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Set Organ - Conflict - Cure in 12 volumes

Rosina Sonnenschmidt

Set Organ - Conflict - Cure in 12 volumes, Rosina Sonnenschmidt
Buch: 1884 pages, hb
publication: 2013
product no.: 28942
weight: 6040g
The Set (all 12 volumes) costs only € 264 / $ 348 (12 x € 22 / $29).
This is a savings of € 84 / $ 120 compared to purchasing the single volumes at full price.

Set Organ - Conflict - Cure in 12 volumes

Rosina Sonnenschmidt

With homeopathy, naturopathy and exercises
278.00 US$
  • available immediately, ready to ship within 1-2 working days
Buch: 1884 pages, hb
publication: 2013
product no.: 28942
weight: 6040g
The Set (all 12 volumes) costs only € 264 / $ 348 (12 x € 22 / $29).
This is a savings of € 84 / $ 120 compared to purchasing the single volumes at full price.

The idea of treating an organ system holistically - spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically - stems from the notion that the organism, with its synergies, cycles, and self-healing programs, is gifted and wise. A disease invariably manifests itself following the principle of resonance in the appropriate organic site and expresses the conflict and the resolution.
This series will appear over a two year period. In total, there will be 12 volumes, each dealing with a particular organ system:

Volume 1: Blood – Fluid Consciousness 
Volume 2: Liver and Gallbladder – Acquired Authority
Volume 3: The Digestive Organs – Pathway to the Centre
Volume 4: Respiratory System – Life and Consciousness
Volume 5: Kidneys and Bladder – Basis of Self-Realisation
Volume 6: Heart and Circulation – Natural Authority
Volume 7: Endocrine Glands – Basic Sources of Spiritual Power
Volume 8: Female and Male Sexual Organs – Self-Realisation
Volume 9: Brain and Nervous System – Burgeoning Spirituality
Volume 10: Sensory Organs – Wonders of Communicatio
Volume 11: Locomotor System – Progress on All Levels
Volume 12: Skin and Lymphatic System – Bastions of Immunity

278.00 US$
  • available immediately, ready to ship within 1-2 working days

For product details please click on the picture

Product information Blood - Fluid Consciousness

The first volume concerns the blood. The expressions “blood revenge” and “blood sacrifice” themselves reflect the extreme aspects connected with this theme. Rosina Sonnenschmidt explores the various blood parameters and blood groups and considers their significance. She shows how the formation, quality and regeneration of the blood can be stimulated through naturopathic therapies, such as fresh juices and rhythmic breathing.
Homeopathy has a key role to play in the treatment of serious blood disorders. The references in the repertories to destructive diseases, such as leukaemia and plasmacytomas which are becoming increasingly prevalent, are still fragmentary. In this book, Rosina Sonnenschmidt treads new ground and proposes many new remedies, such as Uranium nitricum, Caesium and Cisplatin, that act directly on the blood constituents.
A work of utmost practical relevance, which offers highly valuable and original advices on contemporary illnesses.

The Organ-Conflict-Cure Series will be completed over the next two years. In total, there will be 12 volumes (plus an Index for the entire series), each dealing with a particular organ system.  The Series can be bought as a Set, or individually:

Volume 1: Blood – Fluid Consciousness
Volume 2: Liver and Gallbladder – Acquired Authority
Volume 3: The Digestive Organs – Pathway to the Centre
Volume 4: Respiratory System – Life and Consciousness
Volume 5: Kidneys and Bladder – Basis of Self-Realisation
Volume 6: Heart and Circulation – ...

Blood - Fluid Consciousness >more information

Product information Liver and Gallbladder - Acquired Authority

The place where disease manifests within the organ system is deeply significant. This is the site of conflict, but where there is conflict there is also the opportunity for resolution – and in resolution lies cure.
The liver is the focus of the second volume in the series Organ – Conflict – Cure by Rosina Sonnenschmidt. The author shows us the energetic significance of the liver discussing its symbolism, the liver temperament and spiritual matters whilst outlining the place of the liver in the historical context of alchemy and its importance in Traditional Chinese Medicine.
The issues associated with the liver are ‘acquired authority’ – the personal power that one develops in the course of one’s life – creativity, humour and drive. If the energy of the liver is suppressed, for example by low self-esteem, the result can be aggression and a wide variety of physical conditions ranging from rheumatism and diabetes to cirrhosis of the liver.
As well as providing detailed information about the structure, function and pathology of the liver, the author gives much invaluable practical advice on treating liver and gallbladder complaints based on her many years as a holistic therapist.
Areas covered include:
- nutrition
- deacidification and detoxification
- herbal remedies
- cleansing the liver and gallbladder
- homeopathy
- extensive section on homeopathic therapeutic remedies
Many schools of thought are drawn on throughout the book, the emphasis being on the miasmatic point of view. This...

