von Unimedica
product no.: 25778
EAN: 4251662101161

Oregano Öl forte 86 % - 10 ml - von Unimedica

Mit 86 % Carvacrol besonders hoch konzentriertes, hochwertiges Oreganoöl - Origanum vulgare
17.80 US$
  • available immediately, ready to ship within 1-2 working days
product no.: 25778
EAN: 4251662101161

1 Flasche = 10 ml

Oreganoöl, 100 % naturrein, ohne Zusätze

Oregano Öl von Unimedica besteht zu 100 % aus reinem ätherischem Oreganoöl. Vor allem als aromatisches Gewürz aus der mediterranen Küche bekannt, steckt eine Vielfalt wertvoller Inhaltsstoffe wie verschiedene ätherische Öle im Oregano. Zum Beispiel die ätherischen Öle Carvacrol (86 %) und Thymol (<2 %). Im Oreganoöl ist die ganze Kraft Tausender Oregano-Pflanzen hoch konzentriert enthalten.

Jede Flasche Oregano Öl von Unimedica enthält 10 ml ätherisches Oreganoöl. Dieser Oregano-Extrakt ist sehr hoch konzentriert und mit 86% Carvocrol intensiver als viele anderen Produkte.

Oregano Öl von Unimedica ist zu 100 % rein ätherisches Oreganoöl. Oregano Öl von Unimedica ist, entsprechend gesetzlichen Vorgaben, vegan, frei von Farbstoffen, Konservierungsstoffen, Stabilisatoren, Trennmitteln wie Magnesiumstearat sowie ohne Gentechnik, laktosefrei, glutenfrei und gelatinefrei.

Achtung - sehr intensiv. Darf nicht unverdünnt eingenommen werden und nicht in die Augen gelangen!


17.80 US$
  • available immediately, ready to ship within 1-2 working days


Oregano oil (86% carvacrol, <2% thymol).

Important Notes:
Food supplements should not be used as a substitute for a balanced, varied diet and a healthy lifestyle. Not suitable for children, pregnant women and nursing mothers. Please take consciously and not in large quantities. Abuse and ingestion of large amounts may interfere with the liver's absorption of iron. In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical advice.

This product is not a medicine.

Dosage form

  • drops
  • Recommended consumption:

    Take 4 drops daily diluted. Must not be taken undiluted and do not get into the eyes! Oregano oil necessarily dilute with water, olive oil, milk, honey or juice. The dilution ratio should be at least in the range 1:20 - 1:50. For external use, oregano oil should be diluted with olive oil. Direct undiluted application on the skin may cause damage.


    Store out of reach of small children. Keep closed, cool, dry and protected from light.
    Oregano oil150 ***
    of which carvacrol129 ***


    *(4 drops approx. 0.15 ml)
    **Percentage of the nutrient reference values acc. VO (EU) 1169/2011 (LMIV).
    ***No nutrient reference values known


    Narayana Verlag GmbH, Blumenplatz 2, 79400 Kandern, Germany

    1 Flasche = 10 ml

    Oreganoöl, 100 % naturrein, ohne Zusätze

    Oregano Öl von Unimedica besteht zu 100 % aus reinem ätherischem Oreganoöl. Vor allem als aromatisches Gewürz aus der mediterranen Küche bekannt, steckt eine Vielfalt wertvoller Inhaltsstoffe wie verschiedene ätherische Öle im Oregano. Zum Beispiel die ätherischen Öle Carvacrol (86 %) und Thymol (<2 %). Im Oreganoöl ist die ganze Kraft Tausender Oregano-Pflanzen hoch konzentriert enthalten.

    Jede Flasche Oregano Öl von Unimedica enthält 10 ml ätherisches Oreganoöl. Dieser Oregano-Extrakt ist sehr hoch konzentriert und mit 86% Carvocrol intensiver als viele anderen Produkte.

    Oregano Öl von Unimedica ist zu 100 % rein ätherisches Oreganoöl. Oregano Öl von Unimedica ist, entsprechend gesetzlichen Vorgaben, vegan, frei von Farbstoffen, Konservierungsstoffen, Stabilisatoren, Trennmitteln wie Magnesiumstearat sowie ohne Gentechnik, laktosefrei, glutenfrei und gelatinefrei.

