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Catherine R. Coulter in 1989 with
Hering's Lachesis Snake



Catherine R. Coulter

Catherine R. Coulter obituary

Catherine Coulter passed away on the evening of February 24, 2014 at the age of 80.

Her daughter Marian wrote the following:

“I send to you the tremendously sad news that Catherine passed away at home, from a heart-related condition. It is a really heavy blow for the whole family.”

Catherine R. Coulter was one of the greatest homeopaths of recent decades and was well-known for her lively remedy descriptions.

She was born in 1934 and first encountered homeopathy when she consulted a homeopath during a holiday in France for treatment of her allergies. She was asked to return the following day and the homeopath then said to her that he had consulted the famous American Dr Kent about her case. On returning to the United States she asked about this Dr Kent, only to be told that he had been dead since 1916!

Her interest was aroused and Catherine Coulter proceeded to teach herself homeopathy. She started by “devouring” Boericke, followed by Hering's 10-volume Materia Medica and finally she stumbled on Kent's Repertory.

She started treating especially friends and family. In the 1970s she met various homeopathic doctors, who were very impressed by her knowledge of remedies and asked her to give talks on the subject. Since that time she taught at the National Center of Homeopathy in Millersville.

Together with Dr A.U. Ramakrishnan, she wrote the standard work A Homeopathic Approach to Cancer.

Major works:

Homeopathic Sketches of Children's Types
Portraits of Homeopathic Medicines


Catherine R. Coulter in 1989 with
Hering's Lachesis Snake



Catherine R. Coulter

Catherine R. Coulter obituary

Catherine Coulter passed away on the evening of February 24, 2014 at the age of 80.

Her daughter Marian wrote the following:

“I send to you the tremendously sad news that Catherine passed away at home, from a heart-related condition. It is a really heavy blow for the whole family.”

Catherine R. Coulter was one of the greatest homeopaths of recent decades and was well-known for her lively remedy descriptions.

She was born in 1934 and first encountered homeopathy when she consulted a homeopath during a holiday in France for treatment of her allergies. She was asked to return the following day and the homeopath then said to her that he had consulted the famous American Dr Kent about her case. On returning to the United States she asked about this Dr Kent, only to be told that he had been dead since 1916!

Her interest was aroused and Catherine Coulter proceeded to teach herself homeopathy. She started by “devouring” Boericke, followed by Hering's 10-volume Materia Medica and finally she stumbled on Kent's Repertory.

She started treating especially friends and family. In the 1970s she met various homeopathic doctors, who were very impressed by her knowledge of remedies and asked her to give talks on the subject. Since that time she taught at the National Center of Homeopathy in Millersville.

Together with Dr A.U. Ramakrishnan, she wrote the standard work A Homeopathic Approach to Cancer.

Major works:

Homeopathic Sketches of Children's Types
Portraits of Homeopathic Medicines

Spectrum of Homeopathy


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