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Set - Spectrum of Homeopathy - New Life, Allergies, Power Drugs, Me & You

Narayana Verlag

Set - Spectrum of Homeopathy - New Life, Allergies, Power Drugs, Me & You, Narayana Verlag
product no.: 28368
weight: 1070g
Special offer - instead of € 72.00 now only € 9.00

Set - Spectrum of Homeopathy - New Life, Allergies, Power Drugs, Me & You

Narayana Verlag

Set content: 4 booklets: New Life, Allergies, Power Drugs, Me & You
77.90 US$
9.50 US$
87,8% cheaper
  • available immediately, ready to ship within 1-2 working days
product no.: 28368
weight: 1070g
Special offer - instead of € 72.00 now only € 9.00
77.90 US$
9.50 US$
87,8% cheaper
  • available immediately, ready to ship within 1-2 working days

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Product information Spectrum of Homeopathy 2013-I, New Life

The natural process of adaptation following the birth of a new baby presents the mother and child with special challenges, with more potential for danger to body and soul than most other phases of life. Homeopathy offers a multitude of approaches to deal with this critical period, helping to cope with complications in pregnancy, birth, and the initial phase where the baby has to adapt to the outside world.

For many doctors and midwives, homeopathic remedies are a natural first choice to deal with problems during birth and lying in. Proven indications, especially in emergency cases, are a valuable tool. On the other hand, the profound effect of a well-chosen individual prescription can help correct underlying difficulties in adaptation and provide the baby with a solid grounding in life. The full palette of homeopathic treatment in the perinatal phase from acute prescription to constitutional treatment is presented in this issue of SPECTRUM.



Spectrum of Homeopathy 2013-I, New Life >more information

Product information Spectrum of Homeopathy 2013-3, Allergies

This issue of SPECTRUM looks at a very widespread problem in modern societies. In the industrial nations approximately 25% of the population now suffers from allergies, and the figure is still rising. Apparently harmless substances such as pollens, foodstuffs, or animal hair trigger an overreaction of the immune system in sensitive people, resulting in acute or chronic illness. The complaints range from mild local symptoms affecting the nose, eyes, or skin through life-threatening anaphylactic shock. Ever more children and adults are now developing cross-allergies that are particularly difficult to treat.

Here we present homeopathic alternatives to the constant use of antiallergic medication or the long-drawn-out process of desensitization. We focus particularly on the chronic manifestations of atopy: asthma and eczema. Homeopathy can play a prominent role in treating these illnesses, especially in childhood.


Spectrum of Homeopathy 2013-3, Allergies >more information

Product information Spectrum of Homeopathy 2010-2, Power Drugs

Powerdrugs are now a major part of our daily life, yet consumption of these drugs is culturally speaking an ancient issue of human existence. Ephedrine, for example, is currently a widely used doping agent, yet it has also been used in different cultures for over 5000 years. Instead of the limited ritual or medicinal use found in older cultures, stimulants are used on a daily basis in our modern competitive societies especially to increase performance. They make us faster, better, and more effective!

For the 2010-2 (August) issue of Spectrum, we are glad to present a raft of well-known authors on the topic of “Powerdrugs”: Andreas Richter, Anne Schadde, Jürgen Becker, Willy Neuhold, Norbert Enders, Peter Tuminello, Maarten van der Woud, Sunil Anand, Dorothea Weihe, Massimo Mangialavori, and others. You can find articles on Coffea cruda and tosta, Guarana, Thea, Cacao and Chocolate, Mate, Ephedra, Coca, Damiana, and the Piperaceae as well as – although not a typical stimulant – Tabacum.

“Spectrum of Homeopathy” - the whole spectrum

Recent decades have seen many exciting advances in the field of homeopathy – from the use of modern software, expanding and systematizing our materia medica, to the discovery of new principles of methodology. We at Narayana Publishers aim to nurture and sponsor these developments. We know from experience that the future of our tradition-rich healing method lies in the active integration of a range of trends within homeopathy. As specialist publishers,...

Spectrum of Homeopathy 2010-2, Power Drugs >more information

Product information Spectrum of Homeopathy 2017-2, Me and You

This issue of SPECTRUM will surprise its readers because it offers an abundance of new findings and discoveries about the very well-known remedies such as Natrium (Sodium), Sulphur or Phosphorus. Many elements and compounds of the Silica series have already been examined by Hahnemann and used successfully to this day in homeopathic practice. However, astonishing new perspectives are revealed when these polychrests are considered systematically, theatrically or on the level of sensation in addition to the Materia medica. Our authors analyse the remedies of the 3rd series on the basis of the Periodic Table of Elements, which have been translated into human developmental periods, phases and stages by Jan Scholten.
“Me and You” is the comprehensive theme of the 3rd series. According to Jan Scholten, the Silica series corresponds to the life phase of a teenager with the main theme of relationships within the family and with friends. In addition to the body-oriented “I” of the Carbon series, in the 3rd series we come into contact and communication with another person who we want to like us, who we love or who we hate. The position that we assume within a relationship and the feeling of belonging to a group, characterise the respective level in the development with regard to the other person. In his analysis, Scholten writes about these phases of the Silica series and shows parallels to the plant world, as Martin Jakob explains in greater detail in his article.
With his case examples...