    Achtung - sehr intensiv. Darf nicht unverdünnt eingenommen werden und nicht in die Augen gelangen!


    17.80 US$
    • available immediately, ready to ship within 1-2 working days

    Frequently bought together
    Oregano Öl forte 86 % - 10 ml - von Unimedica+Vitamin D3 / K2 MK7 all-trans drops - by Unimedica - 50 ml+Organic Grapefruit Seed Extract - 2600 mg per daily dose (3 x 20 drops) - 100 ml - by Unimedica =
    Total price 58.00 US$
    buy all

    available immediately, ready to ship within 1-2 working days

    Customers, that bought Oregano Öl forte 86 % - 10 ml - von Unimedica also bought


    Oregano oil (86% carvacrol, <2% thymol).

    Important Notes:
    Food supplements should not be used as a substitute for a balanced, varied diet and a healthy lifestyle. Not suitable for children, pregnant women and nursing mothers. Please take consciously and not in large quantities. Abuse and ingestion of large amounts may interfere with the liver's absorption of iron. In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical advice.

    This product is not a medicine.

    Dosage form

  • drops
  • Recommended consumption:

    Take 4 drops daily diluted. Must not be taken undiluted and do not get into the eyes! Oregano oil necessarily dilute with water, olive oil, milk, honey or juice. The dilution ratio should be at least in the range 1:20 - 1:50. For external use, oregano oil should be diluted with olive oil. Direct undiluted application on the skin may cause damage.


    Store out of reach of small children. Keep closed, cool, dry and protected from light.
    Oregano oil150 ***
    of which carvacrol129 ***


    *(4 drops approx. 0.15 ml)
    **Percentage of the nutrient reference values acc. VO (EU) 1169/2011 (LMIV).
    ***No nutrient reference values known


    Narayana Verlag GmbH, Blumenplatz 2, 79400 Kandern, Germany

    customer reviews of Oregano Öl forte 86 % - 10 ml - von Unimedica
    With this forum we would like to offer our customers the chance to discuss our products. We explicitly point out that the forum only contains the private views and subjective individual assessments of the commenters. We do not approve the forum statements in any way. We publish them in the interest of freedom of expression. However, we distance ourselves from the contents of the forum and we are unwilling and unable to judge them as either true or false. If you feel a forum contribution is directed to you, you must seek the advice of a doctor or someone with a recognised specialist qualification in order to assess its truth or falsity. Our shop allows guests as well as verified customers to rate products or the shop. Verified ratings are indicated with “verified purchase”.

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    average customer rating:
    4,8 out of 5 Stars

    65 reviews (german), 1 review (french)

