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from 110011 FeedbacksK.L. from Czech Republic
This is great shop offering so wide range of homeopathy books (I am interested in). Also the shipping to the Czech Republic is always very quick. Thank you for that Narayana is here :)V.A. from India
great experiencesDanièle from France
Il est difficile de commander quand certaines explications sont en allemand.Narayana Verlag
- more than 10.000 products about homeopathy and natural healing
- Seminars with worldwide known homeopathic doctors
- Healthy and natural food
- Homeopathy for plants
K.L. from Czech Republic
This is great shop offering so wide range of homeopathy books (I am interested in). Also the shipping to the Czech Republic is always very quick. Thank you for that Narayana is here :)Experiences with Slugs
Helix tosta Slugs on young zucchini (courgette) plants Helix tosta: Slugs on the Run
Helix tosta : Snails / Odenwald, Germany: despite my basic trust in homeopathy as an animal healer, I initially had my doubts whether this would work. I sow my vegetables in winter on the windowsill. Later I move the seedlings to a cold frame – from then on, I always needed to spread slug pellets otherwise nothing survives. This year I tested Helix tosta as described in the book: 1st dose 10 ml in 10 liters of water; 2nd dose a week later, 5 ml in 10 liters water; 3rd dose another week later, 2.5 ml in 10 liters water. The results were amazing. After just one dose, there was not a single snail to be seen! The seedlings were untouched. Later I moved the plants to the field and even there they were undisturbed for quite some time. The snails ate a few plants but didn't return the next day. There was a problem when it rained constantly in the final few days. This seems to cause the protective effect to be lost more quickly. I'm now trying to test the plant groups once a week with a biotensor, to see whether they need another dose. I'll report back to you with my results. In the field, I have the impression – depending on plant type and weather – that the effect of the dose expires at different rates. In greenhouses, the remedy is ideal. Before, I'd already given up planting lettuce. Even in the greenhouse, everything got eaten up. This year, I started another trial out of curiosity. I treated the plants after planting as described. 19 out of 20 plants survived untouched, which I found very convincing. We live between Heidelberg and the Odenwald in Germany, in case the area is of interest to you. (JM) Helix tosta 6D: Strawberries from an organic farm were sprayed with Helix tosta 6 (approx 500 liters / hectare) on a day recommended by the planting calendar. The slugs, which normally eat all the ripe fruit, withdrew into the heart of the plant and ate only a few of the inner fruit. It was striking that there were an increasing number of garden snails (with shells) in the area, but fewer slugs. About one week later, we did a second spraying with 800 liters / hectare on a day suitable for sowing fruit plants. This time we sprayed more into the heart of the plants. The effect was to reduce the areas that were bitten and there were even fewer slugs, and those that were left seemed lifeless. Helix tosta 6D: Plants were watered several times with the remedy (it didn't help just to spray). Rocket, which is normally very badly affected, was left alone by the snails. In parsley and marjoram, it didn't help. The effect of the remedy was noticeably reduced in strong rain, so that the treatment had to be repeated. Helix tosta 6D: I have watered strawberries in particular with the remedy. By the next day, there were almost no more slugs to be seen, only a very few strawberries had been eaten. After several weeks, the watering was repeated as some snails had appeared, and afterwards they disappeared again. Helix tosta 6D: Vegetable garden strongly plagued by slugs was watered several times and sprayed – so far, the snails have not returned. Helix tosta 6D: Lettuce was sowed straight out in April, covered in sheeting and sprayed twice in one week with Helix tosta. There were slugs visible under the sheeting but without any significant damage caused. The lettuce harvest was good. Helix tosta 6D: With Helix tosta 6D good results, hardly any problems with snails, but only until the hot period started. Thereafter I (unfortunately) always watered my beds in the evening, with the result that since then the snails were no longer put off by the Helix. Watering in the evening makes for ideal conditions to encourage the snails. Next year I'll try watering in the morning and then obviously with Helix tosta again. Helix tosta 6D: Organically farmed vegetable beds (no chemical sprays or artificial fertilizers) were watered once with Helix tosta. In the next few days, the slugs gradually retreated and disappeared completely from the beds after 1-2 weeks. In the neighboring grass, too, there were virtually no more of them to be seen. Helix tosta 6D: A few weeks ago, I purchased the snail remedy "Helix tosta", which I've used according to the instructions, watering with it once a week. Straight after the first watering, there were no more snails to be seen. I'd just like to say I'm very pleased with the remedy so far. (C.M.) Helix tosta 6 D: Slugs in the vegetable garden