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Zeolite Med Detox Powder - 400 g - from Unimedica

Zeolite Med Detox Powder - 400 g - from Unimedica
Zeolite Med Detox Powder - 400 g - from UnimedicaZeolite Med Detox Powder - 400 g - from UnimedicaZeolite Med Detox Powder - 400 g - from Unimedica
product no.: 29231
EAN: 4251662103851

Zeolite Med Detox Powder - 400 g - from Unimedica

Medical product with clinoptilolite plus zeolite for oral use
26.30 US$
  • available immediately, ready to ship within 1-2 working days
product no.: 29231
EAN: 4251662103851

Zeolite in pharmacy quality to support the liver

ZeolithMed® from Unimedica supports the detoxification of the intestinal tract by binding and then discharging from the body mercury, lead, cadmium, aluminium, ammonium and histamine. This supports the liver without impacting metabolism. The volcanic mineral extracts the pollutants in the intestinal tract, naturally discharging them within 24 hours without affecting the organs of detoxification.

In this way toxins are discharged so that fewer new pollutants enter the body. The positive effect depends on the size of the zeolite particles. The fine grinding of the zeolite powder mechanically activates it (micronization). ZeolithMed® from Unimedica does not contain nanoparticles.

Natural detox powder from volcanic material

ZeolithMed® from Unimedica consists of 100 % pure clinoptilolite plus zeolite. This is a porous volcanic material. The name zeolite is derived from the Greek terms “zeo” (cooked) and “litos” (stone). Zeolite has been used since antiquity for detoxification. The sarcophagus covering the nuclear reactor at Chernobyl contains clinoptilolite and zeolite to protect against radiation.

ZeolithMed® from Unimedica can easily be stirred in water. It naturally tastes dusty and earthy since it has no additives. It is most effective to gradually increase the dose and use it for 40 days.

Each container of ZeolithMed® from Unimedica contains 400 g detox powder, sufficient for a 40-day course of treatment.

Spectrum of action:

• Binding and discharge of heavy metals (e.g. lead, mercury) as well as cadmium and aluminium
• Support of the body by detoxifying ammonium compounds (nerve toxin)
• Relief of allergic irritation and inflammation, especially with high concentrations in the intestinal tract

ZeolithMed® from Unimedica is free of gluten, lactose, fructose, nanoparticles and all additives.

26.30 US$
  • available immediately, ready to ship within 1-2 working days

gluten free

lactose free



100 % pure clinoptilolite zeolite

Intended use: This natural medical product supports the binding and elimination of heavy metals (Pb, Hg, Cr, Cd, Al and Ni) from the body of adults. It can also reduce symptoms such as fatigue and headaches associated with chronically elevated heavy metal levels.

Warnings and safety instructions: Discontinue use if you experience any unexpected side effects and consult your doctor. If constipation occurs, increase fluid intake, reduce the dosage and consult your doctor if necessary. Patients with existing constipation, impaired kidney function, with existing illness, drug therapy or chemotherapy or radiotherapy, may only use this product after consulting a doctor. Breastfeeding or pregnant women, children and adolescents (under 18 years of age) must consult their doctor before using the medical device. Do not inhale the product. Do not drink at the same time as alcoholic, caffeinated and acidic drinks such as grapefruit, orange, lemon and pineapple juice, lemon and pineapple juice. In case of eye contact, rinse the eyes sufficiently. Ensure adequate hydration during use in the form of water or other non-alcoholic drinks. Not intended for continuous, uninterrupted use. Discontinue use if you notice an unusual effect.

  • powder
  • Recommended consumption:

    Method and duration of use: Medicinal product for oral use: 2-3 times daily 1 level teaspoon (= 2 g) into a glass of water (250 ml) and drink immediately with meals. The maximum duration of intake is 12 weeks. In case of repeated intake, a break in use of at least
    one week.

    Side effects: Constipation may occur, particularly in the first week after taking the product. In very rare cases, flatulence may occur at the beginning of the intake, stomach pain, nausea, dizziness and tiredness.

    Interactions: When taking medication at the same time, make sure to take it at least 2 hours apart. Unless otherwise prescribed by your doctor, take medication before taking clinoptilolite zeolite.

    Notes on incidents: All serious incidents that have occurred in connection with the product must be reported to the manufacturer and the competent authority of the Member State in which the user is established.