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    Oregano Öl forte 86% - 10 ml von Unimedica  - Sonderangebot kurze Haltbarkeit Review for
    4 years ago
    Oregano Öl
    My husband has had nail fungus for many years and we have tried a lot of things but nothing has helped.
    He has been trying oregano oil for 3-4 weeks and I have to say it's like a miracle.
    Every day 1-2 drops on the affected areas and the nail fungus is almost gone!
    read more ...
    99 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    verified purchase
    4 years ago
    For the prevention of colds
    I regularly use Unimedica's oregano oil to prevent colds as well as in acute cases, e.g. throat infections. As the oil is highly concentrated, I only take one drop together with a teaspoon of organic virgin coconut oil. Melt the mixture slowly in your mouth so that the active ingredients can unfold properly. The oil is therefore not too intense and has a pleasantly spicy flavour. read more ...
    79 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    verified purchase
    3 years ago
    Super product! Smells very strong and is pungent, I took 4 drops twice a day in a tsp of olive oil. This was the best way to get it down.
    But helped incredibly well, fungal infection was significantly better within 1 week. Also helped against other bacteria (on tonsils etc.)
    I had severe detox symptoms (headaches, heavy sweating), but these disappeared after a few days.
    It is noticeable that my sleep has also improved significantly since taking it for the very first time.
    I will definitely continue to take it, perhaps even more dirt will be flushed out.
    read more ...
    73 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    verified purchase
    1 year ago
    Oregano oil forte. I can only recommend it.
    I am very happy with the product. It removed a wart immediately, I used it pure. With coconut oil and castor oil, it is useful for deworming, among other things. This oil is a must in every medicine cabinet. read more ...
    50 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    11 months ago
    Did you drip it on the wart? read more ...
    4 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    Jenny Schultheiß
    verified purchase
    1 month ago
    Can it be used pure on warts? LG read more ...
    1 person finds this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    verified purchase Oregano Öl forte 86% - 10 ml von Unimedica  - Sonderangebot kurze Haltbarkeit Review for
    4 years ago
    Simply great for neurodermatitis and sinusitis
    I think it's really great.
    For a long time I had a spot on my shin that was supposed to be neurodermatitis.
    Nothing helped permanently. Always just cortisone. And then not even good. It kept coming back. I then made my own oil mixture from evening primrose oil and oregano oil. I have been applying it to the area and shins for 4 weeks. I also take it internally with other oils every day. I feel much better and this itchy spot has disappeared. This oil is really great. To prevent recurring colds and sinusitis, I also take it as a cure for about 6 weeks once a day 2 hours after eating. I haven't had a cold for 1 1/2 years. Otherwise it was usually twice a year. Incidentally, lots of green tea, turmeric and vitamin C have also been very helpful. This combination works really well for me.
    read more ...
    50 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    verified purchase Oregano Öl forte 86% - 10 ml von Unimedica  - Sonderangebot kurze Haltbarkeit Review for
    4 years ago
    Combat yeasts
    I use the oregano oil to combat a yeast fungus on my scalp that has been recurring for years. Now I add a drop of oil to the shampoo and the itching and the lichen have been reduced by 90%! Mega! read more ...
    37 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    3 years ago
    Joint problems
    I have had joint problems for years. Ten days ago, my right elbow suddenly became red and swollen, movement very restricted (e.g. I could no longer bring a glass to my mouth with my right hand), quite painful. Everything was fine the day before. Oregano oil helped very well. I put about 3 drops of oregano oil on a damp cloth and rubbed it into my elbow. I repeated this until the entire area was treated, then loosely bandaged it and left it on overnight. The next day there was a slight improvement. I repeated the application the next day, then waited a day and then again. Now it is as good as ok again, only a very slight pain with some movements, virtually no restriction of movement. read more ...
    34 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    Marina Sch.
    verified purchase
    4 years ago
    Oregano oil forte - really strong!
    As other reviewers have also noted, the packaging really does smell of oregano oil. The recommended dosage: take 4 drops a day, diluted. Must not be taken undiluted and must not get into the eyes.
    Four drops diluted are definitely too intense for me. I use the oregano oil as part of a parasite cure and take one drop a day in freshly squeezed lemon juice (about a shot glass full) and drink plenty of water with it.
    I also put the bottle in a screw-top jar, as otherwise my kitchen smells of oregano oil all the time.
    Great and intense product. Highly recommended!
    read more ...
    33 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    verified purchase
    3 years ago
    Natural remedy
    I am positively surprised.
    The drops give me a very good feeling when I take them.
    Gastrointestinal complaints have disappeared after taking them.
    I now take the drops as a cure, preferably in lukewarm herbal tea.
    read more ...
    31 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    Nina-Fabienne Schust

    1 year ago
    Define your gastrointestinal complaints? I suffer from chronic diarrhoea and have tried a lot of things. Do you think oregano would be something? read more ...
    2 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    Monika Blum

    5 months ago
    Yes, I can recommend that. Chronic diarrhoea dissolves. I always put 1-2 drops in a capsule to top up. 3 times a day. 10 days. Then 2 days break and continue if necessary. All the best! read more ...
    2 people find this not helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    Franziska Schumacher
    verified purchase
    5 years ago
    Very good
    Wow, after just a few applications my skin rash has improved significantly.
    My chickens also get 1 drop of the diluted preparation in their drinking water every day. Against parasites. Super, I am very satisfied
    read more ...
    21 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    Stefan Pilz
    verified purchase
    2 years ago
    How did you apply it to the skin? read more ...
    4 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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