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Narayana Verlag

excellent    2.946.910 customers from 194 countries
  • more than 10.000 products about homeopathy and natural healing
  • Seminars with worldwide known homeopathic doctors
  • Healthy and natural food
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Buch: 192 pages, pb
publication: 2011
product no.: 14456
weight: 435g
ISBN: 978-3-9810827-5-3 9783981082753
Die Zähne, Spiegelbild Deiner Seele
39.90 US$
  • available immediately, ready to ship within 1-2 working days
Buch: 192 pages, pb
publication: 2011
product no.: 14456
weight: 435g
ISBN: 978-3-9810827-5-3 9783981082753

Der Herausgeber schreibt:

Der Autor beschreibt in seinem neuen Buch eingehend und in einer für dieses Thema so einfachen Sprache wie es nur möglich ist wie seelische und emotionale Probleme Auswirkungen auf die Zähne haben. 

Dr. Schreckenbach erklärt in diesem Buch detailliert die Bezüge von seelischen Hintergründen zu dem jeweiligen Zahn und gibt dem Leser damit die Möglichkeit unentdeckte und unbewusste seelische und emotionale Probleme erkennen und verstehen zu können.
Mit seinem neuen Buch eröffnet Ihnen Dr. Dirk Schreckenbach eine ganz neue Dimension der Diagnose- und Therapiemöglichkeiten für Ihre Zähne und Ihre Seele und damit letzlich auch für Ihren Körper.

Anhand der vielen Fallbeispiele, Schaubilder und Tabellen wird anschaulich dargestellt, um welche seelischen Probleme es zum Beispiel bei welchen Zahnfehlstellungen geht. Jeder einzelne Zahn wird genauestens beschrieben und in den unterschiedlichen Wirkprinzipien dargestellt.
Ebenso wird auch von Grund auf erklärt, wie es überhaupt dazu kommen kann, dass ein seelisches Problem sich im Zahn widerspiegelt.
Es werden zum Beispiel Verbindungen zur Numerologie genauso beschrieben wie zum Akupunktur-System oder zu den Meridianen bzw. unseren Organen und anderen wichtigen Systemen.

Durch die Beschreibung der kindlichen Entwicklungszeiten und die sich daraus ergebenden Probleme bei der Zahnentwicklung im Kindesalter wird dieses Buch für Eltern ein unerlässliches Nachschlagewerk, um Kindern beispielsweise das unnötige Ziehen von Zähnen zu ersparen und rechtzeitig entsprechend vorzubeugen.

39.90 US$
  • available immediately, ready to ship within 1-2 working days

Der Herausgeber schreibt:

Der Autor beschreibt in seinem neuen Buch eingehend und in einer für dieses Thema so einfachen Sprache wie es nur möglich ist wie seelische und emotionale Probleme Auswirkungen auf die Zähne haben. 

Dr. Schreckenbach erklärt in diesem Buch detailliert die Bezüge von seelischen Hintergründen zu dem jeweiligen Zahn und gibt dem Leser damit die Möglichkeit unentdeckte und unbewusste seelische und emotionale Probleme erkennen und verstehen zu können.
Mit seinem neuen Buch eröffnet Ihnen Dr. Dirk Schreckenbach eine ganz neue Dimension der Diagnose- und Therapiemöglichkeiten für Ihre Zähne und Ihre Seele und damit letzlich auch für Ihren Körper.

Anhand der vielen Fallbeispiele, Schaubilder und Tabellen wird anschaulich dargestellt, um welche seelischen Probleme es zum Beispiel bei welchen Zahnfehlstellungen geht. Jeder einzelne Zahn wird genauestens beschrieben und in den unterschiedlichen Wirkprinzipien dargestellt.
Ebenso wird auch von Grund auf erklärt, wie es überhaupt dazu kommen kann, dass ein seelisches Problem sich im Zahn widerspiegelt.
Es werden zum Beispiel Verbindungen zur Numerologie genauso beschrieben wie zum Akupunktur-System oder zu den Meridianen bzw. unseren Organen und anderen wichtigen Systemen.

