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Spectrum of Homeopathy 2023-1 Matridonal Remedies

Narayana Verlag

Spectrum of Homeopathy 2023-1 Matridonal Remedies, Narayana Verlag
publication: 2023
product no.: 31248
weight: 310g

Spectrum of Homeopathy 2023-1 Matridonal Remedies

Narayana Verlag

21.20 US$
  • available immediately, ready to ship within 1-2 working days
publication: 2023
product no.: 31248
weight: 310g

1/2023   Matridonal Remedies

Pregnancy and birth decisively impact a person’s life. A foetus experiences everything that the mother goes through during the pregnancy, and her emotional state is continually transmitted to the growing baby. Traumatic experiences in the entire process from conception to breastfeeding therefore have considerable effects on the young baby’s relationships and attitude to life, leaving traces that can extend right through into adulthood. The matridonal remedies are an excellent way of resolving such issues. It is therefore worth examining this remedy group in more detail and using it in our own practice. The matridonal remedies originate from healthy human tissue with a connection to pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding. The core of this remedy group consists of: Placenta humana, Chorda umbilicalis, Amni liquor and Vernix caseosa. In addition there are the potentised hormones Oxytocinum and Folliculinum as well as human breast milk. The remedy pictures of these sarcodes overlap considerably and the crux is how to differentiate them. With this issue we want to give our readers a guide to the practical use of these valuable remedies.


21.20 US$
  • available immediately, ready to ship within 1-2 working days

1/2023   Matridonal Remedies

Pregnancy and birth decisively impact a person’s life. A foetus experiences everything that the mother goes through during the pregnancy, and her emotional state is continually transmitted to the growing baby. Traumatic experiences in the entire process from conception to breastfeeding therefore have considerable effects on the young baby’s relationships and attitude to life, leaving traces that can extend right through into adulthood. The matridonal remedies are an excellent way of resolving such issues. It is therefore worth examining this remedy group in more detail and using it in our own practice. The matridonal remedies originate from healthy human tissue with a connection to pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding. The core of this remedy group consists of: Placenta humana, Chorda umbilicalis, Amni liquor and Vernix caseosa. In addition there are the potentised hormones Oxytocinum and Folliculinum as well as human breast milk. The remedy pictures of these sarcodes overlap considerably and the crux is how to differentiate them. With this issue we want to give our readers a guide to the practical use of these valuable remedies.


21.20 US$
  • available immediately, ready to ship within 1-2 working days

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Spectrum of Homeopathy 2023-1 Matridonal Remedies, Narayana Verlag+Spectrum of Homeopathy 2023-2 Fish Remedies, Narayana Verlag =
Total price 42.40 US$
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available immediately, ready to ship within 1-2 working days

This product: Spectrum of Homeopathy 2023-1 Matridonal Remedies by Narayana Verlag ‐ 21.20 US$
Spectrum of Homeopathy 2023-2 Fish Remedies by Narayana Verlag ‐ 21.20 US$

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Irina Firuti
verified purchase
5 years ago
Interesting but incomplete
Interesting articles but the issue should have been called "Sexual hormones" because of the whole endocrinology this is what it reffers to. And only the female part: fertility and other gynecological disorders. Where is the thyroid pathology, so widely spread? Where the so frequently encountered hyperprolactinemia?Where are some rare conditions as Addison's, growth hormones disturbances, the stress hormones, the overuse of cortisone etc? Does Homeopathy have a solution to them? Where's the organotherapy? read more ...
1 person finds this not helpful. Do you find this helpful?
Tim Shannon
verified purchase
6 years ago
Good overview
This a good overview of Rheumatism. Would LOVE to see something on rheumatism that is more compelling from a medical standpoint. For example, it'd be great to see case reports that include blood markers, pictures, etc. The reason for me, is it's often hard with RA cases to determine just how deep the pathology is - labs often help illuminate the level of disease. Hopefully one day, we'll see more well documented cases. read more ...
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Tuija Kokko
verified purchase
2 years ago
Long covid
Articles has written well. And there is lots of knowledge and facts. read more ...
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Claudia H.
verified purchase
1 year ago
Habe mehr Information erwartet
Der Inhalt ist für meine Verhältnisse nicht aussagekräftig genug. Ich bräuchte zum aufmerksamen lesen einen etwas leichter verständlichen Text. read more ...
3 people find this not helpful. Do you find this helpful?

5 years ago
Spectrum of Homeopathy
I'm not sure about the E-book format. I think I would prefer the hard copy. read more ...
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verified purchase
8 years ago
verstehen lernen
viele lange Textbeospiele, keine Zusammenfassung (wäre zum Nachschlagen besser gewesen);
aber es läßt die Mittel verstehen
read more ...
3 people find this not helpful. Do you find this helpful?
verified purchase
1 year ago
für laien wenig informativ
nur fallbeispiele........................................................... read more ...
5 people find this not helpful. Do you find this helpful?
verified purchase
7 years ago
eingeschränkt gut
Ich hatte mir insgesamt mehr erwartet, z.B. Röntgenstrahlen,
read more ...
8 people find this not helpful. Do you find this helpful?

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