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2013 December

Communication and bonding: six cases of Oxytocinum

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by Nelleke Bruch

In Oxytocinum, everything is about “communication and bonding”, in the broadest sense of the words. The patients who need it have the feeling of not being allowed to exist, or of not wanting to exist. They are searching for love and for contact. They do not want to talk; they say nothing and just cry, or they talk too much. Bonding and letting go is also a problem.

Oxytocinum can be given when there are problems with breastfeeding: when the milk flow is not well-established, when the child does not drink well, when the child does not want to stop feeding, or when the mother does not want to stop giving the breast. The remedy can also be given for sleep problems, developmental problems, slow growth and communication problems, such as autistic behaviours. The problem often goes back to the pregnancy and/or the birth.

Case one
A nineteen year old young man with depression. Since his relationship with his girlfriend is over, he has lost confidence in love and he no longer sees the sense of life. He has retired to his bedroom, where he feels safe, but he cannot sleep. He feels that no one understands him, and this makes him sad. He is drinking too much, smoking cannabis, and going to bed late. He is hungry and tired all the time. He does not care about anyone anymore. He does not want to talk to anyone, including his parents, and he has lost contact with his music friends, since he is not really “present”. Sometimes, he is deep in his thoughts, and when he suddenly comes back to reality, it is as though he has been dreaming; he does not know what he has been thinking about. 

Prescription: Oxytocinum MK

Follow-up: after two months, he is back to himself. He has re-established the contact with his friends, is playing in a band, and has a new girlfriend.

A year later, he phones for a new consultation because the depression has come back. He is meanwhile living in a flat. He asks for the same remedy, which he takes twice in two weeks. After that he feels good again, and does not require a new consultation. A few years later, it is still doing well. He is in a committed relationship but does not feel like living together with his girlfriend, as he first wants to see if she can live on her own. He is completely in love with her.

Case two
A sixteen year old girl of Chinese origin, who describes herself as “highly sensitive”, has anxiety attacks, and is afraid of death and loss. She talks very quickly, and cannot concentrate at school, where she is teased and unable to defend herself.

Her history is fraught: she was adopted at two years old, after being left as a foundling. Her parents are unknown. She has probably been swaddled for the first two years of her life, and never cuddled. She was simply bottle fed, while lying on her back. When she came to her adoptive parents she could not do anything. She had no muscle tone, and she would not sleep in her own bed.

Prescription: Oxytocinum 30 C in a bottle, which she takes to school with her.

Follow-up: when she holds onto the bottle, she becomes warm and peaceful. When she talks about her anxiety, she needs to hold onto the bottle. She licks her hands. Little by little she starts to make social contacts, and she is able to sleep in her own bed. She is taking violin lessons and drawing lessons, and is starting to take singing lessons. After a month, she receives Oxytocinum 200C. At school, she is no longer being teased, and her school results are better.

Case three
A mother (48 years old) and her son (12 years old)

The mother complains of electrosmog, because of the transmission masts in the area. She has had her house metered, and she wants to move house. She has been homeopathically treated for five years due to a traumatic youth, ovarian complaints, and recurrent breast abscesses; she has had more than 30 different homeopathic remedies from her previous homeopath.

She still suffers from panic attacks and fits of anger, problems with her eyes (black spots) and tiredness. She has cramps during ovulation, profuse perspiration, breast abscesses, sore throat and heart complaints, among others.

She is the seventh of eight children; her parents did not have a good relationship. As a child, she felt it was her duty to make sure that everyone else was doing well. Her mother told her that she would never have a husband and a child. She fell pregnant the first time she made love, which was a great shock for her and her husband, and she did not tell her mother. The birth process was a nightmare for her – she kept fainting. She did not manage to breastfeed her son.

Prescription: Oxytocinum 30C, which she carries with her.

