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Textbook of Gynecology

Allen Corson Cowperthwaite

Textbook of Gynecology, Allen Corson Cowperthwaite
Buch: 550 pages, hb
product no.: 00126
weight: 600g
ISBN: 978-81-7021-556-1 9788170215561
Printed in India - Indian quality

Textbook of Gynecology

Allen Corson Cowperthwaite

with Homoeopathic Therapeutics
10.80 US$
7.50 US$
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Buch: 550 pages, hb
product no.: 00126
weight: 600g
ISBN: 978-81-7021-556-1 9788170215561
Printed in India - Indian quality

A 19th century medical manual
A Textbook of Gynecology designed for the Student and General Practitioner


In presenting this book to the profession a word of explana¬tion, and, perhaps, of apology, is appropriate.
During the eleven years that it has been my privilege-to fill the chair of Gynecology in the State University of Iowa, I have seriously felt the need of a text-book for students that would be systematic in its arrangements, concise in its details, and cover the entire list of diseases comprehended by the term " gynecology ;" together with their homeopathic therapeutics. After long waiting in the hope that some one better qualified would assume the unenviable task of preparing such a work, I have, at the earnest solicitation of students and professional friends, taken it upon myself to make the attempt, and the present volume is the result of my labors. That I have presented nothing strikingly new or original is probably true, but I have endeavored to collate only from recognized authorities, and to include the very latest that is known regarding the pathology and treatment of gynecological diseases.
It wjll possibly be urged by some that I have paid too much attention to the local treatment of uterine diseases, and too little to their therapeutics. While I am convinced that these diseases are often due to mal-nutrition, and other constitutional causes, and are, therefore, only to be combated by careful internal medication, nevertheless, after twenty years' experience, I am satisfied that a large majority of cases of uterine disease can be successfully overcome only by a judicious combination of both constitutional and local treatment, and it is my opinion that the opposite view is entertained only by theorists, who have had little or no practical experience in the treatment of cases of this class. In some instances I have named only the remedies most often used in a certain disease, referring the reader to the materia medica for individual indications, which I believe to be the proper method; but in most cases I have given briefly the chief indications for the leading remedies. The successful gynecologist must carefully study his materia medica, in every case, and not depend too much upon a few characteristic indications, which, isolated from other symptoms, may sometimes prove to be misleading.
Fully realizing the imperfections of the work, yet hoping that it may fulfill the purpose originally intended, I now submit it to the profession.



10.80 US$
7.50 US$
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A 19th century medical manual
A Textbook of Gynecology designed for the Student and General Practitioner


In presenting this book to the profession a word of explana¬tion, and, perhaps, of apology, is appropriate.
During the eleven years that it has been my privilege-to fill the chair of Gynecology in the State University of Iowa, I have seriously felt the need of a text-book for students that would be systematic in its arrangements, concise in its details, and cover the entire list of diseases comprehended by the term " gynecology ;" together with their homeopathic therapeutics. After long waiting in the hope that some one better qualified would assume the unenviable task of preparing such a work, I have, at the earnest solicitation of students and professional friends, taken it upon myself to make the attempt, and the present volume is the result of my labors. That I have presented nothing strikingly new or original is probably true, but I have endeavored to collate only from recognized authorities, and to include the very latest that is known regarding the pathology and treatment of gynecological diseases.
It wjll possibly be urged by some that I have paid too much attention to the local treatment of uterine diseases, and too little to their therapeutics. While I am convinced that these diseases are often due to mal-nutrition, and other constitutional causes, and are, therefore, only to be combated by careful internal medication, nevertheless, after twenty years' experience, I am satisfied that a large majority of cases of uterine disease can be successfully overcome only by a judicious combination of both constitutional and local treatment, and it is my opinion that the opposite view is entertained only by theorists, who have had little or no practical experience in the treatment of cases of this class. In some instances I have named only the remedies most often used in a certain disease, referring the reader to the materia medica for individual indications, which I believe to be the proper method; but in most cases I have given briefly the chief indications for the leading remedies. The successful gynecologist must carefully study his materia medica, in every case, and not depend too much upon a few characteristic indications, which, isolated from other symptoms, may sometimes prove to be misleading.
Fully realizing the imperfections of the work, yet hoping that it may fulfill the purpose originally intended, I now submit it to the profession.



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10.80 US$
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