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Lugolsche Lösung < 5 %, (Jodlösung) - Original (Jod / Iodine) - 100 ml - von Unimedica

Lugolsche Lösung < 5 %, (Jodlösung) - Original (Jod / Iodine) - 100 ml - von Unimedica
Lugolsche Lösung < 5 %, (Jodlösung) - Original (Jod / Iodine) - 100 ml - von UnimedicaLugolsche Lösung < 5 %, (Jodlösung) - Original (Jod / Iodine) - 100 ml - von Unimedica
product no.: 27414
EAN: 4251662102373



Lugolsche Lösung < 5 %, (Jodlösung) - Original (Jod / Iodine) - 100 ml - von Unimedica

Europäische Arzneibuchqualität - nach Originalrezeptur von 1835

Popular alternative:

15.10 US$
  • available immediately, ready to ship within 1-2 working days
product no.: 27414
EAN: 4251662102373



1 Braunglas = 100 ml

Lugolsche Lösung nach Originalrezeptur

Bei der Lugolschen Lösung handelt es sich um eine Jodlösung. Jod ist zum einen ein essenzielles Spurenelement, das vor allem für die normale Funktion der Schilddrüse wichtig ist. Zum anderen wird Jodlösung seit dem 19. Jahrhundert zur Reinigung von Wunden und als Hausmittel genutzt.

Lugolsche Lösung wird beispielsweise auch als Stärkenachweis und Desinfektionsmittel eingesetzt. Jod löst sich nur schwer in Wasser. Deshalb wird Kaliumjodid zur Lösung gegeben, damit sich das Iod leichter löst.

Lugolsche Lösung von Unimedica wird nach der Originalrezeptur von 1835 hergestellt, wie sie von dem französischen Arzt Jean Guillaume Lugol erfunden wurde. Die Qualität dieser Jodlösung entspricht dem Europäischen Arzneibuch.

Pharmazeutische Jodlösung
Die Lugolsche Lösung von Unimedica enthält je 100 ml Flasche Iod-Kaliumiodid-Lösung 85% demineralisiertes, pharmazeutisch gereinigtes Wasser, 10% Kaliumiodid (min. 99% pharmazeutische Reinheit) und 5% Iod (min. 99,8% pharmazeutische Reinheit). 1 Tropfen dieser Jodlösung entspricht einer 6,5 mg Dosis Jod.

Jede Tropf-Flasche Lugolsche Lösung von Unimedica enthält 100 ml Iod-Kaliumiodid-Lösung.

Wichtige Hinweise: Verursacht schwere Augenreizung. Falls ärztlicher Rat erforderlich, Verpackung/Kennzeichnungsetikett bereithalten. Außerhalb der Reichweite von Kindern aufbewahren! Schutzhandschuhe/Schutzkleidung/Augenschutz/Gesichtsschutz tragen. Bei Kontakt mit den Augen: Einige Minuten behutsam mit Wasser spülen – eventuell vorhandene Kontaktlinsen nach Möglichkeit entfernen. Weiter spülen. Bei anhaltender Augenreizung: Ärztlichen Rat einholen/ärztliche Hilfe hinzuziehen.


CAS-Nr. 12298-68-9      EG-Nr. 235-567-5

15.10 US$
  • available immediately, ready to ship within 1-2 working days


85 g demineralized water (purified, Ph.Eur.), <10% potassium iodide (min. 99%, Ph.Eur.), <5% iodine (min. 99.8%, Ph.Eur.)

One drop of the 5% solution corresponds to a 6.5 mg dose of iodine.

Causes serious eye irritation. If medical advice is needed, package / label
keep ready. Keep out of reach of children! Wear protective gloves / protective clothing / eye protection / face protection. In case of contact with the eyes: Rinse cautiously with water for a few minutes - remove any contact lenses if possible.
Continue rinsing. If eye irritation persists: Get medical advice / attention.

It is neither a drug nor a food.


Protect from heat and direct sunlight.


Narayana Verlag GmbH, Blumenplatz 2, 79400 Kandern, Germany

1 Braunglas = 100 ml

Lugolsche Lösung nach Originalrezeptur

Bei der Lugolschen Lösung handelt es sich um eine Jodlösung. Jod ist zum einen ein essenzielles Spurenelement, das vor allem für die normale Funktion der Schilddrüse wichtig ist. Zum anderen wird Jodlösung seit dem 19. Jahrhundert zur Reinigung von Wunden und als Hausmittel genutzt.

Lugolsche Lösung wird beispielsweise auch als Stärkenachweis und Desinfektionsmittel eingesetzt. Jod löst sich nur schwer in Wasser. Deshalb wird Kaliumjodid zur Lösung gegeben, damit sich das Iod leichter löst.