Liver and Gallbladder - Acquired Authority >more information

Product information The Digestive Organs - Pathway to the Centre

Our digestive system stretches from the mouth to the anus. In-between, there are numerous processes of transformation, both physical and metaphorical. Stomach and gut problems are often the start of a long journey through chronic disease, because we have lost our connection with the centre of our being. If we want to get a grip on the illnesses of our time, we need to simplify our lives and begin exactly where these illnesses start: in the mouth, with the food we eat, and the digestion and letting go of impressions of every kind.

In the third volume of the series “Organ – Conflict – Cure,” Rosina Sonnenschmidt describes in detail the individual parts of the digestive tract with its conflicts and its possibilities of healing – from the mouth and gullet through to the small intestine, large intestine, and rectum. This work is another treasure trove of practical tips from the entire field of naturopathy. Together with the meaning of the Chinese system of correspondences, the book also covers germ-layer affiliation, tongue diagnosis, practical exercises on the energy of the solar plexus, and simple instructions on bowel cleansing.

Especially useful is the clear description of the biological conflicts of the digestive organs with their corresponding homeopathic remedies and naturopathic therapies. Such interesting remedies as Cortisonum, Nuphar luteum, Cynodon dactylon, Paeonia, and the bowel nosodes are presented. The illnesses discussed range from caries and gastritis through...

The Digestive Organs - Pathway to the Centre >more information

Product information Respiratory System - Life and Consciousness

The focal point of this book is the respiratory system, the breathing, and the approach to the process of breathing from a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual viewpoint.
Rosina Sonnenschmidt goes well beyond the usual understanding of breathing, which she conceptualizes as a complex system from the lungs right down to the level of the individual cells. She discusses common diseases of the airways from bronchitis, asthma and emphysema through to lung cancer. She thereby describes the underlying psychological conflicts that we need to recognize and that patients need to resolve to become healthy again at the physical level.
Topics include: What takes someone's breath away? What makes someone long-winded, in the sense of having great stamina? The holistic treatment plan includes practical breathing exercises, important medicinal herbs such as thyme and sage, nutritional advice and aromatherapy oils. In the final section of the book, devoted to homeopathy, tried-and-tested remedies are proposed for each type of conflict, such as Beryllium, Anisum, Laurocerasus, Malicum acidum, Teucrium, various nosodes and allopathic medicines in homeopathic form.

The Organ-Conflict-Cure Series will be completed over the next two years. In total, there will be 12 volumes (plus an Index for the entire series), each dealing with a particular organ system.  The Series can be bought as a Set, or individually:

Volume 1: Blood – Fluid Consciousness
Volume 2: Liver and Gallbladder – Acquired Au...

Respiratory System - Life and Consciousness >more information

Product information Kidneys and Bladder - Basis of Self-Realisation

The kidney energy encompasses issues such as security, resoluteness and stability. If something “gets you in the kidneys” (as in the German phrase), it generates an existential anxiety about the ground under your feet giving way.
There are comprehensive descriptions of diseases affecting the kidneys and the ureters, such as kidney stones, glomerulonephritis, renal insufficiency, malignant tumors, renal hypertension, cystitis, urinary disturbances and enuresis, as well as problems with the adrenal glands, such as Addison's disease or Cushing's syndrome.
The book also discusses underlying conflicts and treatment associated with these illnesses. Homeopathic remedies that have proved especially valuable in this respect include Arsenicum album, Caesium, Uranium, Plutonium, Salicylicum acidum, Cisplatin and Paracetamol. Naturopathic therapy consists of nutritional advice and herbal medicines, as well as ozonated plant oils (rizols) and deacidification.
Rosina Sonnenschmidt has again demonstrated that she can effectively synthesize a variety of approaches such as the Chinese theory of correspondences and various Western approaches. The result is an easily understandable practical manual on therapies suitable for treating diseases of the kidneys and bladder. She goes well beyond the level of the physical integrity of the organs themselves, and demonstrates how these organs form the gateway to self-realization.

The Organ-Conflict-Cure Series will be completed over the next two years. ...