Spectrum of Homeopathy 2017-2, Me and You >more information
77.90 US$
9.50 US$
87,8% cheaper
  • available immediately, ready to ship within 1-2 working days

Frequently bought together
Set - Spectrum of Homeopathy - New Life, Allergies, Power Drugs, Me & You, Narayana Verlag+Set - Spectrum of Homeopathy - Acute, Spice of Life, Birds, Trauma, Narayana Verlag =
Total price 19.00 US$
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available immediately, ready to ship within 1-2 working days

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Product information Spectrum of Homeopathy 2013-I, New Life

The natural process of adaptation following the birth of a new baby presents the mother and child with special challenges, with more potential for danger to body and soul than most other phases of life. Homeopathy offers a multitude of approaches to deal with this critical period, helping to cope with complications in pregnancy, birth, and the initial phase where the baby has to adapt to the outside world.

For many doctors and midwives, homeopathic remedies are a natural first choice to deal with problems during birth and lying in. Proven indications, especially in emergency cases, are a valuable tool. On the other hand, the profound effect of a well-chosen individual prescription can help correct underlying difficulties in adaptation and provide the baby with a solid grounding in life. The full palette of homeopathic treatment in the perinatal phase from acute prescription to constitutional treatment is presented in this issue of SPECTRUM.



Spectrum of Homeopathy 2013-I, New Life >more information

Product information Spectrum of Homeopathy 2013-3, Allergies

This issue of SPECTRUM looks at a very widespread problem in modern societies. In the industrial nations approximately 25% of the population now suffers from allergies, and the figure is still rising. Apparently harmless substances such as pollens, foodstuffs, or animal hair trigger an overreaction of the immune system in sensitive people, resulting in acute or chronic illness. The complaints range from mild local symptoms affecting the nose, eyes, or skin through life-threatening anaphylactic shock. Ever more children and adults are now developing cross-allergies that are particularly difficult to treat.

Here we present homeopathic alternatives to the constant use of antiallergic medication or the long-drawn-out process of desensitization. We focus particularly on the chronic manifestations of atopy: asthma and eczema. Homeopathy can play a prominent role in treating these illnesses, especially in childhood.


Spectrum of Homeopathy 2013-3, Allergies >more information

Product information Spectrum of Homeopathy 2010-2, Power Drugs

Powerdrugs are now a major part of our daily life, yet consumption of these drugs is culturally speaking an ancient issue of human existence. Ephedrine, for example, is currently a widely used doping agent, yet it has also been used in different cultures for over 5000 years. Instead of the limited ritual or medicinal use found in older cultures, stimulants are used on a daily basis in our modern competitive societies especially to increase performance. They make us faster, better, and more effective!

For the 2010-2 (August) issue of Spectrum, we are glad to present a raft of well-known authors on the topic of “Powerdrugs”: Andreas Richter, Anne Schadde, Jürgen Becker, Willy Neuhold, Norbert Enders, Peter Tuminello, Maarten van der Woud, Sunil Anand, Dorothea Weihe, Massimo Mangialavori, and others. You can find articles on Coffea cruda and tosta, Guarana, Thea, Cacao and Chocolate, Mate, Ephedra, Coca, Damiana, and the Piperaceae as well as – although not a typical stimulant – Tabacum.

“Spectrum of Homeopathy” - the whole spectrum

Recent decades have seen many exciting advances in the field of homeopathy – from the use of modern software, expanding and systematizing our materia medica, to the discovery of new principles of methodology. We at Narayana Publishers aim to nurture and sponsor these developments. We know from experience that the future of our tradition-rich healing method lies in the active integration of a range of trends within homeopathy. As specialist publishers,...

Spectrum of Homeopathy 2010-2, Power Drugs >more information

Product information Spectrum of Homeopathy 2017-2, Me and You

This issue of SPECTRUM will surprise its readers because it offers an abundance of new findings and discoveries about the very well-known remedies such as Natrium (Sodium), Sulphur or Phosphorus. Many elements and compounds of the Silica series have already been examined by Hahnemann and used successfully to this day in homeopathic practice. However, astonishing new perspectives are revealed when these polychrests are considered systematically, theatrically or on the level of sensation in addition to the Materia medica. Our authors analyse the remedies of the 3rd series on the basis of the Periodic Table of Elements, which have been translated into human developmental periods, phases and stages by Jan Scholten.
“Me and You” is the comprehensive theme of the 3rd series. According to Jan Scholten, the Silica series corresponds to the life phase of a teenager with the main theme of relationships within the family and with friends. In addition to the body-oriented “I” of the Carbon series, in the 3rd series we come into contact and communication with another person who we want to like us, who we love or who we hate. The position that we assume within a relationship and the feeling of belonging to a group, characterise the respective level in the development with regard to the other person. In his analysis, Scholten writes about these phases of the Silica series and shows parallels to the plant world, as Martin Jakob explains in greater detail in his article.
With his case examples...

Spectrum of Homeopathy 2017-2, Me and You >more information

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