    Storage and use: Keep out of reach of children. Close can tightly after use. Store the product in a dry place at room temperature. Protect from direct sunlight. Do not use the product after the expiry date.

    Can be used until: see expiration date on the can.

    Disposal: Contents and packaging can be disposed of with household waste.


    Narayana Verlag GmbH, Blumenplatz 2, 79400 Kandern, Germany

    Zeolite in pharmacy quality to support the liver

    ZeolithMed® from Unimedica supports the detoxification of the intestinal tract by binding and then discharging from the body mercury, lead, cadmium, aluminium, ammonium and histamine. This supports the liver without impacting metabolism. The volcanic mineral extracts the pollutants in the intestinal tract, naturally discharging them within 24 hours without affecting the organs of detoxification.

    In this way toxins are discharged so that fewer new pollutants enter the body. The positive effect depends on the size of the zeolite particles. The fine grinding of the zeolite powder mechanically activates it (micronization). ZeolithMed® from Unimedica does not contain nanoparticles.

    Natural detox powder from volcanic material

    ZeolithMed® from Unimedica consists of 100 % pure clinoptilolite plus zeolite. This is a porous volcanic material. The name zeolite is derived from the Greek terms “zeo” (cooked) and “litos” (stone). Zeolite has been used since antiquity for detoxification. The sarcophagus covering the nuclear reactor at Chernobyl contains clinoptilolite and zeolite to protect against radiation.

    ZeolithMed® from Unimedica can easily be stirred in water. It naturally tastes dusty and earthy since it has no additives. It is most effective to gradually increase the dose and use it for 40 days.

    Each container of ZeolithMed® from Unimedica contains 400 g detox powder, sufficient for a 40-day course of treatment.

    Spectrum of action:

    • Binding and discharge of heavy metals (e.g. lead, mercury) as well as cadmium and aluminium
    • Support of the body by detoxifying ammonium compounds (nerve toxin)
    • Relief of allergic irritation and inflammation, especially with high concentrations in the intestinal tract

    ZeolithMed® from Unimedica is free of gluten, lactose, fructose, nanoparticles and all additives.

    26.30 US$
    • available immediately, ready to ship within 1-2 working days

    Frequently bought together
    Zeolite Med Detox Powder - 400 g - from Unimedica+Vitamin D3 / K2 MK7 all-trans drops - by Unimedica - 50 ml+Magnesium forte - 400 mg per daily dose - 365 capsules - from Unimedica =
    Total price 64.20 US$
    buy all

    available immediately, ready to ship within 1-2 working days

    Customers, that bought Zeolite Med Detox Powder - 400 g - from Unimedica also bought

    gluten free

    lactose free



    100 % pure clinoptilolite zeolite

    Intended use: This natural medical product supports the binding and elimination of heavy metals (Pb, Hg, Cr, Cd, Al and Ni) from the body of adults. It can also reduce symptoms such as fatigue and headaches associated with chronically elevated heavy metal levels.

    Warnings and safety instructions: Discontinue use if you experience any unexpected side effects and consult your doctor. If constipation occurs, increase fluid intake, reduce the dosage and consult your doctor if necessary. Patients with existing constipation, impaired kidney function, with existing illness, drug therapy or chemotherapy or radiotherapy, may only use this product after consulting a doctor. Breastfeeding or pregnant women, children and adolescents (under 18 years of age) must consult their doctor before using the medical device. Do not inhale the product. Do not drink at the same time as alcoholic, caffeinated and acidic drinks such as grapefruit, orange, lemon and pineapple juice, lemon and pineapple juice. In case of eye contact, rinse the eyes sufficiently. Ensure adequate hydration during use in the form of water or other non-alcoholic drinks. Not intended for continuous, uninterrupted use. Discontinue use if you notice an unusual effect.

  • powder
  • Recommended consumption:

    Method and duration of use: Medicinal product for oral use: 2-3 times daily 1 level teaspoon (= 2 g) into a glass of water (250 ml) and drink immediately with meals. The maximum duration of intake is 12 weeks. In case of repeated intake, a break in use of at least
    one week.

    Side effects: Constipation may occur, particularly in the first week after taking the product. In very rare cases, flatulence may occur at the beginning of the intake, stomach pain, nausea, dizziness and tiredness.

    Interactions: When taking medication at the same time, make sure to take it at least 2 hours apart. Unless otherwise prescribed by your doctor, take medication before taking clinoptilolite zeolite.