Durch die Beschreibung der kindlichen Entwicklungszeiten und die sich daraus ergebenden Probleme bei der Zahnentwicklung im Kindesalter wird dieses Buch für Eltern ein unerlässliches Nachschlagewerk, um Kindern beispielsweise das unnötige Ziehen von Zähnen zu ersparen und rechtzeitig entsprechend vorzubeugen.

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  • available immediately, ready to ship within 1-2 working days

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With this forum we would like to offer our customers the chance to discuss our products. We explicitly point out that the forum only contains the private views and subjective individual assessments of the commenters. We do not approve the forum statements in any way. We publish them in the interest of freedom of expression. However, we distance ourselves from the contents of the forum and we are unwilling and unable to judge them as either true or false. If you feel a forum contribution is directed to you, you must seek the advice of a doctor or someone with a recognised specialist qualification in order to assess its truth or falsity. Our shop allows guests as well as verified customers to rate products or the shop. Verified ratings are indicated with “verified purchase”.

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Sonja Weiss

1 decade ago
Exciting, instructive and important for everyone!
With 192 pages, I initially thought: "Well, it's not that much. It's a quick read". But I was wrong, because the wealth of information didn't allow me to read this book "just in passing". However, it is not intended as a light read for in-between, as it contains a huge amount of valuable knowledge, which the author shares with us.

I bought this book mainly for my 9-year-old son, who unfortunately shows more and more serious misalignments as his teeth change. His milk teeth gave no indication of this, as they were in perfect condition. Every time I went back to the dentist for a check-up, he told me that he was definitely heading for braces. Well, as a mum, I was still able to come to terms with this idea to some extent. However, during our last visit, I was given the address of an orthodontist and told to take my son there. Unfortunately, when I asked "why?", I was told that his jaw was too small and that the misalignment could not be corrected without pulling some teeth, even with braces. Shock!!! This recommendation was made almost six months ago and my next visit is coming up soon, but I just couldn't come to terms with the idea that my son should have healthy teeth extracted when not even all his milk teeth are out yet!

I kept coming across this book here at Narayana until I finally ordered it. I should have done it much earlier, but sometimes you stupidly ignore your gut feeling. First of all, this book confirmed to me that it is the biggest mistake to have a child's healthy teeth pulled just because the jaw is "supposedly" too small. It is very nicely described that, depending on which tooth/teeth are involved, this deprives the child of the chance to develop in certain areas. Or, on the other hand, you are conjuring up problems that belong in the area of the tooth in question, which would not have arisen at all if the tooth had been left in. They also point out a gentle alternative to braces - the bionator - which gives my son the chance to have a beautiful set of teeth with ALL of his teeth. And without pain! We will definitely give it a try.

As for me personally, I have an unpleasant molar that has been examined many times and found to be healthy each time. Nevertheless, it still causes me problems at irregular intervals. Moderate to severe pain, which went as far as trigeminal neuralgia, plagues me again and again. According to the dentist, I should have seen an orthodontist long ago, but the fear of extraction (the roots are bent by almost 90° and lie under the protruding molar) has so far allowed me to endure the pain. Thanks to homeopathy and biochemistry, another neuralgia was avoided.

However, I realise that this cannot be a permanent condition. Fortunately, I also found a reference in this book to the probable underlying problem. Among many other references, I read that this molar is connected to the uterus and there is actually something I still have to do. Would I ever have thought of it? Without this book, probably never! So far I have yet to get this fixed, but I will be happy to report back on how my tooth is doing once the treatment is complete. I am very excited!

To summarise, this book contains a wealth of knowledge that explains the connection between teeth and organs to the reader (and non-medical people!) in understandable terms. And even without any previous knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine, you can quickly understand the connection to the meridians, because everything is explained very well. I can only recommend this book to anyone who is affected!
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Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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Karmen Kayumi
verified purchase
2 years ago
Useful, interesting!
It is worth devoting time to reading this book. read more ...
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Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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