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2010 December

Calcarea arsenicosa in the treatment of glioblastoma multiforme

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by A.U.Ramakrishnan

My work in cancer cases has been going on for a long time, each case being a challenge and each case proving to be a milestone. Unbelievable results taking us to ecstasy and unrelenting march of the disease sending us to the very depths of depression. I must admit the latter more often than the former. Continuous work in pursuit of facing the challenge, however, has given me the opportunity of refining and redefining our tools.
I wish to narrate a case of Glioblastoma Multiforme. A lady, 36 years old married with two children, came to see me in 2005. The first symptoms were recurrent headaches becoming more and more frequent and intense over a period of two to three months, which finally led her to see a neurologist. The MRI results led to the diagnosis of Glioblastoma Multiforme. The patient declined to have the radiation treatment suggested by her oncologist.
The reason for bringing up this case is that a rather unusual remedy came up, which is not in my “favourite” list of “organ remedies”! For Gliomas and the kind, I normally try to see if remedies like Baryta Carbonica, Plumbum Iodatum, and the like would come up.
This case presented itself constitutionally as a typical Calcarea Carbonica; obese, chilly, laid back, at the same time restless, impatient, impulsive, emotional, sentimental, fond of food, and so on – Calcarea Carbonica actually led me to consider Calcarea Arsenicosa!
One characteristic feature of the Calcarea Arsenicosa is that they get headaches on the side not-lain-on, and this was present in this case. The reason that strengthened the selection was that I have used it in innumerable cases of epileptic seizures and also for seizures due to space occupying lesion. Putting all this together, I ventured to use Calcarea Arsenicosa 200C in “plussing dose” for one week, alternating with Carcinosin 200C in plussing dose, the other week.
I went on with the same potency. Each month the case was reviewed and the symptoms were dramatically getting better. By the end of the third month, she hardly had one or two bouts of very mild headaches. A MRI was performed at that time and the lesions were definitely better: some were completely gone and in the remaining ones there was no increase.
From here, I went on to the next higher potency of Calcarea Arsenicosa: 1M but kept Carcinosin at 200C. After another three months period further reduction of the lesions were observed and I continued the same remedies and potencies for three more months.

By the time we had completed a year of treatment, the MRI showed the lesions were 75% to 80% gone; the patient was in absolute comfort. I pushed up the potencies of Calcarea arsenicosa to 10M and Carcinosin to 1M, to be taken alternate week in plussing dose and this was done for another three months.
At the end of those three months, I stopped the “plussing dose” and went on to Calcarea arsenicosa 10M, split dose (3 pills x 4 times a day) for one day only. A month later, Carcinosin 1M split dose (3 pills x 4 times for a day only), and this was continued alternate months for the next year.
By the time we had completed two and half years of treatment, I stopped active prescribing. Six months earlier, the MRI was repeated and the findings were similar. The patient was very stable and in good health. Five years have now passed.
This case once again illustrate that seemingly unrelated to the pathology, the remedy, when properly matched, can bring about a cure and ever since this case, I have included Calcarea Arsenicosa as one of the “organ remedies” for brain tumors.

Photos from Wikipedia
Histopathological image of cerebral glioblastoma. Hematoxylin & esoin stain.

This case was first published in Hpathy, October 2010.

DVD of Cancer Congress with A.U. Ramakrishnan, Alok Pareek and Rosina Sonnenschmidt



Keywords: glioblastoma multiforme, recurrent headaches, epileptic seizures
Remedies: Calcarea arsenicosa

This article was originally published in www.interhomeopathy.org

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