    Notes on incidents: All serious incidents that have occurred in connection with the product must be reported to the manufacturer and the competent authority of the Member State in which the user is established.


    Storage and use: Keep out of reach of children. Close can tightly after use. Store the product in a dry place at room temperature. Protect from direct sunlight. Do not use the product after the expiry date.

    Can be used until: see expiration date on the can.

    Disposal: Contents and packaging can be disposed of with household waste.


    Narayana Verlag GmbH, Blumenplatz 2, 79400 Kandern, Germany

    customer reviews of Zeolite Med Detox Powder - 400 g - from Unimedica
    With this forum we would like to offer our customers the chance to discuss our products. We explicitly point out that the forum only contains the private views and subjective individual assessments of the commenters. We do not approve the forum statements in any way. We publish them in the interest of freedom of expression. However, we distance ourselves from the contents of the forum and we are unwilling and unable to judge them as either true or false. If you feel a forum contribution is directed to you, you must seek the advice of a doctor or someone with a recognised specialist qualification in order to assess its truth or falsity. Our shop allows guests as well as verified customers to rate products or the shop. Verified ratings are indicated with “verified purchase”.

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    average customer rating:
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    99 reviews (german), 1 review (english), 20 reviews (french)

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    Trix Schneider
    verified purchase
    2 years ago
    29231_507EF87A-3_63d229f5f1c25.jpeg?orient=0 29231_5F3D1BC5-E_63d229f6d5e5b.jpeg?orient=0
    Tout simplement incroyable ce succès...
    Pendant 3 mois, j'ai essayé toutes sortes de pommades, je l'ai traité contre les mycoses et j'ai lavé sa tête plusieurs fois avec de la Bétadine. Malheureusement, la situation n'a fait qu'empirer jusqu'à ce que je commence à "guérir" Flame avec ZeolithMed.
    Après 3 jours d'utilisation quotidienne, 2x2 cc en interne et en externe, les premiers soulagements étaient déjà visibles. Après 10 jours, j'ai fait une pause d'une semaine et j'ai répété l'opération pendant 10 jours. J'ai injecté la zéolithe diluée dans de l'eau directement dans sa bouche.
    L'eczéma a séché et au bout de 3 semaines, il n'y avait plus rien de visible.
    read more ...
    77 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    verified purchase
    2 years ago
    J'ai commandé cette poudre, ainsi que de bonnes bactéries intestinales.

    J'ai un psoriasis sévère sous les pieds et sur les paumes des mains depuis de nombreuses années.
    J'en ai beaucoup souffert. Maintenant, je prends ces deux choses tous les jours et j'en suis ravie.
    Aucune crème n'a jamais donné d'aussi bons résultats sur moi.
    J'en prends depuis deux semaines et les démangeaisons ont complètement disparu.
    Et l'aspect de la peau est bien meilleur. Je suis curieux de voir à quel point cela va encore diminuer.
    Je recommande vivement ce produit, il vaut chaque centime.
    read more ...
    70 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    2 years ago
    Votre réponse, Bonjour, où puis-je trouver les bonnes bactéries ? Et qu'avez-vous pris exactement ? Merci d'avance. read more ...
    2 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    verified purchase
    2 years ago
    Bonjour, j'ai également commandé les bonnes bactéries sur ce site ! Complexe de cultures de flore intestinale avec 18 souches de bactéries. read more ...
    23 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    verified purchase
    3 years ago
    Provenance de la zéolithe
    Bonjour ,
    J aimerai connaître la provenance de la zéolithe 400 gr.ce n est pas marqué sur l emballage.
    En vous remerciant.
    Mme Tremblay
    Je n ai pas encore testé…donc j attends mais déçue sur le manque d information.
    read more ...
    69 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?

    3 years ago
    La zéolithe est extraite des Carpates (chaîne de montagnes entre la République tchèque et la Roumanie). read more ...
    49 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    verified purchase
    3 years ago
    Un must pour la désintoxication
    Nous avons toujours de la zéolithe à la maison et nous en prenons tous les jours. Ainsi, nous désintoxiquons notre corps quotidiennement. Depuis, nous nous sentons mieux, plus propres, tout est en ordre. Même la peau en profite. read more ...
    62 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    2 years ago
    Cela me donne une énergie incroyable mais je ne peux plus dormir sur Detox, je suis éveillée toute la nuit 😔😔😔 read more ...
    11 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    Klara Goldmann