Kidneys and Bladder - Basis of Self-Realisation >more information

Product information Heart and Circulation - Natural Authority

When what we do comes from our heart, we do it with sincerity, integrity and love without thoughts of practical benefits or calculation. The heart energy is the higher octave of the solar-plexus energy, and matters of the heart do not tolerate even a hint of guile. When another person is heartless, this affects us more than when someone
runs around like a headless chicken or doesn’t have both feet on the ground.

The heart represents natural authority. If we express this in our life, joy and friendliness can be revealed in a
natural way. If the heart does not have any inner powerfulness, we must exercise power and this leads to cold-heartedness.

The focus of the sixth volume of the Organ – Conflict – Cure series is the harmonic order of the heart and circulation, as well as the sounds and rhythms of the blood circulation. It puts a new light on frequent cardiovascular diseases such as arteriosclerosis, heart attack, high blood pressure, disorders of heart rhythm, cardiac insufficiency and varicose veins and explores the groundbreaking findings of cardiology such as the conflicts of the heart and circulation, as well as their solutions.

Rosina Sonnenschmidt describes the use of proven homeopathic remedies such as Naja, Kalmia, Latrodectus, Convallaria, Crataegus, Cactus, Spigelia, Digitalis and Strophanthus. She also explains various naturopathic treatments such as rhythmic exercises, deacidification, a therapeutic diet with delicious recipes and well-established heart herbs and re...

Heart and Circulation - Natural Authority >more information

Product information Endocrine Glands - Spiritual Power Sources

No organ system has such a close relationship to spirituality as the glands. The individual glands are directly related to the energy centres of the body, the chakras. This holistic appraisal of the system of endocrine glands aims to consider the physical and energetic effectiveness of the glands, appraise their conflicts, and harmonise their ethereal aspects.

The seventh volume of the popular series Organ - Conflict - Cure examines the truly marvellous system of the glands. Rosina Sonnenschmidt presents a completely new view of the deeper functions of the adrenal glands (root of life force), male and female gonads (sacral energy), pancreas (the golden core), the thymus gland (the bigger self), the
thyroid gland (self-expression), and pituitary and pineal glands (regulation of the psychic senses).

There is a very large spectrum of glandular disease – from stressrelated illness through menstrual disorders to  Diabetes type 1 or 2, and thyroid dysfunction through immune weakness to tumours. The physiology of the glands, their conflicts and spiritual influences are discussed here. The author derives healing inspiration from naturopathic treatments, numerous types of exercise, as well as homeopathy. She uses homeopathic preparations of the individual hormones as well as unusual remedies such as Badiaga, Eupionum, X-ray, Ephedra and Lapis albus.

This work conveys highly distilled and original knowledge, offering a veritable cornucopia of suggestions and healing impulses with outstand...

Endocrine Glands - Spiritual Power Sources >more information

Product information Female and Male Sexual Organs Self-Realisation

Human beings represent polarity. The laws of nature are in effect within us through cycles, synergies and rhythms. Conception and fertility are the primal matrix of life. Our consciousness is capable of using these elemental forces for healthy offspring and spiritual advancement. No achievements are possible without both the female and the male creative energy. The objective of this book is promoting trust in our own creative energies and developing many ideas for the holistic treatment of diseases related to the male and female organs.

In Volume 8 of the Organ-Conflict-Cure series, the popular author Rosina Sonnenschmidt offers a holistic and very detailed description of how the sexual organs function and how their conflicts manifest in the male and female body. In addition to typical gynaecological disorders such as menstrual and menopausal complaints, it covers leucorrhoea, breastfeeding problems and myomas, men’s disorders ranging from prostate complaints, impotence and inflammation of the testes to infertility and cancers in both sexes (breast, cervical, uterine and ovarian cancer in the woman and prostate and testicular cancer in the man). The book’s focus is on the archaic male/female topics, shedding light upon how we understand many diseases of our modern age.

The creative solutions include exercises, intelligent solutions such as modern forms of the menstruation hut, instructions for internal and external care and many naturopathic therapies. Interesting homeopathic ...