Follow-up: “It felt like there used to be a glass wall around me, now I am coming out of it. I can make connections. I am going to have my teeth looked at. I can’t stand to have people around me, not even my son.” She has broken ties with her family, especially with her mother, saying that Mother Maria should look after them. Then, she has a breast abscess: “It is my bond with my mother – I was not allowed to exist, she denied my existence. If I was sick, I was not allowed to complain. I have had sore breasts since I was 15, and I used to faint when I ovulated." She mentally separates herself from her abscess: “it is not mine. Look what has been done to me.”

Prescription: Oxytocinum 200C

Follow-up: no more breast abscesses in seven weeks; she can wear her bra again. With Oxytocinum 1M and 10M the panic attacks and other complaints disappear. Her husband takes a different job, and they move house.

Oxytocinum 1M is given to her soon, and she says that she has her child back; he can make contact much better than before. She feels happy in her new house, and has a new hobby: dolls and doll houses – she repairs them and sells them. “I put lots of love in the dolls, and so I pass it on.” She takes Oxytocinum 1M from time to time.

Case four
Two day old baby who is constantly crying; she will not drink and will not sleep. An operation is necessary due to a hole in her heart. The mother is using a breast pump because she does not want to breastfeed. “I don’t want to bond with my baby – what if she doesn’t make it?”

Prescription: Oxytocinum 30C in a bottle, which is placed in the baby’s crib, and held between mother and child when the child drinks. The baby reacts immediately, sleeping better and crying less. The operation goes well. 

Case five
This woman is 39 weeks pregnant when she has terrible pains. Although she has given birth before, she has no experience with labour pains, since she previously gave birth to twins by caesarean section, at 32 weeks. In the hospital, she is given Syntocinon to stimulate the contractions. After 24 hours and much pain, she dilates enough to give birth; she is instructed to push, and then suffers a uterine rupture. The gynaecologist was not present at the time and the child died. There was no recording made of the contractions. 

After that tragedy, the mother cannot sleep; she is restless and hyperactive. She feels: “I was not allowed to ‘be’. No one listened to me because I was too young. I didn’t get any support from my parents.” She felt a lot of sympathy for the hospital intern who was present at the birth, but is now on sick leave: “He couldn’t do anything about it, he was still in training.”

Prescription: Several doses of Oxytocinum 1M, and Bach Rescue Remedy

Follow-up: she is able to sleep again. Three years later, she is pregnant again, and has a planned caesarean section in the university hospital. She receives Nux vomica for the after-effects of the anaesthetics, and Oxytocinum to help with sleep.

Case six
Five-year-old boy with facial eczema and in skin folds since his first year.

He started to cough at three and a half. After some time, he stopped coughing, but became even more seriously ill: he was admitted to hospital with asthmatic bronchitis, where he received Ventolin.

Two weeks ago, he had open eczema on his foot, for which he was given antibiotics. This brought on respiratory symptoms, for which he was given Ventolin and Pulmicort. His energy has diminished, and he has thin stools. He only drinks goat milk.

The birth went very quickly, in 50 minutes, and was a great shock.

The boy is friendly and cheerful, clowning around. He is a real peacemaker. He bites his nails, and he does not look one in the eye. He does not like conflicts. He always needs a photo of his mother when he goes to bed, or when he visits someone overnight.

Prescription: Phosphoric acid MK for the child, Oxytocinum for the mother

Follow-up: the eczema around his mouth that he had when he was two years old came back and then disappeared. His stools are light and loose – spelt bread is advised. Mother takes Oxytocinum, and tapes a dose behind the photo her son holds onto. Shortly after that, he does not need to hold the photo anymore. His energy returns, his skin complaints go, and he is strong in himself.

Flickr; Mark and Jess maternity; Marcia Shields; Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic
Flickr; Danielle and Lilliyan; Bob Whitehead; Attribution 2.0 Generic



Categories: Cases
Keywords: communication, bonding, depression, breastfeeding problems, weaning, autism
Remedies: Oxytocinum

This article was originally published in www.interhomeopathy.org

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