    2 years ago
    Essaie 1 MG de mélatonine et 1 MG de L-ornithine, tu retrouveras certainement un super sommeil 😍 read more ...
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    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    Bianca L.
    verified purchase
    2 years ago
    Je suis ravi
    Un excellent produit ! L'aspect complet de ma peau du visage s'est nettement amélioré après seulement une semaine. Je suis beaucoup plus en forme et pleine d'énergie et de bonne humeur. La digestion est au top, c'est une sensation extraordinaire de savoir et de constater que la zéolithe élimine toutes les toxines de notre corps. Je ne le prends que depuis 14 jours et je suis impatiente de voir ce qui va suivre. read more ...
    49 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    verified purchase
    3 years ago
    Avec la zéolithe, nous pouvons aider notre corps à se désintoxiquer, entre autres, des métaux lourds, et lui fournir des minéraux qui ne sont plus présents qu'en quantité insuffisante dans notre alimentation. En outre, j'ai pu constater avec plaisir que l'exposition aux rayonnements électromagnétiques avait nettement diminué. read more ...
    43 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    verified purchase
    2 years ago
    Meilleur sommeil, meilleure digestion
    La zéolithe est une roche volcanique naturelle. Elle peut être utilisée pour détoxifier le corps et soulager le foie. Elle peut être utilisée à long terme chez l'homme et l'animal et je l'ai déjà essayée avec succès en cure chez mes chiens, car elle peut aussi soigner la muqueuse intestinale. La zéolithe n'est pas digestible et peut, grâce à sa surface spongieuse, lier les toxines, comme certains métaux lourds, ou par exemple l'histamine dans le tractus gastro-intestinal. Les toxines liées sont évacuées du corps par l'intestin. Au bout d'un ou deux jours, je pouvais déjà dormir 4 à 5 heures de plus. Chez mon mari, la digestion s'est beaucoup améliorée. Il faut encore veiller à prendre le produit à 2 heures d'intervalle des médicaments et des compléments alimentaires. Nous dosons 1 c. à café de zéolithe avec au moins 300 ml d'eau. d'eau. En outre, nous soutenons la désintoxication avec du L-glutathion et de la chlorella bio. Nous en commanderons à nouveau ........ read more ...
    35 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    verified purchase
    2 years ago
    Quel intervalle de temps avez-vous respecté entre les prises de glutathion ? read more ...
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    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    9 months ago
    Bonjour Roswitha, comment, à quelle fréquence et en quelles quantités as-tu donné cela à tes chiens et à quelles occasions. Quel est le poids de tes chiens ? Merci d'avance pour ta réponse. read more ...
    1 person finds this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    Ramona Göde

    2 years ago
    Aide à la clarté
    Je prends ce produit depuis un an après un deuil.
    C'est ma première expérience avec la zéolithe. Je me sens mieux physiquement et surtout, elle m'apporte une clarté mentale dont je ne pourrais plus me passer. Je vais continuer à en prendre tous les jours.
    Mon chat, âgé de 12 ans, reçoit chaque jour une mini-prise mélangée à sa nourriture pour se désintoxiquer.
    En plus, c'est un excellent shampoing sec à la racine des cheveux, ça donne du volume et c'est sain pour le cuir chevelu.
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    30 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    verified purchase
    2 years ago
    Aide après des effets secondaires inexpliqués de Corona/vaccination
    En combinaison avec d'autres préparations, un effet formidable pour la désintoxication. Dès le début d'une cure de 6 semaines, je me suis senti mieux. read more ...
    26 people find this helpful. Do you find this helpful?
    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    1 year ago
    Quelles autres préparations prenez-vous pour la désintoxication et à quel moment de la journée ? VLG read more ...
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    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    Birgit Schmidt
    verified purchase Lot de 2: Zéolite Med Poudre détox - 2 x 400 g - par Unimedica Review for
    1 year ago
    Plus de troubles intestinaux
    Depuis que j'ai commencé à prendre ZeolithMed il y a environ 3 mois, mon intestin s'est rétabli au bout de 2 à 3 jours, après des années de douleurs. Je peux maintenant manger n'importe quoi sans avoir à chercher constamment les toilettes.
    Je continuerai à prendre 1 cuillère à café chaque matin.
    read more ...
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    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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    9 months ago
    Bonjour Birgitt, comment le prends-tu ? Merci de ta réponse. read more ...
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    Original language: german, translated by Narayana
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