Female and Male Sexual Organs Self-Realisation >more information

Product information Brain and Nervous System Blossoming Spirituality

Even if human consciousness is found in every cell, the brain is a marvel that can be shaped throughout an entire lifetime. Brain and nerve activities are the quickest rhythms that determine our human existence.
This speed clearly manifests itself in our fast-moving modern age. Every possible pause in the constant drive for action has been eliminated. What is the actual destination of this race? What is the goal? As a result of this turbulent pursuit, human beings have developed increasingly complicated illnesses. It is difficult to escape from such a pull, but this is precisely where we find the solution: It is necessary to pause, feel where we are standing and reflect on what we are doing. 
The ninth volume of the Organ-Conflict-Cure series focuses on communication, language and self-expression, as well as the major nervous conflict of our age – stress – and its holistic treatment. Rosina Sonnenschmidt extensively describes the related anatomy and functions of the peripheral, autonomic and central nervous system and their significance. She especially values the life rhythms and provides valuable tips on nutrition and exercises for coordination, communication and strengthening of the nerves.
This volume discusses important neurological diseases such as sciatica, stroke, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s/dementia, Parkinson’s and epilepsy, together with their possible causes. Rosina Sonnenschmidt offers a variety of suggestions for homeopathic treatment with remedies such as Ca...

Brain and Nervous System Blossoming Spirituality >more information

Product information Sensory Organs Wonders of Communication

The five senses are a wonder of communication and represent our gateway to the outer world. All five senses are necessary to comprehend the world in a holistic way. If we develop the intuitive correlation between these senses – our clairvoyant senses – we are capable of perceiving the world in a deeper and more extensive way and see „what is actually real.”

In the tenth volume of the Organ-Conflict-Cure series, Rosina Sonnenschmidt provides a holistic perspective of the sense of touch, sense of smell, sense of taste, sense of hearing and sense of sight. She explains the physiology of the sensory organs and shows how the psychic senses can be trained and applied. The conflicts behind the sensory organs illustrate how closely a restricted perception is connected with an individual’s consciousness and how important good instincts and intuition are in life.

The book discusses diseases such as sensitivity disorders, loss of the sense of taste and smell, eye diseases such as diabetic retinopathy, iritis, macular degeneration, cataract and glaucoma and ear diseases such as otitis media, hearing impairment, loss of hearing and tinnitus, as well as their holistic treatment.

The therapy includes much naturopathic information, nutritional tips such as special raw juices, Schuessler salts, massages and proven homeopathic remedies such as Camphora for a lack of sensation, Kreosotum for cataract, Osmium for glaucoma and Verbascum for hearing loss.

Rosina Sonnenschmidt shows how th...

Sensory Organs Wonders of Communication >more information

Product information Locomotor System - Progress on All Levels

The mobility of body and soul forms an unbreakable unity. Constriction in thinking, feeling and acting also restricts the physical mobility. Every chronic disease is accompanied by stiffness or disorders of the body rhythm, as well as acidification and accumulation of waste substances.

In the eleventh volume of the Organ-Conflict-Cure series, Rosina Sonnenschmidt illustrates the holistic path of healing for regaining the individual rhythm.

A person's movement is breath that has become visible. As a result, the energetics of the breath are very important. In this volume, Rosina Sonnenschmidt differentiates between moon and sun focus of the respiration. The knowledge about the sun breath and the moon breath is thousands of years old. The author explains the two types and shows which body positions and movement sequences are best suited for each of them in order to maintain good health.

The book presents the most frequent diseases of the musculoskeletal system and its underlying conflicts: osteoporosis; diseases of the bone marrow, tendons and muscles; gout and rheumatism; diseases of the individual joints such as the knees and hips, shoulder and wrist complaints; and sections of the spinal column such as ailments of the neck and lumbar area. For example, rheumatism has an underlying self-devaluation conflict with suppressed anger.

The homeopathic treatment of these diseases with remedies such as cartilago suis, paratyphoidinum and calcium fluoricum is explained together...

Locomotor System - Progress on All Levels >more information

Product information Skin and Lymphatic System Bastions of Immunity

With Homeopathy, Naturopathy and Exercises

The skin is the main organ that holds the body and mind together. It breathes, absorbs nutrients, has a metabolism and eliminates waste substances. It is also called the “third kidney” or the “third lung.” An intact immune system is reflected in the skin through fever and sweating. Every chronic illness begins with the skin. If the illness is cured from the inside, it leaves the body through the skin.

In the last volume of the already legendary Organ-Conflict-Cure series, Rosina Sonnenschmidt demonstrates the major significance of the skin and lymphatic system for health. She explains the fundamental conflicts of many skin diseases ranging from oral herpes, skin fungus and erysipelas to neurodermatitis, psoriasis and shingles, as well as vitiligo, scleroderma and skin cancer. In addition, the book explores diseases of the lymphatic system‘s typical devaluation conflicts that include manifestations such as a susceptibility to infection and malignant lymphoma.

