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Set: Magnesium Oil Spray - Original Zechstein - 2 x 100 ml - by Unimedica

Set: Magnesium Oil Spray - Original Zechstein - 2 x 100 ml - by Unimedica
Set: Magnesium Oil Spray - Original Zechstein - 2 x 100 ml - by UnimedicaSet: Magnesium Oil Spray - Original Zechstein - 2 x 100 ml - by Unimedica
product no.: 28510
EAN: 4251662105855

Set: Magnesium Oil Spray - Original Zechstein - 2 x 100 ml - by Unimedica

15.60 US$
14.20 US$
9% cheaper
  • available immediately, ready to ship within 1-2 working days
product no.: 28510
EAN: 4251662105855

1 Flasche = 100 ml

Dieses Magnesiumchlorid wird aus dem Zechsteiner Urmeer gewonnen, das sich unter Europa befindet, geschützt vor jeglichen Umwelteinflüssen. Aufgrund seiner öligen Konsistenz wird es als Magnesiumöl bezeichnet, enthält jedoch kein Öl. Es enthält Magnesium in seiner reinsten Form.

Das Zechsteiner Urmeer reichte etwa von Nordengland bis Russland und ist vor ca. 250 000 Jahren ausgetrocknet. Heute wird das Magnesiumöl daraus schonend aus mehr als 1.500 Metern Tiefe gewonnen und mit reinem Wasser gelöst. Bei Magnesiumöl von Unimedica wird dazu natürlich energetisiertes Wasser verwendet.

Original Zechsteiner Magnesiumöl eignet sich als fettfreie Hautpflege und wirkt besonders wohltuend bei beanspruchten Muskeln, zum Beispiel nach sportlicher Betätigung.

Wenn es beim ersten Mal kribbelt ...
Hautreaktionen wie Jucken oder leichte Rötungen sind nicht ungewöhnlich beim ersten Anwenden von Magnesiumöl. Sie verschwinden gewöhnlich nach wenigen Tagen und können als Teil des Wirkprozesses betrachtet werden.

Die Ursache für unangenehme Begleiterscheinungen kann der pH-Wert der Haut sein. Magnesium reagiert besonders auf einen sauren pH-Wert. Die Haut darf sich an das Magnesiumöl gewöhnen.

So gewöhnt sich die Haut schrittweise an das Magnesiumöl
Zur langsamen Gewöhnung der Haut kann das 31%ig konzentrierte Magnesiumöl ca. 10-15 Minuten nach der Anwendung von der Haut abgewaschen werden. Bei den Folgeanwendungen dann die Verweildauer des Magnesiumöls auf der Haut langsam steigern, bis sich die Haut an das Magnesiumöl gewöhnt hat.

Original Zechsteiner Magnesiumöl eignet sich als fettfreie Hautpflege und wirkt besonders wohltuend bei beanspruchten Muskeln, zum Beispiel nach sportlicher Betätigung.

Reines natürliches Magnesiumchlorid aus dem Zechsteiner Meer, entsprechend gesetzlichen Vorgaben, frei von Zusatzstoffen und Umwelteinflüssen.

Original Zechsteiner Magnesiumöl von Unimedica wird in Deutschland in zertifizierten Anlagen abgefüllt.

15.60 US$
14.20 US$
9% cheaper
  • available immediately, ready to ship within 1-2 working days


natural energized water, 31 % magnesium chloride solution 

Suitable for external use only. Avoid contact with eyes, do not apply to open wounds and freshly shaved skin. Do not drink.


Store tightly closed and in a cool place. Keep out of reach of children.


Massage: Apply daily in the morning and evening on arms and legs, massage gently, leave for 15-20 minutes, then shower.


Narayana Verlag GmbH, Blumenplatz 2, 79400 Kandern, Germany

1 Flasche = 100 ml

Dieses Magnesiumchlorid wird aus dem Zechsteiner Urmeer gewonnen, das sich unter Europa befindet, geschützt vor jeglichen Umwelteinflüssen. Aufgrund seiner öligen Konsistenz wird es als Magnesiumöl bezeichnet, enthält jedoch kein Öl. Es enthält Magnesium in seiner reinsten Form.

Das Zechsteiner Urmeer reichte etwa von Nordengland bis Russland und ist vor ca. 250 000 Jahren ausgetrocknet. Heute wird das Magnesiumöl daraus schonend aus mehr als 1.500 Metern Tiefe gewonnen und mit reinem Wasser gelöst. Bei Magnesiumöl von Unimedica wird dazu natürlich energetisiertes Wasser verwendet.