Lugolsche Lösung von Unimedica wird nach der Originalrezeptur von 1835 hergestellt, wie sie von dem französischen Arzt Jean Guillaume Lugol erfunden wurde. Die Qualität dieser Jodlösung entspricht dem Europäischen Arzneibuch.

Pharmazeutische Jodlösung
Die Lugolsche Lösung von Unimedica enthält je 100 ml Flasche Iod-Kaliumiodid-Lösung 85% demineralisiertes, pharmazeutisch gereinigtes Wasser, 10% Kaliumiodid (min. 99% pharmazeutische Reinheit) und 5% Iod (min. 99,8% pharmazeutische Reinheit). 1 Tropfen dieser Jodlösung entspricht einer 6,5 mg Dosis Jod.

Jede Tropf-Flasche Lugolsche Lösung von Unimedica enthält 100 ml Iod-Kaliumiodid-Lösung.

Wichtige Hinweise: Verursacht schwere Augenreizung. Falls ärztlicher Rat erforderlich, Verpackung/Kennzeichnungsetikett bereithalten. Außerhalb der Reichweite von Kindern aufbewahren! Schutzhandschuhe/Schutzkleidung/Augenschutz/Gesichtsschutz tragen. Bei Kontakt mit den Augen: Einige Minuten behutsam mit Wasser spülen – eventuell vorhandene Kontaktlinsen nach Möglichkeit entfernen. Weiter spülen. Bei anhaltender Augenreizung: Ärztlichen Rat einholen/ärztliche Hilfe hinzuziehen.


CAS-Nr. 12298-68-9      EG-Nr. 235-567-5

15.10 US$
  • available immediately, ready to ship within 1-2 working days

Frequently bought together
Lugolsche Lösung < 5 %, (Jodlösung) - Original (Jod / Iodine) - 100 ml - von Unimedica+Vitamin D3 / K2 MK7 all-trans drops - by Unimedica - 50 ml+Selenium Complex High-Dose - 200 µg per daily dose - high dose - 365 tablets - from Unimedica =
Total price 52.40 US$
buy all

available immediately, ready to ship within 1-2 working days

Customers, that bought Lugolsche Lösung < 5 %, (Jodlösung) - Original (Jod / Iodine) - 100 ml - von Unimedica also bought


85 g demineralized water (purified, Ph.Eur.), <10% potassium iodide (min. 99%, Ph.Eur.), <5% iodine (min. 99.8%, Ph.Eur.)

One drop of the 5% solution corresponds to a 6.5 mg dose of iodine.

Causes serious eye irritation. If medical advice is needed, package / label
keep ready. Keep out of reach of children! Wear protective gloves / protective clothing / eye protection / face protection. In case of contact with the eyes: Rinse cautiously with water for a few minutes - remove any contact lenses if possible.
Continue rinsing. If eye irritation persists: Get medical advice / attention.

It is neither a drug nor a food.


Protect from heat and direct sunlight.


Narayana Verlag GmbH, Blumenplatz 2, 79400 Kandern, Germany

customer reviews of Lugolsche Lösung < 5 %, (Jodlösung) - Original (Jod / Iodine) - 100 ml - von Unimedica
With this forum we would like to offer our customers the chance to discuss our products. We explicitly point out that the forum only contains the private views and subjective individual assessments of the commenters. We do not approve the forum statements in any way. We publish them in the interest of freedom of expression. However, we distance ourselves from the contents of the forum and we are unwilling and unable to judge them as either true or false. If you feel a forum contribution is directed to you, you must seek the advice of a doctor or someone with a recognised specialist qualification in order to assess its truth or falsity. Our shop allows guests as well as verified customers to rate products or the shop. Verified ratings are indicated with “verified purchase”.

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Andrea Masuch
verified purchase
3 years ago
A great, long-forgotten natural remedy
I have been taking it since I had breast cancer and it has given me strength again. It has made my psyche laugh again and much more. An osteopath recommended it to me and I am sooooo grateful to her. I take it almost every day and it makes me feel good in my strength. read more ...
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Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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Kaya Hilal

