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Narayana Verlag
- more than 10.000 products about homeopathy and natural healing
- Seminars with worldwide known homeopathic doctors
- Healthy and natural food
- Homeopathy for plants
Top Customer's Feedbacks
from 112398 Feedbacks
I aws satisfied, but troughout, the reactivity of customer service was poor , customer request not respected, cancellation request was not considered, response time very slow. Last order for me.

E.S. from USA
The way I had to place my order is confusing.
Milan from USA
You have the most wonderful selection, I wish you had some of your books in german translated in english.Narayana Verlag

- more than 10.000 products about homeopathy and natural healing
- Seminars with worldwide known homeopathic doctors
- Healthy and natural food
- Homeopathy for plants

Vom Mythos des Normalen
Der Schlüssel zu Ihrer Energie
Deine Angst, meine Angst
Voller Energie statt müde und erschöpft
Wenn das Kind in dir noch immer weint
Blut - Der Fluss des Lebens
Dein Bewusstsein heilt fast alles
Die sanfte Medizin der Bäume
Mach dich frei von Borderlinern und Narzissten!
Das Happiness-Prinzip
Das Glücksvirus
Das Kind in dir muss Heimat finden
7 Minuten am Tag endlich kraftvoll und gelassen
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Mit großem Übungsteil