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Narayana Verlag

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Sankarana DeWise

Rajan Sankaran

Sankarana DeWise, Rajan Sankaran
Buch: 48 pages, spiral binding
publication: 2022
product no.: 29150
weight: 150g
printed in India
Indian printing quality

Sankarana DeWise

Rajan Sankaran

27.10 US$
  • only a few in stock, ready to ship within 1-2 working days
Buch: 48 pages, spiral binding
publication: 2022
product no.: 29150
weight: 150g
printed in India
Indian printing quality

The publisher:

Sankaran DeWise is a very useful tool.  Beautifully produced, it looks like a desktop calendar and serves three very important functions.

  • It has a set of pictures created by Dr Sankaran that can be a gateway to the patient’s unconscious can help the patient uncover his inner pattern. This process is called ‘Witnessing the Inner Song Experience’ (WISE).and they act by bypassing the mind and bringing one’s inner pattern into one’s consciousness. Sankaran DeWise contains various images of these WISE processes with instructions for a homeopath.
  • It is a quick handy reference to many of the concepts of Sankaran such as kingdoms, miasms, levels and including his most recent ideas on plant subclasses
  • It gives an overview of his latest ideas of meditation and awareness and how it can help in healing.
27.10 US$
  • only a few in stock, ready to ship within 1-2 working days

The publisher:

Sankaran DeWise is a very useful tool.  Beautifully produced, it looks like a desktop calendar and serves three very important functions.

  • It has a set of pictures created by Dr Sankaran that can be a gateway to the patient’s unconscious can help the patient uncover his inner pattern. This process is called ‘Witnessing the Inner Song Experience’ (WISE).and they act by bypassing the mind and bringing one’s inner pattern into one’s consciousness. Sankaran DeWise contains various images of these WISE processes with instructions for a homeopath.
  • It is a quick handy reference to many of the concepts of Sankaran such as kingdoms, miasms, levels and including his most recent ideas on plant subclasses
  • It gives an overview of his latest ideas of meditation and awareness and how it can help in healing.
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27.10 US$
  • only a few in stock, ready to ship within 1-2 working days

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