Holistic therapy for these conditions includes conflict resolution, tips on nutrition and strengthening of the immune system; naturopathic measures such as footbaths, light and colour-light therapy; and an abundance of well-known and even unusual homeopathic remedies such as Elaeis, Polio, Desoxyribonucleicum acidum and specific intestinal nosodes.

In particular, the example of the skin shows how decisive it is to not just treat a disease locally. A chronic disease can only be cons...

Skin and Lymphatic System Bastions of Immunity >more information

The idea of treating an organ system holistically - spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically - stems from the notion that the organism, with its synergies, cycles, and self-healing programs, is gifted and wise. A disease invariably manifests itself following the principle of resonance in the appropriate organic site and expresses the conflict and the resolution.
This series will appear over a two year period. In total, there will be 12 volumes, each dealing with a particular organ system:

Volume 1: Blood – Fluid Consciousness 
Volume 2: Liver and Gallbladder – Acquired Authority
Volume 3: The Digestive Organs – Pathway to the Centre
Volume 4: Respiratory System – Life and Consciousness
Volume 5: Kidneys and Bladder – Basis of Self-Realisation
Volume 6: Heart and Circulation – Natural Authority
Volume 7: Endocrine Glands – Basic Sources of Spiritual Power
Volume 8: Female and Male Sexual Organs – Self-Realisation
Volume 9: Brain and Nervous System – Burgeoning Spirituality
Volume 10: Sensory Organs – Wonders of Communicatio
Volume 11: Locomotor System – Progress on All Levels
Volume 12: Skin and Lymphatic System – Bastions of Immunity

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278.00 US$
  • available immediately, ready to ship within 1-2 working days

Customers, that bought Set Organ - Conflict - Cure in 12 volumes also bought

For product details please click on the picture

Product information Blood - Fluid Consciousness

The first volume concerns the blood. The expressions “blood revenge” and “blood sacrifice” themselves reflect the extreme aspects connected with this theme. Rosina Sonnenschmidt explores the various blood parameters and blood groups and considers their significance. She shows how the formation, quality and regeneration of the blood can be stimulated through naturopathic therapies, such as fresh juices and rhythmic breathing.
Homeopathy has a key role to play in the treatment of serious blood disorders. The references in the repertories to destructive diseases, such as leukaemia and plasmacytomas which are becoming increasingly prevalent, are still fragmentary. In this book, Rosina Sonnenschmidt treads new ground and proposes many new remedies, such as Uranium nitricum, Caesium and Cisplatin, that act directly on the blood constituents.
A work of utmost practical relevance, which offers highly valuable and original advices on contemporary illnesses.

The Organ-Conflict-Cure Series will be completed over the next two years. In total, there will be 12 volumes (plus an Index for the entire series), each dealing with a particular organ system.  The Series can be bought as a Set, or individually:

Volume 1: Blood – Fluid Consciousness
Volume 2: Liver and Gallbladder – Acquired Authority
Volume 3: The Digestive Organs – Pathway to the Centre
Volume 4: Respiratory System – Life and Consciousness
Volume 5: Kidneys and Bladder – Basis of Self-Realisation
Volume 6: Heart and Circulation – ...

Blood - Fluid Consciousness >more information

Product information Liver and Gallbladder - Acquired Authority

The place where disease manifests within the organ system is deeply significant. This is the site of conflict, but where there is conflict there is also the opportunity for resolution – and in resolution lies cure.
The liver is the focus of the second volume in the series Organ – Conflict – Cure by Rosina Sonnenschmidt. The author shows us the energetic significance of the liver discussing its symbolism, the liver temperament and spiritual matters whilst outlining the place of the liver in the historical context of alchemy and its importance in Traditional Chinese Medicine.
The issues associated with the liver are ‘acquired authority’ – the personal power that one develops in the course of one’s life – creativity, humour and drive. If the energy of the liver is suppressed, for example by low self-esteem, the result can be aggression and a wide variety of physical conditions ranging from rheumatism and diabetes to cirrhosis of the liver.
As well as providing detailed information about the structure, function and pathology of the liver, the author gives much invaluable practical advice on treating liver and gallbladder complaints based on her many years as a holistic therapist.
Areas covered include:
- nutrition
- deacidification and detoxification
- herbal remedies
- cleansing the liver and gallbladder
- homeopathy
- extensive section on homeopathic therapeutic remedies
Many schools of thought are drawn on throughout the book, the emphasis being on the miasmatic point of view. This...

