Narayana Verlag
- more than 10.000 products about homeopathy and natural healing
- Seminars with worldwide known homeopathic doctors
- Healthy and natural food
- Homeopathy for plants
Top Customer's Feedbacks
from 109717 FeedbacksAlyssa from France
The client service is very polite, available and a bit clueless about shipping, but not their fault in my case, DHL missed giving my phone number to the French postal service rendering my package undeliverable. I managed, with the help of the local service to trace back the error and get it sorted very quickly. I would say overall everybody failed, starting with me for putting a wrong name of the city. DHL for avoiding notification of relaying to the local postal service and finally the French postal service for not notifying me properly and LYING openly about to pass by my house and not finding me. I corrected now my proper address, to French post standards, and I hope this time DHL gives my number to them. Overall I say that the package tracking online is very vague and prone to lose the stuff as much as if it was not being traced and very late to inform relevant information, like DHL giving me a trace code of the French post not claryfying that, which made me think it was a website problem. About you I say, you packed all our products with very good care and the box arrived very bumped but the contents were untouched, keep up the good work! 5 stars for your stellar, pun not intended, packing, you missed that category in your ratings, here I fix that for you ,). Thank you!J.G. from Poland
Recommend :)S.L. from USA
If you should have trouble with my order, please use my new email address: Thank you! Sandra LabaNarayana Verlag
- more than 10.000 products about homeopathy and natural healing
- Seminars with worldwide known homeopathic doctors
- Healthy and natural food
- Homeopathy for plants
Alyssa from France
The client service is very polite, available and a bit clueless about shipping, but not their fault in my case, DHL missed giving my phone number to the French postal service rendering my package undeliverable. I managed, with the help of the local service to trace back the error and get it sorted very quickly. I would say overall everybody failed, starting with me for putting a wrong name of the city. DHL for avoiding notification of relaying to the local postal service and finally the French postal service for not notifying me properly and LYING openly about to pass by my house and not finding me. I corrected now my proper address, to French post standards, and I hope this time DHL gives my number to them. Overall I say that the package tracking online is very vague and prone to lose the stuff as much as if it was not being traced and very late to inform relevant information, like DHL giving me a trace code of the French post not claryfying that, which made me think it was a website problem. About you I say, you packed all our products with very good care and the box arrived very bumped but the contents were untouched, keep up the good work! 5 stars for your stellar, pun not intended, packing, you missed that category in your ratings, here I fix that for you ,). Thank you!Vom Sinn der Kinderkrankheiten by Manfred von Ungern-Sternberg, Review
Vom Sinn der Kinderkrankheiten Scharlach, Masern, Mumps, Röteln und Windpocken homöopathisch behandeln |
by Dr. Antje und Dr. Helmut Walter |
„Vom Sinn der Kinderkrankheiten“Gleich zu Beginn bemerkt man, Manfred von Ungern-Sternbergs große Erfahrung als Homöopath: Durch die schlüssige Darlegung, wonach Kinderkrankheiten eine „einmalige Chance für den kindlichen Organismus darstellen, eine körpereigene, robuste Immunität aufzubauen und auch im seelisch geistigen Bereich zu gesunden“, macht er seine therapeutische Vorgehensweise nachvollziehbar. Er beschreibt ausführlich die heilende Kraft des Fiebers und setzt sich endlich über die Fieberphobie der geltenden Leitlinien in der Kinderheilkunde hinweg. Hier ist es nur schlüssig, dass er eindeutig gegen das Impfen Stellung bezieht.Eltern können erstmals verstehen, dass Fieber nichts Bedrohliches, sondern das beste Mittel ist, akute Erkrankungen im Sinne eines physischen und psychischen Wachstumsprozesses zu überwinden: Die Kinder fühlen sich nachher oft besser und machen einen großen Entwicklungsschub, eine Beobachtung, die auch in der anthroposophischen Medizinliteratur beschrieben wird. Aufgabe des homöopathischen Arztes ist es, durch die richtige Mittelwahl die Selbstheilungskräfte der Kinder zu unterstützen und den Eltern das Vertrauen zu geben, dass eine Krankheit als „Zeit des zur Ruhe-kommen-Dürfens“ gebraucht wird. Dieses Buch vermittelt das notwendige Wissen dazu und gehört damit in jede Bibliothek eines verantwortungsbewussten Arztes. | ||||
Vom Sinn der Kinderkrankheiten Scharlach, Masern, Mumps, Röteln und Windpocken homöopathisch behandeln |
Reviews about this book | |
„Vom Sinn der Kinderkrankheiten“ by Gerhardus Lang | |
„Vom Sinn der Kinderkrankheiten“ by Dr. Antje und Dr. Helmut Walter |