Original Zechsteiner Magnesiumöl eignet sich als fettfreie Hautpflege und wirkt besonders wohltuend bei beanspruchten Muskeln, zum Beispiel nach sportlicher Betätigung.

Wenn es beim ersten Mal kribbelt ...
Hautreaktionen wie Jucken oder leichte Rötungen sind nicht ungewöhnlich beim ersten Anwenden von Magnesiumöl. Sie verschwinden gewöhnlich nach wenigen Tagen und können als Teil des Wirkprozesses betrachtet werden.

Die Ursache für unangenehme Begleiterscheinungen kann der pH-Wert der Haut sein. Magnesium reagiert besonders auf einen sauren pH-Wert. Die Haut darf sich an das Magnesiumöl gewöhnen.

So gewöhnt sich die Haut schrittweise an das Magnesiumöl
Zur langsamen Gewöhnung der Haut kann das 31%ig konzentrierte Magnesiumöl ca. 10-15 Minuten nach der Anwendung von der Haut abgewaschen werden. Bei den Folgeanwendungen dann die Verweildauer des Magnesiumöls auf der Haut langsam steigern, bis sich die Haut an das Magnesiumöl gewöhnt hat.

Original Zechsteiner Magnesiumöl eignet sich als fettfreie Hautpflege und wirkt besonders wohltuend bei beanspruchten Muskeln, zum Beispiel nach sportlicher Betätigung.

Reines natürliches Magnesiumchlorid aus dem Zechsteiner Meer, entsprechend gesetzlichen Vorgaben, frei von Zusatzstoffen und Umwelteinflüssen.

Original Zechsteiner Magnesiumöl von Unimedica wird in Deutschland in zertifizierten Anlagen abgefüllt.

15.60 US$
14.20 US$
9% cheaper
  • available immediately, ready to ship within 1-2 working days

Frequently bought together
Set: Magnesium Oil Spray - Original Zechstein - 2 x 100 ml - by Unimedica+Vitamin D3 / K2 MK7 all-trans drops - by Unimedica - 50 ml =
Total price 33.90 US$
buy all

available immediately, ready to ship within 1-2 working days

Customers, that bought Set: Magnesium Oil Spray - Original Zechstein - 2 x 100 ml - by Unimedica also bought


natural energized water, 31 % magnesium chloride solution 

Suitable for external use only. Avoid contact with eyes, do not apply to open wounds and freshly shaved skin. Do not drink.


Store tightly closed and in a cool place. Keep out of reach of children.


Massage: Apply daily in the morning and evening on arms and legs, massage gently, leave for 15-20 minutes, then shower.


Narayana Verlag GmbH, Blumenplatz 2, 79400 Kandern, Germany

customer reviews of Set: Magnesium Oil Spray - Original Zechstein - 2 x 100 ml - by Unimedica
With this forum we would like to offer our customers the chance to discuss our products. We explicitly point out that the forum only contains the private views and subjective individual assessments of the commenters. We do not approve the forum statements in any way. We publish them in the interest of freedom of expression. However, we distance ourselves from the contents of the forum and we are unwilling and unable to judge them as either true or false. If you feel a forum contribution is directed to you, you must seek the advice of a doctor or someone with a recognised specialist qualification in order to assess its truth or falsity. Our shop allows guests as well as verified customers to rate products or the shop. Verified ratings are indicated with “verified purchase”.

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average customer rating:
4,7 out of 5 Stars

156 reviews (german), 10 reviews (french)