Liver and Gallbladder - Acquired Authority >more information

Product information The Digestive Organs - Pathway to the Centre

Our digestive system stretches from the mouth to the anus. In-between, there are numerous processes of transformation, both physical and metaphorical. Stomach and gut problems are often the start of a long journey through chronic disease, because we have lost our connection with the centre of our being. If we want to get a grip on the illnesses of our time, we need to simplify our lives and begin exactly where these illnesses start: in the mouth, with the food we eat, and the digestion and letting go of impressions of every kind.

In the third volume of the series “Organ – Conflict – Cure,” Rosina Sonnenschmidt describes in detail the individual parts of the digestive tract with its conflicts and its possibilities of healing – from the mouth and gullet through to the small intestine, large intestine, and rectum. This work is another treasure trove of practical tips from the entire field of naturopathy. Together with the meaning of the Chinese system of correspondences, the book also covers germ-layer affiliation, tongue diagnosis, practical exercises on the energy of the solar plexus, and simple instructions on bowel cleansing.

Especially useful is the clear description of the biological conflicts of the digestive organs with their corresponding homeopathic remedies and naturopathic therapies. Such interesting remedies as Cortisonum, Nuphar luteum, Cynodon dactylon, Paeonia, and the bowel nosodes are presented. The illnesses discussed range from caries and gastritis through...

The Digestive Organs - Pathway to the Centre >more information

Product information Respiratory System - Life and Consciousness

The focal point of this book is the respiratory system, the breathing, and the approach to the process of breathing from a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual viewpoint.
Rosina Sonnenschmidt goes well beyond the usual understanding of breathing, which she conceptualizes as a complex system from the lungs right down to the level of the individual cells. She discusses common diseases of the airways from bronchitis, asthma and emphysema through to lung cancer. She thereby describes the underlying psychological conflicts that we need to recognize and that patients need to resolve to become healthy again at the physical level.
Topics include: What takes someone's breath away? What makes someone long-winded, in the sense of having great stamina? The holistic treatment plan includes practical breathing exercises, important medicinal herbs such as thyme and sage, nutritional advice and aromatherapy oils. In the final section of the book, devoted to homeopathy, tried-and-tested remedies are proposed for each type of conflict, such as Beryllium, Anisum, Laurocerasus, Malicum acidum, Teucrium, various nosodes and allopathic medicines in homeopathic form.

The Organ-Conflict-Cure Series will be completed over the next two years. In total, there will be 12 volumes (plus an Index for the entire series), each dealing with a particular organ system.  The Series can be bought as a Set, or individually:

Volume 1: Blood – Fluid Consciousness
Volume 2: Liver and Gallbladder – Acquired Au...

Respiratory System - Life and Consciousness >more information

Product information Kidneys and Bladder - Basis of Self-Realisation

The kidney energy encompasses issues such as security, resoluteness and stability. If something “gets you in the kidneys” (as in the German phrase), it generates an existential anxiety about the ground under your feet giving way.
There are comprehensive descriptions of diseases affecting the kidneys and the ureters, such as kidney stones, glomerulonephritis, renal insufficiency, malignant tumors, renal hypertension, cystitis, urinary disturbances and enuresis, as well as problems with the adrenal glands, such as Addison's disease or Cushing's syndrome.
The book also discusses underlying conflicts and treatment associated with these illnesses. Homeopathic remedies that have proved especially valuable in this respect include Arsenicum album, Caesium, Uranium, Plutonium, Salicylicum acidum, Cisplatin and Paracetamol. Naturopathic therapy consists of nutritional advice and herbal medicines, as well as ozonated plant oils (rizols) and deacidification.
Rosina Sonnenschmidt has again demonstrated that she can effectively synthesize a variety of approaches such as the Chinese theory of correspondences and various Western approaches. The result is an easily understandable practical manual on therapies suitable for treating diseases of the kidneys and bladder. She goes well beyond the level of the physical integrity of the organs themselves, and demonstrates how these organs form the gateway to self-realization.

The Organ-Conflict-Cure Series will be completed over the next two years. ...

Kidneys and Bladder - Basis of Self-Realisation >more information

Product information Heart and Circulation - Natural Authority

When what we do comes from our heart, we do it with sincerity, integrity and love without thoughts of practical benefits or calculation. The heart energy is the higher octave of the solar-plexus energy, and matters of the heart do not tolerate even a hint of guile. When another person is heartless, this affects us more than when someone
runs around like a headless chicken or doesn’t have both feet on the ground.

