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Rheumatism - Spectrum of Homeopathy 03/2017

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Rheumatism - Spectrum of Homeopathy 03/2017

Rheumatism is a widespread and multifaceted disease. Rheumatic disorders include around 240 various illnesses with differing symptom pictures and treatment modalities. The number of homeopathic remedies that can be used to treat rheumatism is even larger. We have chosen a selection of remedies to highlight certain trends, at the same time presenting various homeopathic approaches in the treatment of patients with rheumatism.

In the reading sample, author Jürgen Hansel shows how the picture of the classic rheumatism remedy Ruta graveolens encompasses not just the physical symptoms of chronic polyarthritis but also the typical personality traits of rheumatism patients. In the Rue remedy family, Ruta is assigned to the cancer miasm, which is also found in additional articles on rheumatism. For example, Artur Wölfel recognises the cancer miasm in a woman with lupus erythematodes, whose case is characterised by conformity and perfectionism. Suppressed feelings, also an aspect of this reaction pattern, play a major role in Urvi Chauhan‘s case of sero-negative polyarthritis. The remedy in this case is Opium, which is also assigned to the cancer miasm in the poppy family.

Taciturnity, emotional repression and perfectionism are also prominent in Massimo Mangialavori‘s case, pointing here to the Primrose family. If the emotional isolation takes the form of deep depression with inner rigidity and painful stiffness, Lapis lazuli – a semi-precious stone remedy – can at least heal the pain, even if the joints are long deformed, as shown in the very moving case described by Franz Swoboda for SPECTRUM.

The cases presented by Tali Levi and co-authors Heidi Brand and Norbert Groeger take us back into the distant evolutionary past. They deal with incomprehensible suffering, old traumas and experiences of violation in childhood. The unknown remedy Microcystis aeroginosa (cyanobacteria) and the alga Chara intermedia prove their purifying and healing power for stagnant processes.

The short path to the simile is described by the vet Peter Gregory, who offers an overview of homeopathic 'rheumatism remedies' with his examples of limping dogs. The Lanthanides have also recently proved to be of great use when the rheumatic illness is based on an autoimmune disturbance. In the practice of Jan Scholten and Anton Kramer, Neodymium salts are therefore prescribed very often. Hormonally caused rheumatic complaints, especially in the menopause, frequently react well to the sarcode Folliculinum according to Christina Ari.

The tried-and-tested remedies obviously work best when the similarity to the person holds at all levels.

Reading excerpt
Reading excerpt

Jürgen Hansel: Disappointed, upset, deeply hurt
Ruta graveolens for incipient rheumatoid arthritis

Urvi Chauhan: At peace with oneself
Opium in a case of seronegative rheumatoid arthritis

Artur Wölfel: I can’t function
Carcinosinum for systemic lupus erythematodes

Tali Levi: The blockage starts in the head
Cyanobacteria and Carcinosinum for rheumatic complaints

Norbert Groeger / Heidi Brand: I’m a piece of dirt
Chara intermedia for osteoarthritis and tendomyopathy

Massimo Mangialavori: I won’t give anything away
Primula veris for rheumatism with involvement of the skin

Franz Swoboda: The woman whose hands i didn’t save
Lapis lazuli – stiffness and dissolution of the joints

Heinz Wittwer: Overprotected and constrained
Lac humanum for rheumatoid arthritis

Anton Kramer / Jan Scholten: The barricaded heart and female autonomy
Neodymium salts for rheumatic illness

Christina Ari: The female complaint rheumatism
Folliculinum for hormonally caused joint complaints

S. Chidambaranathan: Stopped in its tracks
Bryonia alba stops the rheumatic process at an early stage

Reinhard Flick: Get moving!
Rhus toxicodendron – the classic remedy for joint complaints

Peter Gregory: Limping dogs
A vet’s classic rheumatism remedies


Rheumatism - Spectrum of Homeopathy 03/2017

plus shipment:
2,90 EUR per Issue

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