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Interview with Bhawisha Joshi, October 2012 in Kandern

Bhawisha Joshi is the leading homeopath working on imponderables.

Click to Play Interview with Bawisha Joshi 

English version

In this interview she explains what the particular nature and sensation of this not yet very well known group of remedies is and how she came to discover her particular interest in these remedies. Bhawisha Joshi is the author of "Homoeopathy and Patterns in the Periodic Table", where she presents her insight into noble gases and her extensive work on mineral remedies with particular regard to the first three rows. Her latest book "Nosodes and Imponderables Come Alive", which she wrote together with her husband Shachindra Joshi, is also available from Narayana.

WISH for Children with Bhawisha Joshi in October 2012




Interview with Bhawisha Joshi, October 2012 in Kandern

Bhawisha Joshi is the leading homeopath working on imponderables.

Click to Play Interview with Bawisha Joshi 

English version

In this interview she explains what the particular nature and sensation of this not yet very well known group of remedies is and how she came to discover her particular interest in these remedies. Bhawisha Joshi is the author of "Homoeopathy and Patterns in the Periodic Table", where she presents her insight into noble gases and her extensive work on mineral remedies with particular regard to the first three rows. Her latest book "Nosodes and Imponderables Come Alive", which she wrote together with her husband Shachindra Joshi, is also available from Narayana.

WISH for Children with Bhawisha Joshi in October 2012




Spectrum of Homeopathy


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