The heart represents natural authority. If we express this in our life, joy and friendliness can be revealed in a
natural way. If the heart does not have any inner powerfulness, we must exercise power and this leads to cold-heartedness.

The focus of the sixth volume of the Organ – Conflict – Cure series is the harmonic order of the heart and circulation, as well as the sounds and rhythms of the blood circulation. It puts a new light on frequent cardiovascular diseases such as arteriosclerosis, heart attack, high blood pressure, disorders of heart rhythm, cardiac insufficiency and varicose veins and explores the groundbreaking findings of cardiology such as the conflicts of the heart and circulation, as well as their solutions.

Rosina Sonnenschmidt describes the use of proven homeopathic remedies such as Naja, Kalmia, Latrodectus, Convallaria, Crataegus, Cactus, Spigelia, Digitalis and Strophanthus. She also explains various naturopathic treatments such as rhythmic exercises, deacidification, a therapeutic diet with delicious recipes and well-established heart herbs and re...

Heart and Circulation - Natural Authority >more information

Product information Endocrine Glands - Spiritual Power Sources

No organ system has such a close relationship to spirituality as the glands. The individual glands are directly related to the energy centres of the body, the chakras. This holistic appraisal of the system of endocrine glands aims to consider the physical and energetic effectiveness of the glands, appraise their conflicts, and harmonise their ethereal aspects.

The seventh volume of the popular series Organ - Conflict - Cure examines the truly marvellous system of the glands. Rosina Sonnenschmidt presents a completely new view of the deeper functions of the adrenal glands (root of life force), male and female gonads (sacral energy), pancreas (the golden core), the thymus gland (the bigger self), the
thyroid gland (self-expression), and pituitary and pineal glands (regulation of the psychic senses).

There is a very large spectrum of glandular disease – from stressrelated illness through menstrual disorders to  Diabetes type 1 or 2, and thyroid dysfunction through immune weakness to tumours. The physiology of the glands, their conflicts and spiritual influences are discussed here. The author derives healing inspiration from naturopathic treatments, numerous types of exercise, as well as homeopathy. She uses homeopathic preparations of the individual hormones as well as unusual remedies such as Badiaga, Eupionum, X-ray, Ephedra and Lapis albus.

This work conveys highly distilled and original knowledge, offering a veritable cornucopia of suggestions and healing impulses with outstand...

Endocrine Glands - Spiritual Power Sources >more information

Product information Female and Male Sexual Organs Self-Realisation

Human beings represent polarity. The laws of nature are in effect within us through cycles, synergies and rhythms. Conception and fertility are the primal matrix of life. Our consciousness is capable of using these elemental forces for healthy offspring and spiritual advancement. No achievements are possible without both the female and the male creative energy. The objective of this book is promoting trust in our own creative energies and developing many ideas for the holistic treatment of diseases related to the male and female organs.

In Volume 8 of the Organ-Conflict-Cure series, the popular author Rosina Sonnenschmidt offers a holistic and very detailed description of how the sexual organs function and how their conflicts manifest in the male and female body. In addition to typical gynaecological disorders such as menstrual and menopausal complaints, it covers leucorrhoea, breastfeeding problems and myomas, men’s disorders ranging from prostate complaints, impotence and inflammation of the testes to infertility and cancers in both sexes (breast, cervical, uterine and ovarian cancer in the woman and prostate and testicular cancer in the man). The book’s focus is on the archaic male/female topics, shedding light upon how we understand many diseases of our modern age.

The creative solutions include exercises, intelligent solutions such as modern forms of the menstruation hut, instructions for internal and external care and many naturopathic therapies. Interesting homeopathic ...

Female and Male Sexual Organs Self-Realisation >more information

Product information Brain and Nervous System Blossoming Spirituality

Even if human consciousness is found in every cell, the brain is a marvel that can be shaped throughout an entire lifetime. Brain and nerve activities are the quickest rhythms that determine our human existence.
This speed clearly manifests itself in our fast-moving modern age. Every possible pause in the constant drive for action has been eliminated. What is the actual destination of this race? What is the goal? As a result of this turbulent pursuit, human beings have developed increasingly complicated illnesses. It is difficult to escape from such a pull, but this is precisely where we find the solution: It is necessary to pause, feel where we are standing and reflect on what we are doing. 
The ninth volume of the Organ-Conflict-Cure series focuses on communication, language and self-expression, as well as the major nervous conflict of our age – stress – and its holistic treatment. Rosina Sonnenschmidt extensively describes the related anatomy and functions of the peripheral, autonomic and central nervous system and their significance. She especially values the life rhythms and provides valuable tips on nutrition and exercises for coordination, communication and strengthening of the nerves.
This volume discusses important neurological diseases such as sciatica, stroke, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s/dementia, Parkinson’s and epilepsy, together with their possible causes. Rosina Sonnenschmidt offers a variety of suggestions for homeopathic treatment with remedies such as Ca...