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verified purchase Magnesium Öl - Original Zechsteiner - 1000 ml - von Unimedica Review for
3 years ago
Magnesium oil & DMSO
I have had a pronounced scoliosis since my childhood and have often had back pain since then.I have been spraying magnesium oil with DMSO on my back in the evening for about 3 years.my back is much more relaxed and I feel much better.I also sleep well as a result.for 2 years I have been supplementing it with D3/K2 deacidify and detoxify with cellulose. read more ...
70 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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Shenaze Djabiraly
verified purchase Magnesium Öl - Original Zechsteiner - 1000 ml - von Unimedica Review for
2 years ago
I use it pure 2 times a day on the soles of my feet, and it seems to penetrate more effectively.
A boost of NRJ!
Is it possible to dilute it with DMSO for joint pain?
50/50 of each product
Thank you for your kind replies
read more ...
3 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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Agnes T.
Magnesium Öl Spray - Original Zechsteiner - 100 ml - von Unimedica Review for
4 years ago
Magnesium Oil
The magnesium oil spray is very popular with our whole family! We achieve excellent results with it every time we have the slightest cramp. One spray of the oil and the cramp is relieved immediately! It is easy to rub/rub into the skin. It supports muscle function, helps to maintain teeth and bones, combats tiredness and thus supports the entire energy metabolism. read more ...
53 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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verified purchase
3 years ago
Great product
I use the magnesium oil diluted with DMSO.
It makes a great spray to treat tennis elbow, knee problems and shoulder pain.
read more ...
34 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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Magnesium Öl Spray - Original Zechsteiner - 100 ml - von Unimedica Review for
2 years ago
I also take it in this combination for my back, it's simply marvellous and so beneficial. But I would also recommend MSM, as it can also permanently eliminate inflammation. I've been taking it successfully for years and only use magnesium oil + DMSO occasionally, but magnesium oil separately every day because the body needs it all the time. I hope you are also taking D3. read more ...
38 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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Norman Paschke
Magnesium Öl - Original Zechsteiner - 1000 ml - von Unimedica Review for
12 months ago
Good morning. Can you please give me a mixing ratio of magnesium oil and DMSO? I have also been using it for 2 weeks, but I am unsure about the quantities. Kind regards. Norman. read more ...
5 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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Magnesium Öl Spray - Original Zechsteiner - 100 ml - von Unimedica Review for
5 years ago
Magnesium Oil
super suitable as a swimmer, I no longer have calf cramps during training or when sleeping read more ...
29 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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Susanne P
verified purchase Magnesium Öl Spray - Original Zechsteiner - 100 ml - von Unimedica Review for
4 years ago
In combination with D3 and K2
I take the magnesium oil in combination with vitamin D3 drops - 5000 I.U. and vitamin K2 drops - 200µg. I tolerate everything together very well and it helps me with my hashimto very well over the winter months. I will definitely order again, I am delighted with the quality and the fast dispatch, the magnesium oil initially stings like little needles after application to the skin of the legs, but it definitely helps me to organise my everyday life better. I also apply the oil to tense necks or headaches caused by the neck and it works very quickly.

My conclusion: Very good, recommended purchase
read more ...
28 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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verified purchase
3 years ago
I am very satisfied
I mixed the magnesium oil with DMSO because of my back pain. I can already say that it is helping me. read more ...
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Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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Stefanie Schatz
verified purchase Magnesium Öl Spray - Original Zechsteiner - 100 ml - von Unimedica Review for
3 years ago
Hello, how do I mix the dmso with the magnesium oil? read more ...
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Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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Magnesium Öl Spray - Original Zechsteiner - 100 ml - von Unimedica Review for
2 years ago
I can't tell you how to mix it either. But I can tell you how I apply it in this combination. Firstly, I spray the magnesium on my back in the affected area, then spread it lightly but don't massage it in. Then the DMSO (liquid, of course) is applied in the desired quantity and is also only lightly distributed, and then left to work for up to 30 minutes. It is important that the back is washed off beforehand because DMSO absorbs everything on the skin, not just the magnesium. It is therefore essential to rinse the skin with water after the application time. If you experience a very strong tingling sensation during the application time that you think you can no longer stand it, or you feel that it is burning your skin, stop immediately and wash it off! In this case, too much DMSO has probably been administered, so approach it slowly. read more ...
23 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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verified purchase Magnesium Öl - Original Zechsteiner - 1000 ml - von Unimedica Review for
3 weeks ago
the madness
I am so thrilled. My weakness in my legs has been gone from day one. The pins and needles are also getting better every time. Neck pain etc. is also gone overnight. I don't wash it off but leave it on overnight. The skin is super soft. I am thrilled. read more ...
22 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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verified purchase Magnesium Öl Spray - Original Zechsteiner - 100 ml - von Unimedica Review for
3 years ago
fidgeting legs
At night, when I actually want to sleep, my legs are restless. The Hot 7, stretching the thighs and massaging in the magnesium brings peace back to my legs and I can sleep a little longer. read more ...
21 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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verified purchase Magnesium Öl Spray - Original Zechsteiner - 100 ml - von Unimedica Review for
1 year ago
Provides good service for restless legs in bed at night
If I can't fall asleep, my legs start to get restless at some point. Then I'm glad that I have magnesium oil. I smear it on my legs and can often get to sleep this way.
The areas of permanent tension in the gluteus and piriformis also benefit from it.
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17 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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verified purchase Magnesium Öl Spray - Original Zechsteiner - 100 ml - von Unimedica Review for
3 years ago
Great product for migraines
I bought the oil for my daughter as she has migraine attacks from time to time.
We've had peace and quiet since she started taking it. She will definitely
continue to use it.
Once again, great praise for Narayana! I have been a customer for a long time and can recommend the company without reservation.
They have great products that have already helped me in many areas.
Top price-performance ratio, fast delivery, top customer service, simply great!!!
read more ...
16 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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