3 years ago
Hello Andrea, I wish you a speedy recovery from your illness. How many drops of iodine do you take daily? read more ...
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Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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verified purchase
3 years ago
I take 5 to 10 drops a day. I had breast cancer and was given the tip. I then read books about iodine. It helped me a lot right after the operation and radiotherapy. I was able to regain my strength. I am very grateful for this great remedy as it is needed in all cells of the body (not just the thyroid gland) and is also very good for the psyche. read more ...
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Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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verified purchase 2er Sparset: Lugolsche Lösung < 5 %, (Jodlösung) - Original (Jod / Iodine) - 2 x 100 ml - von Unimedica Review for
5 months ago
Why didn't I take it before
According to recognised conventional medicine, I have had a thyroid dysfunction with the Japanese name for 20 years. I have had to take L-thyroxine for 20 years. The last increase was 175 micrograms. I am a semi-professional swimmer. My fighting weight was 92kg for a height of 190cm. I now weigh (weighed) 111kg. On 1 January 2024, it was suddenly and unexpectedly and completely unexpectedly "assumed" that the L-thyroxine was not working for me and that I should, as if by surprise, try something else. I am a completely atypical turtle dysfunction patient. I am neither listless, listless nor lacking in energy. After taking a blood sample and TSH value 105 (normal value 5) supposedly very unusual.
On the advice of a friend, who is a personal trainer and nature expert ........., he recommended that I take lugol's solution. I took all my scientifically recognised products, put them in a plastic bag and handed it over to the residual waste department of the public utility company. 9 months later, after a stay on a European south coast with almost daily fish consumption, sea water and salt lake stays and hardly any physical, sporting activity and 1 DROP of Lugol's solution DAILY, blood was taken again on 10 September. The value fell by 70% from (100 to 30). I gained 3kg without any major physical exercise. Dry, itchy skin on my feet also disappeared suddenly, unexpectedly and completely by chance. I am more energised than ever. Training is easier, I feel great. I can only recommend it to everyone. I am not a doctor and am not making a recommendation. I am speaking from personal experience through self-experimentation. I have formed my own opinion. Everyone as they like. In the meantime, I can confirm that if companies want to force something on someone, it should be negated. Because of course they only want the best for and from you 💶💵💴🤑🤑🤑. Everyone should therefore make their own experience and judgement. Thank you.
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Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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Johnny Alves
verified purchase
3 days ago
Hello and thank you for your comment. Could you please tell me how you take your daily drop? I put it on my tongue and it burned so badly that I had to spit it out Thank you for your help. read more ...
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Original language: french, translated by Narayana
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2 years ago
For many years I had to take Iodthyrox due to my hypothyroidism. As I am convinced that this medication inhibits the thyroid gland's own production, I set out to find something else that would help. I came across Lugol's Lsg. 5%. I stopped taking the tablets on my own. The blood values were in the lower normal range. Some time later I started taking the drops to avoid the influence of medication. The first week the dosage was quite high, 2 drops every 2 days. According to Dr Javis, a recognised iodine specialist, a healthy person needs 1-2 drops a week. If you are susceptible to illness and have chronic diseases, the dosage increases. After the first few weeks, I reduced the dosage so that I take 1-3 drops a week. Actually by feeling. If I feel increasingly unwell inside, I take a little more. Thyroid problems can make themselves felt on a psychological level. After the most recent blood test by my GP, I was told (as they know that I don't take the tablets): "Whatever you do, just keep doing it." Now they check the current status every six months. read more ...
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Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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verified purchase
2 years ago
Great product
I have been using this product for 4 months it has helped me a lot, I have become totally different .
the problem of forgetfulness has been greatly reduced . My memory has become stronger.
My skin is much better soft and younger.
It has played a big part in my weight loss after many failed attempts. I feel like I am getting better, thank God that led me to this product.
I can recommend it .
Usage : first week : I started with one drop in a glass of water once a day .
Second week : 3 drops ( because I increased the dosage I had a headache .
I took a break for a week and then continued carefully with 3 drops. I gradually increased the dosage until I didn't notice any symptoms. At the moment I stick to 6 drops a day (3+3) after breakfast and in the afternoon.
The delivery time was fast and the packaging was also very good.
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Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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Kevin Korten

2 years ago
Is the Lugol's solution reddish? read more ...
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Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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Julij Stanislavov