Brain and Nervous System Blossoming Spirituality >more information

Product information Sensory Organs Wonders of Communication

The five senses are a wonder of communication and represent our gateway to the outer world. All five senses are necessary to comprehend the world in a holistic way. If we develop the intuitive correlation between these senses – our clairvoyant senses – we are capable of perceiving the world in a deeper and more extensive way and see „what is actually real.”

In the tenth volume of the Organ-Conflict-Cure series, Rosina Sonnenschmidt provides a holistic perspective of the sense of touch, sense of smell, sense of taste, sense of hearing and sense of sight. She explains the physiology of the sensory organs and shows how the psychic senses can be trained and applied. The conflicts behind the sensory organs illustrate how closely a restricted perception is connected with an individual’s consciousness and how important good instincts and intuition are in life.

The book discusses diseases such as sensitivity disorders, loss of the sense of taste and smell, eye diseases such as diabetic retinopathy, iritis, macular degeneration, cataract and glaucoma and ear diseases such as otitis media, hearing impairment, loss of hearing and tinnitus, as well as their holistic treatment.

The therapy includes much naturopathic information, nutritional tips such as special raw juices, Schuessler salts, massages and proven homeopathic remedies such as Camphora for a lack of sensation, Kreosotum for cataract, Osmium for glaucoma and Verbascum for hearing loss.

Rosina Sonnenschmidt shows how th...

Sensory Organs Wonders of Communication >more information

Product information Locomotor System - Progress on All Levels

The mobility of body and soul forms an unbreakable unity. Constriction in thinking, feeling and acting also restricts the physical mobility. Every chronic disease is accompanied by stiffness or disorders of the body rhythm, as well as acidification and accumulation of waste substances.

In the eleventh volume of the Organ-Conflict-Cure series, Rosina Sonnenschmidt illustrates the holistic path of healing for regaining the individual rhythm.

A person's movement is breath that has become visible. As a result, the energetics of the breath are very important. In this volume, Rosina Sonnenschmidt differentiates between moon and sun focus of the respiration. The knowledge about the sun breath and the moon breath is thousands of years old. The author explains the two types and shows which body positions and movement sequences are best suited for each of them in order to maintain good health.

The book presents the most frequent diseases of the musculoskeletal system and its underlying conflicts: osteoporosis; diseases of the bone marrow, tendons and muscles; gout and rheumatism; diseases of the individual joints such as the knees and hips, shoulder and wrist complaints; and sections of the spinal column such as ailments of the neck and lumbar area. For example, rheumatism has an underlying self-devaluation conflict with suppressed anger.

The homeopathic treatment of these diseases with remedies such as cartilago suis, paratyphoidinum and calcium fluoricum is explained together...

Locomotor System - Progress on All Levels >more information

Product information Skin and Lymphatic System Bastions of Immunity

With Homeopathy, Naturopathy and Exercises

The skin is the main organ that holds the body and mind together. It breathes, absorbs nutrients, has a metabolism and eliminates waste substances. It is also called the “third kidney” or the “third lung.” An intact immune system is reflected in the skin through fever and sweating. Every chronic illness begins with the skin. If the illness is cured from the inside, it leaves the body through the skin.

In the last volume of the already legendary Organ-Conflict-Cure series, Rosina Sonnenschmidt demonstrates the major significance of the skin and lymphatic system for health. She explains the fundamental conflicts of many skin diseases ranging from oral herpes, skin fungus and erysipelas to neurodermatitis, psoriasis and shingles, as well as vitiligo, scleroderma and skin cancer. In addition, the book explores diseases of the lymphatic system‘s typical devaluation conflicts that include manifestations such as a susceptibility to infection and malignant lymphoma.

Holistic therapy for these conditions includes conflict resolution, tips on nutrition and strengthening of the immune system; naturopathic measures such as footbaths, light and colour-light therapy; and an abundance of well-known and even unusual homeopathic remedies such as Elaeis, Polio, Desoxyribonucleicum acidum and specific intestinal nosodes.

In particular, the example of the skin shows how decisive it is to not just treat a disease locally. A chronic disease can only be cons...

Skin and Lymphatic System Bastions of Immunity >more information

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