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Narayana Verlag

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Understanding of the homoeopathic Materia Medica

Narendra Mehta

Buch: 138 pages, pb
product no.: 09849
weight: 265g

Understanding of the homoeopathic Materia Medica

Narendra Mehta

17.50 US$
  • available immediately, ready to ship within 1-2 working days
Buch: 138 pages, pb
product no.: 09849
weight: 265g

The publisher:

The Materia Medica is the magnum opus of homoeopathic research and an invaluable repertoire of symptoms for homoeopathic study. However, it is not easy to recollect all the inexhaustible symptoms of a medicine as listed in this and other homoeopathic reference manuals. Apart from the great number of symptoms, one has to also understand how the symptoms have evolved in the medicine. Every medicine has some theme or base from which the understanding, recollection and application of its principles can be derived for effective treatment.

The essence of this book is to facilitate understanding of homoeopathic remedies and their bases. The idea behind writing this book is to make understanding of homoeopathic medicine simple. There is an earnest endeavour here to simplify the method of recollecting the symptoms rather than just memorizing them. Gleaned from the rich experience of the author, Dr. Narendra Mehta, this book is replete with his invaluable perceptions and hints for devising the right remedy. This innovative book seeks to understand the base correctly and showcases the varied symptoms of a medicine to make homoeopathic prescription easy and simple!

17.50 US$
  • available immediately, ready to ship within 1-2 working days

The publisher:

The Materia Medica is the magnum opus of homoeopathic research and an invaluable repertoire of symptoms for homoeopathic study. However, it is not easy to recollect all the inexhaustible symptoms of a medicine as listed in this and other homoeopathic reference manuals. Apart from the great number of symptoms, one has to also understand how the symptoms have evolved in the medicine. Every medicine has some theme or base from which the understanding, recollection and application of its principles can be derived for effective treatment.

The essence of this book is to facilitate understanding of homoeopathic remedies and their bases. The idea behind writing this book is to make understanding of homoeopathic medicine simple. There is an earnest endeavour here to simplify the method of recollecting the symptoms rather than just memorizing them. Gleaned from the rich experience of the author, Dr. Narendra Mehta, this book is replete with his invaluable perceptions and hints for devising the right remedy. This innovative book seeks to understand the base correctly and showcases the varied symptoms of a medicine to make homoeopathic prescription easy and simple!

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17.50 US$
  • available immediately, ready to ship within 1-2 working days

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