7 months ago
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Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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verified purchase
4 years ago
Skin test
I did the skin test with the Lugol's solution and realised that I have an iodine deficiency. Since I have been taking iodine, I feel much better. read more ...
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Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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3 years ago
Hello Maja, how does the skin test work? read more ...
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Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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3 years ago
Hey, I recommend a Youtube video by Dr Eric on iodine. It also shows the skin test and the many benefits of iodine. Otherwise, simply apply some iodine to a cotton pad and then apply a little to the inside of the forearm and see if it stays on the skin for 12 hours or is absorbed. If it is absorbed, there may be an iodine deficiency. read more ...
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Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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verified purchase
2 years ago
Super product
If you want to stay healthy in this threnchy world, Lugol's liquid will help you. It not only helps with autoimmune diseases, for example the thyroid gland, but every internal organ needs iodine and for this it cleanses your body of heavy metals. Location. Lugol is the best and safest product that contains pure iodine and potassium iodine, something for the thyroid and something for the whole body. I can only warmly recommend it. read more ...
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Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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Jean François
verified purchase
9 months ago
Satisfied with order
Lugol's 5% solution makes it easy to dose daily iodine intake for a course of 3 months or more. The benefits of such supplementation are now well-documented and cover a broad spectrum, including promoting the apoptosis of cancer cells before they develop and multiply.
The daily dose of 50mg is reached by diluting 8 drops of mother solution in 20cl of water. To be taken throughout the day.
Easy dosage, protective tinted bottle, reasonable price for a pharmacist-quality product.

In addition, the difficulty of obtaining iodine tablets to prevent accidental exposure to radioactive iodine has been overcome.
The iodine tablet market is controlled by the government, the armed forces and pharmacies, and the maximum reaction time after radioactive exposure is 3 hours. Needless to say, the panic engendered if anything goes wrong will lead to a whole host of thyroid problems, serious malfunctions and even cancer. For people concerned about prevention, this Lugol's solution is very welcome.

I'd like to make one reservation: I regret that the product is labelled in German. The amount of iodine per drop should also be clearly indicated on the bottle.

I would like to thank Narayang Verlag for the speed with which they sent the parcel and for the careful packaging.
Jean François
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Original language: french, translated by Narayana
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5 months ago
A must-read for anyone interested in iodine deficiency: les pouvoirs de l'iode by Dr Vincent Reliquet - published by Guy Trédaniel. A veritable bible, scientifically documented. read more ...
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Original language: french, translated by Narayana
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Sylvie Boizet

7 months ago
Oula !!!! 15 drops in one go?!!!! He's crazy! As I said in another comment (a reply), you have to take it very gradually !!!! You realise that 15 drops is 93.75 mg in one go. It's normal for you to feel strange! You have to start drop by drop and only increase by another drop every week and stop at 25 mg or even 50 mg, but be careful! read more ...
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Original language: french, translated by Narayana
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verified purchase
3 years ago
Lugol's solution
I am very happy with this tincture. My cat suddenly had an enlarged thyroid gland, i.e. an underactive thyroid. According to conventional medicine, he should be taking thyroid hormones, but as I am not particularly keen on hormones and their side effects, such as causing cancer, I looked for an alternative and found it here. My cat was given one drop within 5 days in the first week and one drop per week from the second week onwards. We are now in the 3rd week and the thyroid gland has already become much smaller and my cat is already feeling much better. In other words, use this solution instead of hormones in case of thyroid dysfunction. read more ...
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Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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8 months ago
Did the whole thing help permanently? I ask as a veterinary practitioner. Thank you for an answer read more ...
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Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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verified purchase
3 years ago
Simply great !
I did the skin test and wow, after just 2 hours the iodine was almost completely gone and barely visible.
I then started taking iodine in increasing doses until
I slept better than ever before in my life.
My throat no longer hurts so badly, no more tiredness.
My throat only hurts a little sometimes and from time to time I have severe headaches with dizziness, but this has absolutely nothing to do with the iodine as I already had this before.
You should definitely give it a try, especially for the little money.
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Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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Doreen Jaedke
verified purchase
3 years ago
Hello "Mezo", what do you want to recognise with the skin test as such? (Why exactly do you do this?) I have also been worried for some time that I have a thyroid problem - but (apart from a few "cold nodules" I have not received any further diagnosis. Also a check at the ENT (probe in the throat) and sono at 2 different doctors did not bring anything. Doctors have brought nothing. Nevertheless, I still have a sore throat, difficulty swallowing and a constant foreign body sensation in my throat. My physio thinks it could also be due to my cervical spine (I often/mostly have a 'concrete neck'). Despite everything, I would now like to try the Lugol's solution. How do you apply it and how does it work with the test? Many thanks in advance for your answer & regards. read more ...
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Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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3 years ago
Hello Doreen, depending on your current situation, it might be helpful to consult an experienced therapist who is familiar with the use of high-dose iodine. Unfortunately, these are still hard to find. In any case, I strongly recommend that you read Lynne Farrow's book, "The Iodine Crisis". You will find important information on how to use it and also explanations of what detoxification symptoms can occur and how you can deal with them. I am now also starting the self-experiment and wish you good luck and a speedy recovery! Kind regards read more ...
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Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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verified purchase
3 years ago
Iodine for the thyroid gland
I take one drop in water every morning. The flavour is not at all pungent, good to take read more ...
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Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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